ITT: We judge each other countries by the type of porn they like to search on Pornhub.
ITT: We judge each other countries by the type of porn they like to search on Pornhub
Everyone's normal except America
>worlds biggest dick
Sweden never fails to impress
>lots of german stuff, which is good I guess
>lots of milf and mom stuff, which is a little weird
>Gina-Lisa Lohfink pretended to get "raped" by two retarded turk roaches
>there was a video of this
>she did not get raped
>shes just a slut
>milf and mom stuff
What are you, fucking gay?
MLP =(
>extreme gangbang
fucking kek
>hardcore lesbian scissoring
What are you talking about hue hue top search is animal porn.
>Other terms that made the top 10 were “ebony”, “south africa” and “black”, which is unsurprising given that 79.2% of South Africa’s population identifies as black.
they ARE black ffs
>Scooby doo
what the fuck
Why is british chav growing?
And pokemon? Jesus fucking christ.
Wow feels good to know that everybody searches teen. I thought the fbi would come to me one day for it. Guess im safe.
r russia?
>Top 3 Pornstars
>2 Mia Khalifa
lmao jobless mudshits are this common in Germany
I knew all italians were fags. They are too flamboyant to not be fags.
Wow brazillians r fags too who knew,
ayy teen again
ANother one for teen!
Ayy hentai
*Everyone's normal except Brazil
>hardcore lesbian scissoring
im fucking dying
>romantic sex
By the way how is Mia Khalifa 2nd place in almost every query? Is this a bug or something?
Because shitskin women want the British Chav Cock
>posting low quality clop
Is he number 2 for every fucking country?
She's top 3 everywhere
That's some nice nationalistic spirit there japan.
Look up pakistan's.
intuitively, by looking at these charts, it seems like these two things have been gaining the most popularity
>cartoon (sometimes specific cartoons)
any insights as to why? this seems really interesting
The police are coming for you
That was all the website had.
>worlds biggest dick
>all 3 top actresses have been blacked many times
No Russians will post in this thread I bet
stepmom and cartoon over teen
I need to move to a country with better taste
There busy posting elsewhere:
Every time i go on any major tube site that has trending section by country on the front page it's always (pseudo) incest stuff.
God damn it
Why is this bitch number 1 in the united states? She's not hot and her sex tape sucked.
Because Americans love slowly sucking off big black cock
Me included
Do all Swedes secretly fantasize about their mom giving them a hot Swedish message at a spa?
Yes he is.
Cute considering it seems he is a boy, I never knew that.
Porn is for losers. And pornhub got banned this year along with some other big porn websites, so this degeneracy won't spread.
I wonder if Kayne West seen this chart and that is why he is currently having a nervous breakdown.
Porn is for losers. And pornhub got banned this year along with some other big porn websites, so this degeneracy won't spread.
>Russian damage control.
Y'all motherfuckers got caught red handed. At least you're not Brazil, though.
Porn was banned?
My god Russia is worse than I thought.
Forget helping the middle east, ruskies need aid emediatly
Here you go, comrade.
>Sup Forums now gets banned in Russia.
>Mia is bae
I like how Sup Forumsacks claim to oppose cuckoldry when watching porn is pretty much the same thing.
It's not our wife though.
>How does it feel to know that we enjoy watching videos of your wife?
>It's not our wife though.
So? If you are willingly watching another man fuck a woman that your brain finds sexually attractive, you're a cuck.