You're gonna see the star wars film right?

You're gonna watch it right pol?

What are you some kind of shut in bigot who is afraid of minorities and women or something?

Get ready for the best star wars movie of all time, and there's nothing you little racist manchildren can do about it.

I will pirate the fuck out of it. No shekels for (((hollywood))).

Alright, so what's going on with this shit? Why are people getting so angry?
I haven't been paying attention to it because fiction is degenerate and I don't like exposing myself to it, but I've been seeing this shit all over so what's the big deal with it?

Mainly this tweet + the strong independent womyn (again) after Rey and her minority friends against the big bad white people.

I cannot stand the sight of Felicity Jones's face.

hey look guys its a empire strikes back reboot

No, Godzilla was shit and it's the same director.

I heard it's actually not that bad?
I've heard opinions that it isn't as much of diversity porn as it was building up to be.

I'm going to stream it for $0

give me your best spoilers, if the empire wins this might be worth watching

Star Wars is LITERALLY garbage, how can people even like that shit

>they all die


Degenerate rebel scum should be wiped out.

>What are you some kind of shut in bigot who is afraid of minorities and women or something?

That's exactly why I watch it. I get to watch the team of good "goy" minorities all get killed by the Empire

this might be worth watching after all

>That's how the cocaine - which was mixe inthe kebab - got into my body.

I think it's just the same noise marketing that they used for ghostbusters, mad max, birth of a nation, etc. Find some people whining on twitter and write articles about them. Say anyone who won't go see the movie is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.

Didn't even bother to pirate 7th movie

>no Kyle Katarn
blow me

>paying to go to a modern day cinejew

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled
>cares about some pop culture bullshit like star wars

Yeah I'll go see it eventually, but the writers are morons. As if a woman being the hero in a movie is going to rustle anyone's jimmys in 2016. Trumps worst nightmare? Trump supporters worst nightmare? Is everyone retarded? There have been strong women in movies since movies existed. Ripley was awesome. Did the writers of "Alien" feel the need to try to alienate half of the potential fan base just to virtue signal to a bunch of Huff post reading morons?

And the fact that they are going to put these out every year makes me less enthused. I cringe at the thought of having to hear, 10 years from now, all my coworkers freaking out about how great the new SW will be.

A few bits here and there have been leaked.

The CGI Leia and Tarkin are apparently bad, but I can't say for sure since the cam rips are blurry.

The part near the end where Vader slaughters his way through a rebel ship was great. The clip should be floating somewhere around Sup Forums.

The worst part of the movie is apparently the dialogue. They try to had Marvel quips and it falls flat. Really flat

Only cucks watch this shit nowadays


i'm going to see it tonight but only so i can more easily convince my friends on the fence that it's not worth seeing afterword

I won't even bother doing that.

looks boring and overly sjw desu

put styx on the robot


Only faggots are going to go see this shit. And going to see it ironically makes you an even bigger faggot

This 100%

Its not like I want to, but I do like having friends and would like to see a vagina again one day. Both of those require me to leave the house, and be somewhat normal.

>tfw u go on Sup Forums and they say it sucks shit

Already have my tickets.

What's the point in life if you aren't allowed to enjoy yourself occasionally.

Going to see it in the best cinema in the UK.

This goy knows, so no, I'm not watching. Not a single shekel Kyke.

Watching it will make your eyes burn and your testicles fall off.

You have been warned.

I am not going to see just alone for the fact that I think Star Wars is boring. Why even waste my time with the films. At least some of the older games were good.

Alt Right dweebs cant afford movie tickets so they get bitterly angry... yet again!

>there's nothing you little racist manchildren can do about it
Except not see it.

saw it today at the cinema, pretty fun... also bought the Rey lego speeder just to shitpost here, not even kidding.

saying this again, i respect the director, but this is what happens now if you wanna make big movies

gotta pander to what (((they))) want

Yep, now I will just pirate it

Also, Darth Vader is nude for a scene and all the rebel "Heros" are killed off by vader in the end.

that actress is cute. i want to impregnate her

if you dont like cuckservatism why did you align with these people?

Na I'm good, I got better stuff to watch

I will still watch the movie, I just wont give (((them))) my money

>do I want to watch a film made by people who called me a nazi and then doubled down?

I will watch Mike and Jay talk about it, however.


Although I have to go see it when I go to visit my family because my brother in-law loves Star Wars to an obsessive degree and wants us to all go see it as a family. He's paying for the tickets, so why not, I guess. I'll just bring a flask and get hammered.

No pal. She's mine.