>Court heard Kennedy was a regular cannabis smoker who became ‘bad-tempered’ when he could not get hold of the drug and argued regularly with Oskar’s mother, Tia Jobey, 19.
>Jobey told police Kennedy would be ‘stressy’ when he could not smoke cannabis and said it ‘makes him paranoid about everything’.
People don't understand that for some pot users it can cause acute psychosis.
I myself become so paranoid when smoking weed I will start to believe that the FBI is tracking me and trying to kill me.
It isn't something I would wish on anybody.
I'm not talking about the normal paranoia associated with pot smoking. I'm talking about actual psychosis that lasts multiple days.
Levi Johnson
Nathan Gray
Every weed smoker I know gets agitated when they can't get smoke.
People are lying when they say it's non-addictive.
Parker Williams
I smoke daily. Have been for a while. Yeah I get irritable when sober, but shit, there's a fine line between being irritable and raging out so hard you twist off another humans nuts and smother him to death. Holy shit
Christopher Rogers
There is addiction just not dependence, when they say weed is non addictive they mean physically.
Matthew Campbell
dude had mental problems and was self-medicating, the act itself had nothing to do with the fact that he smoked weed. correlation != causality.
Kayden Sanchez
Thats just a regular psycho who happens to smoke weed.
Brayden Ward
duh it's a hallucinogen, people with mental issues are gonna have a rough time.
of course, the more you smoke the more you get used to the paranoia etc and it becomes manageable
Hunter Collins
It sounds more like you're fucking retarded with a delusional thought process.
Samuel Anderson
This is why Im never smoking again.
Jack Howard
Blonde hair, tubby, round face, frog like eyes.
This guy has FAS, and ADD. I can tell by looking at him. Not a person that should be smoking weed.
Evan Richardson
This. No better than smackheads and crackwhores. Druggies all have identical character traits. Filthy subhuman degenerates all of them.
Ryan Carter
Yeah, and while this is sad and all 9 out of 10 "has beens" dont kill their children
Me personally dont think it was cannabis that fucked with his brain this hard
Ryan Morris
this >this this >this
it triggers the same addiction/reward pathway (delta fosb accumulation in the nucleus accumbens) as every other addictive drug
Angel Stewart
He doesn't have FAS. The area above his lip isn't smooth. His upper lip isn't even that thin. He's just a white dude.
Eli Rodriguez
Along with tolerance, getting withdrawal symptoms upon quitting (such as irritability) IS physical addiction
Chase Foster
>pot smokers are fucking degenerate garbage >/pol is one person
Caleb Jones
>killed son by twising his testicles was he a kike-mutt too?
Jayden Collins
No you are all retards. Cannabis can be used for years with no effects. People who become violent while high are twice as violent normally, anyone who has used the drug (even recreationally) knows this. As a regular cannabis user, I would enjoy meeting this guy and twisting his nuts off, but I wouldn't blame Cannabis jsut the fact that he is a stupid faggot.
Nathan Nguyen
>MFW thats how this asshole is going to die in prison
Anthony Stewart
But Dr. Finkelburg told me it was harmless.
Grayson Barnes
No, it's not. Irritability is what whiney asskikes do when they can't get "all high" of course there are stupid faggots that smoke weed, it means less competition for the rest of us.
There are also people who depend on the effects of Cannabis for their everyday life and mood. It isn't addiction, it's the effects and alleviation that the drug provides both physically and mentally, without being able to overdose or cause brain damage...
Nolan Hill
No it isn't. Weed isn't a fucking hallucinogen. If you have latent schitzo tendencies or other psychoactive disorders, weed can unfortunately make them more prevalent. That's it. Weed just kind of let's us know who shouldn't smoke weed right away.
Kayden Anderson
>It's harmless >It's harmless >I swear it's harmless >I'm totally ok >I'm ok >I can quit any time I want >Check out this Soros-funded study that says it's healthy for you!! >Hahaha look it's harmless >It's harmless
Thomas Gomez
It differs per person. I haven't smoked in months and I haven't noticed any difference in how I feel except that I don't feel as sluggish anymore. The fact that there aren't uniform withdrawal symptoms would make me say there is no physical addition
The psychological addiction is ridiculous and very real with weed, however
Benjamin Diaz
THis is you (OP) you are a faggot
Kayden Williams
>wall of greentext >doesn't live in a place where pharma allows cannabis >a jew invests in a booming industry
No shit sherlock, of course all the pharma and cancer want in, this is why we are pushing legalization faster. In Colorado we have a grassroots industry that has grown into a BILLION DOLLAR industry, that money is circulating EVERYWHERE. No mega-corporations involved. Zero jews, all white people basically... Just stop, your ignorance is glaring
Have you ever ACTUALLY weened off anything psychologically addictive? SUch as Adderall? I was on Adderall for 10 years, trying to quit caused rage, mental problems, etc. etc. etc.
No, the effects of stopping Cannabis are not "ridiculous" you just haven't experienced the pharma withdrawal, or even caffeine apparently, which gives you headaches. Cannabis doesn't cause any pain to go without.
Easton Barnes
>all recreational marijuana users are murderers and degenerate psychopaths
Is this the 1920s? Jesus Christ.
Joseph Mitchell
When you lie a kike sticks a needle in your eye OP.
Adam Lopez
>coffee withdrawal gives you headaches >that not being a physical withdrawal symptom
Elijah Lopez
No one should deny the physiological effects Cannabis has on a person and how that contributes to habit forming, but the potential withdrawal effects are relatively minor (some trouble sleeping, slightly moody or bored, maybe less of an appetite) and easily overcome in short period of time. The big thing though is that there is no evidence of outright dependence which is what makes drugs like heroin so dangerous.
Levi Fisher
No it was the weed
Luke Wood
That's literally what I was saying, if something as harmless as coffee causes headaches when you develop an unhealthy schedule around it, how can you attack the effects of Cannabis withdrawal when it is 1/100th as bad as caffeine (which is one of the weakest withdrawals compared to Tobacco or Heroin, etc.)
Carson Stewart
well I'm not sure what you're trying to say then
if you're saying that weed isn't psychologically addictive you might be clinically retarded, especially if you're comparing it to a bunch of things that have physical withdrawal symptoms
Parker Thomas
>but the potential withdrawal effects are relatively minor (some trouble sleeping, slightly moody or bored, maybe less of an appetite)
Meme. Meme. Meme.
The guy in OP's pic killed his baby son because of weed withdrawal. Don't be an idiot. For some people, the withdrawal symptoms are huge.
Noah Lee
fuck you freedom hater
if you post about degeneracy you are a fucking cuck
Joshua Clark
Imo alot of drugs effects are linked to iq. I smoke pot a couple times a week yet I'm pulling a 3.4 GPA in college (I got jewed with my history class becuase I didn't cuck for blm). This guy just looks autistic to begin within.
Nolan Flores
weed is a hallucinogen.
Joseph Miller
>For some people, the withdrawal symptoms are huge.
yeah due to pre-existing problems
Gabriel Gonzalez
its 100% all you, if you have a weak mind or mental problems its going to affect you in a serious mannee
Jose Nguyen
>all these reefer addicts making excuses in this thread NO DRUGS NO ALCOHOL NO CIGARETTES
Leo James
>its all you >"it" will "affect"
How stupid are you
James James
i know a few people who actually get agitated and agressive while high
Jordan Gomez
Wrong. Its a mild sedative hypnotic. Have you ever taken psychadelics?
Dominic Torres
>Have you ever taken psychadelics?
Yes more than you or anyone in this thread.
Weed is a hallucinogen all you have to do is google it. lol
Joseph Barnes
im not the one with bitch disposition like you user tough the fuck up pussy,
Jason Flores
>marijuana is a hallucinogen
Literally is not. You've never smoked it.
oh, and lmao.
Ryder Nguyen
>implying the FBI isn't tracking you >implying they aren't building a profile on you based on your posts >implying they aren't waiting to pounce >implying that Van down the road has always been there
Bentley Rivera
THC is a hallucinogen. Please prove me wrong.
Jayden Carter
Weed is for niggers anywyas
Xavier Nguyen
Some people just can't handle life.
Joseph Lee
>mannee Jimmy Valmer?
Nicholas Nelson
it is mildly psychedelic effect not full blown tripping like mushrooms
Parker Lewis
It's a drug that's difficult to classify and shares characteristics with hallucinogens, stimulants, and depressants.
Anthony Wilson
>tfw the FBI cares enough about me to park a van nearby
Camden Scott
First 10-15 mins THC is a stimulant, afterwards it behaves as a hallucinogen.
psychedelic =/= hallucinogen
Logan Wright
Okay, it's not. If you hallucinate from weed then congrats, you've been laced. Weed effects your vision because it irritates your eyes
Easton Peterson
>Okay, it's not. If you hallucinate from weed then congrats, you've been laced. Weed effects your vision because it irritates your eyes
Lol, dumbest post so far, can anyone beat this high score?
Hudson Edwards
>jailed for life
Pretty sure that's not justice... does he live in some pussy liberal state or something?
Carter Barnes
If you're worried about pot doing this you should be going after 25i and such as they actually do this. I almost killed my whole family because I forgot what a human being was I was so fuckin high. It was horrible.
Connor Butler
Used to smoke every once in a while, don't anymore. Recovering alcoholic of nine years; everything about life is so much better. If there are any anons here who don't think they can, trust me: It's possible. It doesn't have to be the way you think. Your life doesn't have to be packed into a bowl, it doesn't have to end at the bottom of a bottle. Just believe you're worth more than that shit, because you are. Is it a struggle? Of course it is. What matters in the end, is whether or not you're strong enough to deny it. Don't let that fucking pollution define who you are, let your strength. Give it up and start living. You have no idea how much better things are until you let go.
Joseph Taylor
Ask your mom to start posting then
Levi Davis
Jayden Russell
>19 year old mother This is the problem.
Jacob Lopez
Sure for some people who pre-existing psychological problems, having those effects might contribute but only incidentally and to a degree that is negligible. We also don't know if he took other drugs that might be a bigger effect on his behavior then just "weed withdrawals".
There only evidence there is shows a potential to increase psychological issues with those already predisposed to schizophrenia, past that its effects are relatively mild.
Caleb Peterson
>not just doing 2C-I or 2C-E fucking retarded
Isaiah Morales
Drinking coffee with processed sugar whipped cream
Gtfo degenerate.
Easton King
That, i seriously doubt. Ever done a thumbprint?
Kayden Ortiz
user, I . . .
Cooper Parker
wtf all pot smokers are child murderers now thanks for opening my eyes, gonna go murder a kid now
Luke Lopez
Ian Scott
ever done ayahuasca
Parker Cox
If it was legal it wouldnt of happened he could of drove to the atore and bought it. This seems to be a pro legalizatuon article right?
Elijah Murphy
La purga is funny shit m80.
Josiah Murphy
This is the UK, the original story was that he was jealous of the baby getting too much attention from the mother so he tortured and killed him.
Daily mail brought up the weed (they are a very anti drug news site) so weed got the blame, like Mephedrone got the blame (by the Daily Mail and government) for the deaths of two people that actually died from a heroin and alcohol overdose, which was the premise for the mephedrone ban by the labour government.
Fuck this country.
Christian Sullivan
Eli Myers
Pot smoking is degenerate but you're daft if you think it makes people violent or that this guy killed his son because he had no weed.
The extent to which pot effects you is it makes you sleepy, lazy, and a little spaced out. It doesn't radically alter your mood, especially if you're a daily smoker. This is true for like 99% of people that smoke weed. Some people do develop psychosis due to weed, and 99% of those people are also completely harmless.
William Thomas
how can people read this article and assume he came to this conclusion because of weed? if it was to do with weed im sure thered be a lot more murders and problems
this dude clearly had underlying psychological problems
Hunter Morgan
Indeed, as well as knocking a girl up at a stupidly young age. I used to smoke weed but stopped because I get headaches whenever I smoke it now, but it didn't do any of that shit to me. The media just want to ban fun and use degenerates as an excuse, yet they say fuck all about all the problems alcohol causes.
Joseph Rodriguez
Same here, never smoked pot but am psychotic anyway. Very bad, makes your life trash, psychosis and schizophrenia can be triggered by weed, don't smoke it. This kind of disease is not for faggots, it can ruin your life.
Jonathan Murphy
Synthetic cannabinoids cause major problems, cannabis is about the balance of thc and cbd within the stuff you get. If it has too much cbd then you're more prone to the bad effects (paranoia, etc) vs its thc content or from what I can remember.
Daniel Ramirez
Or is it too much thc content? I get the two mixed up. See memory problems caused by smoking skunk right here.
Gabriel Clark
I used to work for a probation office, you have no idea how many people went back to jail because they couldn't give up weed while they were on parole.
Xavier Parker
Lol id turn you and your father into women in less than 10 minutes m8
1v1 me
Owen Thomas
Michael Perez
been smoking weed every day for 14 years never killed a baby i'm a lot slower than i used to be, but never killed a baby (on purpose)
Leo Nelson
He'll be out in 10-15 year max
Isaiah Morris
>9.9k people died in just drunk driving crashes in 2014, not including any other incidents involving alcohol >"You're not taking my alcohol away, no siree"
>One fucking crazy guy kills a kid while not on cannabis >"Fucking degenerates"
Grayson Rogers
Anybody who believes this shit posted on here about a plant that grows naturally is a fucking moron! Weed hate group, you guys are too funny and far too bored. What else would you expect from Sup Forums?
Kayden Morris
Colton Wood
Withdrawal from weed? Cmon, I just woke up 20 minutes ago withdrawing from heroin and I don't feel the need to rob anyone let alone twist a baby's testicles off. This kid clearly was fucked in the head bigly and weed just happened to be involved
Jacob Barnes
What is with all the fucking anti-pot threads?
It's always so disgustingly obvious that you morons have no idea about pot.
I'm a grown ass man who buys my shit from another grown ass man and we both have grown as fucking men jobs in a customs shop that we do every day to expectation.
I've smoked pot for a long fucking time and I've never experienced the shit you people have, there was something wrong in there before you smoked the plant chief.
Carson Jones
Nah somebody is gonna reach up his ass and turn him inside out within 6 months. If they dont just turn him into a fleshlight. He will not fare well, and considering it wasnt a sex crime he will probably be put into GP. Hes fucked m8.
Colton Brooks
They are the kind of people who could get physically addicted to an MMO and die on the keyboard.
Chase Diaz
>anecdotal evidence
just stop posting and let people who actually know what they're talking about post.
Eli Cook
>We used it to help fuel the industrial prison complex but it's becoming illegal, now what?! >Wait, there's real money to be made! Demonize it again just enough for more federal regulation, lobbyist ho!
Mason Jones
I guess these digits demand it... But damn famalam you dont gotta be so rude.