Yes, BABY!! We're doing this. We are going to bury this SJW crap.

No more SJW bullcrap.

Go to Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, Metacritic and other rating based websites. And rate this shit as low as possible.





Other urls found in this thread:


It's the second best Star Wars ever made. Deal with it.

It seems like a comfy movie ;-;


don't bother dude, Sup Forums don't watch crap movies; and the hollywood machinery is too big for the complot (also the review sites).

They will say the alt-right Fail in this matter.
we really don't care, shit movie with shitty agenda.

Kinda like Ghostbusters huh?

Bump bump bump
They ruined a beloved series of mine, this shit has to stop

My friend saw it last night at a special screening at his movie theater and said it was better than the last Star Wars so I think your campaign will be for nothing.

>asians in star wars
how does that even work?


>mfw I'll never watch these shity movies

No, the film is quite simply brilliant.

I like the new star wars movies. I think you guys are taking this hole SJW coming right at us too seriously.

no, that was a genuine crap movie; Star Wars Rogue One will be mediocre but at least enjoyable.

what was sjw about it ? the main "heroine" got knocked out like 3 times and its a lot if she killed more than 10 stormtroopers in the whole movie , she sucked compared to the rest of the team

I want Admiral Thrawn and Mara Jade back damnit!

Fuck Disney's Social Justice Wars!

admiral thrawn is still canon you do know that ?

>empire is white supremacist organization
>has a black stormtrooper in the previous movie

Are africans honorary aryans now what the fuck

Some of the creators have told "empire = white nationalists" and similar bullshit, making this not-so-sublime propaganda against whites that justifies murdering, slaughtering and maiming all of us because "hurrr eevil whitey".

HAHAHA are those fucking somoans? then the island at the bottom! wtf.

space somoans yo

Not really. Hell, the entire rebel team dies in the movie. This is probaly the first sw movie that wasn't made explictly to be a kids movie. I rather enjoyed it desu.

I'll just find it online, like every other movie. Last movie I saw in theatres was 'over the hedge'.

Does anyone know if Vader kills all of them by the end? If that happens then I'm going to watch it regardless. Worth it.

he dont kill the rogue one team , but he destroy a group of like 20 rebels at the end

He slaughters a hallway full of rebels in one scene.

This OP reads like it was written by a journalist just so they could screencap it for their article.

that's still badass, i want to see vader lose his shit and fuck everything up

lol you're just mad because you dont get your white male hero as the lead. no problems with white people/jews dominating the film industry and brainwashing colored people for decades. but now we get one movie with a diverse cast and you cry foul. go take your ball and play somewhere else.

6 other star wars you can go watch with mostly white cast get fucked. this is the future m8

Nobody cares about your shitty fantasy movies and how they are not like they used to be, fucking nerd

Great point

>white people/jews

Spoiler Alert: Vader died back in Return of the Jedi.

Yeah but he's yet to shine at the level of Heir to the Empire.

Thrawn should be running the First Order.


if the rebel series dont kill him off (wich its unlikely) i can see him being either in part 8 or 9 in the first order , and they better nail the part about him being a tactical genius

Fuck. I wanted him to single handily kill that annoying ass Rogue team.

Was the theater clerk a meanie to you?
Not enough Mountain Dew in your XXL cup?
Not your personal army. kys.

Look. I'm redpilled. I get it. I just like all things Star Wars. Why are you guys being faggots about this? Take up a better crusade ffs.

God I hope so desu.

The same way the Empire can be a White Supremacist organisation

media fags plz stop making these threads to use as fake news on your sites, nobody gives a shit about star wars anymore, we all know you're owned by china. kthxkillyourselvesbye

back in the day in the Extended Universe they were some asian looking characters here and there , so its really nothing new

I have spoilers for anyone who is interested.

You know it's pretty pathetic that you get so riled up over a female lead Star Wars movie that it not only threatens to emasculate your beta male whiteness, but does it to such a degree that you have to try and rile up people to rig review data to make yourself feel good about yourself on an anonymous chinese checkers board.

Dont listen to this shill

Things like this will only give the mainstream more shilling power against the evil nazi frogs

you bet

Weapons engineer Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) is conscripted by Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendehlson) to assist the Galactic Empire in the development of the Death Star. Galen's wife, Lyra, is killed by Krennic, while their daughter, Jyn, becomes a fugitive and is rescued by Galen's old friend, Resistance fighter Saw Guerrera (Forest Whitaker). Years later, Jyn (Felicity Jones) has become a criminal and is rescued from an Imperial detention facility on planet Wobani by Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), a member of the Rebel Alliance, and K2S0 (Alan Tuddyk), a reprogrammed Imperial droid. They escort her to the Rebel Alliance's base of operations on Yavin IV, where their leader, Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), reveals that Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed), a Rebel spy in the Galactic Empire, has been captured by Guerrera while transporting vital information about the Death Star. The Rebels need Jyn to negotiate with Guerrera for Rook's release. Arriving on planet Jedha, Jyn and Andor are ambushed by Stormtroopers and rescued by blind monk Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen) and freelance assassin Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) before being captured by Guerrera and his men and taken to Rook, who reveals that Galen designed the Death Star with a fatal flaw, an unprotected exhaust port. Krennic locates Rook and uses the Death Star to fire at Jedha, creating a chain reaction that destroys the entire planet. Jyn, Andor, Rook, Imwe, Malbus and K2S0 escapes while Guerrera stays behind to die with his men

Part 2

Andor reports to the Rebel leaders that Galen is stationed on planet Eadu. Arriving there, the group watches as Galen reveals himself as the traitor to prevent Krennic from executing the other engineers. Jyn breaks into the facility to rescue him, but Galen is fatally injured in a Rebel bombing, while Krennic escapes. With his dying breath, Galen tells Jyn that the Death Star's plans are hidden on a fortress on planet Scarif. Returning to Yavin IV, the Rebel leaders debate on how to proceed. Jyn urges them to steal the plans from Scarif, but they believe it to be a suicide mission and reject her proposal. Jyn decides to go on her own, and is joined by Andor and his followers. The group arrives on Scarif in a stolen Imperial ship, and Imwe and Malbus lead an assault on the facility as a diversion so Jyn, Andor and K2S0 can infiltrate the facility and K2S0 sacrifices himself to disable the planetary shields and allow Jyn and Andor to steal the plans.

Last part for
The Rebel leaders learn that Scarif is under attack and scramble a feet of X-Wings to help. Jyn and Andor make their way atop the facility to broadcast the data to the Rebel Alliance, but Andor is shot by Krennic and left behind. Imwe sacrifices himself to blow up the facility's signal jammer, and Malbus dies in a blaze of glory, killing Krennic's elite Stormtroopers. Rook dies when his ship is blown up, just as the Rebel fleet arrives and begins destroying the facility. Jyn reaches the transmitter, but is caught by Krennic. Just as he's about to kill her, Andor returns and shoots him dead. At the Death Star, Grand Moft Tarkin finds out that Scarif has been compromised and destroys it with the Death Star, and Jyn and Andor embrace as they're consumed by the shockwaves. Meanwhile, the Rebel fleet is intercepted by Darth Vader, who slaughters the Rebels and is then ordered by Tarkin to retrieve the plans. The plans are intercepted by Princess Leia Organa, who departs to Alderaan to deliver them to her father, Senator Bail Organa.

You're all being used fucktards, thete is no anti-trumpisms in the movie

Honestly don't bother. The anti trump thing is literally psyops. Ignore it.

One salty libtard, it was never collaberated by Disney and the executives came out and said there were no politics (because China wouldn't have allowed it otherwise)

Remember when the whole cuck thing started with the last movie. They're manufacturing this outrage from nothing and using it as free publicity for the movie. Just ignore it.


Vader catches one of the bolts and sends it back at them in much the same way as Plagueis did with lightning.

that's fucking glorious
i'm going to watch it

Seems like people are bitching about this movie like they bitched about Fury Road, which turned out to be bitching about fucking nothing

Who the fuck cares, if it's a good movie it's a good movie regardless of what actors are like.

This is literally SJW tier shit.

White Supremacists =/= White People

The alt right are literally SJWs on the opposite side of the spectrum, they don't even try to hide it anymore.

What's with all these shills/ctr/normies today?

So your master stroke is to downvote it? Who gives a fuck. It should get downvoted because it's sitting at an 8.6 and it's just as garbage as the last one. A 6 at best.

>This is literally SJW tier shit

And you can thank the SJWs for normalizing this kind of outrage culture.

l havent watched the last episode and l will not watch this one. By the way, Star Wars are one of my fovorite fantasy movies.

Pic related is literally you right now, OP.

PS the film is about a WHITE CENTRAL CHARACTER saving the minority supporting characters. You don't even know what you're protesting, you idiot.

for real, a friend of mine and hif gf bought the ticked for 3 people and suddenly her cat started dying or something and we can't make it, any1 wants 3 tickets for rogue 1?

>We're going to destroy this movie
Don't you really have anything better to do? If you don't like the movie, don't go see it.

It's well made but the message it's trying to convey is politically correct and forced. I'm not saying every movie needs to be a nazi-fest, but keep your social justice out of my entertainment

I would never pay shekels to see this movie which is nothing but anti-white propaganda. Burn it to the ground by NOT paying to see it. I'm treating it like it's a baby seal.

>no politics

Yeah ok

why not try to bait sjws into praising star wars for its anti fascism inorder to put off the average movie goer like ghostbustrers

That has nothing to do with politics. He just said hate.

the empire didnt act outside of how they acted back in the day , they destroyed a town full of peoples sure , but in the fourth movie they destroyed a full planet so

Honestly everyone's fav character in this movie (vader) is on the white supremacist side.

fuck off faggot

R1 has fuck all SJW agenda, It's also one of the best Star Wars films made after the original trilogy.
Who gives a fuck what two people involved with the film did on twitter.

Please fucking end yourself cunt.

As soon as Trump won. This safety pin bullshit spawned from politics. In fact that tweet is specifically directed at Trump's policies on making the country safe and lawful.

you feel pretty strongly about that bong

I do.
I'm about as reasonably redpilled as it gets, I went into the movie expecting some sort of shitty TFA-lite mary sue nonense bullshit but instead I came out of it hyped as fuck and enjoyed it massively (well the second half at least).

faggots like OP either haven't actually seen the film or are mentally ill and cannot see reason beyond their own delusion.
Probably both.

the best Sup Forums can do to shit in this agenda is through the toy companies.

writing reviews and complains about how the 'stormstroppers' are nazi toys and shit.

This, fuck'em. Star Wars was my childhood, and it hurts to see that it's being used to push (((progressive))) crap.

No you retard, one salty liberal was stupid enough to admit it, and the rest tried to damage control.

I have seen this movie. There were only a few background blacks and nothing more to worry about. SW 7 was far more cucked. Rouge 1 was a good movie.

Who is defending white people? White nationalists.

Who are being constantly silenced, shamed and targeted? White nationalists.

Who will defend white people if white nationalists go? Nobody.


Second best shit nugget in the toilet bowl isn't much of a distinction.

>I just like all things Star Wars

You're a fucking traitor
You're close to coal burning
liking (((progressive))) media won't get you any closer to that pussy

If I took a yuuuuge, stinking shit, and somehow convinced Disney to canonise it as official Star Wars merchandise, would you like it?

thanks for posting this (i was a little confused for the last fucking movie)

All this feigned outrage over Trump winning. So when he does absolutely nothing to the fags and minorities, they wont be able to use their fabricated victim status as leverage for this kind of bullshit. Im passing on this movie, and this is coming from a long time Star Wars fan. Im not giving my money to this propaganda. Let the franchise die then they'll wish they hadnt alienated their core demographic. Its going to be funny when the normie "le im a nerd" demographic and strongk young women get progressivelly less interested with each subsequent film.

I heard Jyn is a bigger mary sue than rae.

>the message it's trying to convey is politically correct and forced
Remember when the message was that the Empire dindu nuffin in Episode 4 - 6? Man I can't believe Lucas got away with so much politically incorrect stuff back then wow

She really wasn't, the male characters did most of the actual fighting and heroics. She was even saved by the spic at the very end.
At best, she just fixed an antenna, that was her entire contribution to the movie.

Remember when Lucas said that the Empire was for white power? amazing how much of a nigger you can be wow

i'm not watching a perfect little girl save the universe again
>protest unnecessary

ahahaha you faggots are so insecure holy fuck