pol, i was watching the death of Yugoslavia today. and found myself contradicted.. i was wondering is there anything the serbs did was wrong??
help a burger bro out. what are the feelings today?
pol, i was watching the death of Yugoslavia today. and found myself contradicted.. i was wondering is there anything the serbs did was wrong??
help a burger bro out. what are the feelings today?
Serbs failed to remove Kebab.
Titoniggers deliberately divided the country into "ethnic" states, in order to weaken Serbia as much as possible due to some reason, i suspect proto-globalists had a hand in it and deliberately supported the gommies instead of the royalists. So when the states started declaring independence, serb areas declared independence from those states but OY VEY happened
they were attempting to remove kebab yes they failed for what ever reason but i don't see how they did anything wrong. i mean we all want to remove kebabs.
does serbia still have kebabs?
>Serbs failed to remove Kebab.
>implying they wanted to.
>does serbia still have kebabs?
yes in sandzak area
yes we wanted, fuck kebabs
>did the serbs do anything wrong?
no they didn't do anything wrong, other nations became dog of imperialist like always they did(nazis, ottoman and finally NATO-US).
serbs were always right, they have right to hate us, look at syria today and image same guys in your childhood streets, in your hometown and look at your mom, your sister, if you have, your wife or gf.
OY BA REMEMBER THE 8000 hiljada tisuca
>yes we wanted, fuck kebabs
You're probably 12 and NO you didn't.
ICT said Seselj dindu nuffin
thats cus he dindu nuffin
Nothing. Just kill some mudslims.
no i'm not and yes we wanted.
speaking about the documentary (youtube.com
>no i'm not and yes we wanted.
Give me a single proof.
Here's your proof
*unzips dick*
Nisam peder...Ali hvala ti puno
>zivi u francuskoj
>nisam peder
Inace jel se ne zoves kojim slucajem Boris? Znam druga isto iz francuske koji je malo(vise) autistican
They're not shrinking, they're just getting back to their de jure territory. Pic related is Yugoslavia in 1918. Serbia never ever before 1945 controlled territory north of the Danube.
Not honoring the yugoslav Constitution
Ok OP, as nobody will tell you something true in this shitty thread except )
Serbs got fucked from the beginning until the end. Bombed. Economically cucked and they lost their lands.
The kebab removal meme is funny as hell, but this is exactly the same shit the (((globalists))) said : Serbs started a genocide.
No, they don't. And no they didn't want to.
Result ?
Kosovo is 95% Albanian. Who made ethnic cleaning ? Serbs ?!
>tfw you lost your ballsack
feels bad man
Kosovo is Serbia though. But that's what you get when you can't keep Albanians in check.
Yugoslavia worked good up until Titos death. There was very little religious/national tension a as long as the economy was not stagnating. We had 6.1% annual GDP growth, free education and healthcare. However, all of that changed when the USA pulled the plug on foreign investments to YUGO.
Basically they wanted multi party elections in every republic (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia etc)or no more cash flow into yugo states.
People voted for nationalists (Tudjman, Izetbegovic and Milosevic) and shit hit the fan.
What we did wrong was going into war in the first place. The best thing would have been to follow the Czechoslovakian example of a friendly-split... but that's impossible with yugo mongoloids.
The only thing they ever did wrong was not genociding the gypsies
Well most off Albanians who left where I live moved to Croatia or West Europe so it's you're turn to keep them in check or else their map of ,,Greater Albania'' is gonna get updated
Dude, half the fucking country worked in Germany. And when did the will of the people to return to their historic independent nations instead of sticking in a 20th century artificial quasi country become nationalism?
I am always amazed by imbeciles among Croats and Serbs praising Tito.
A murderous, backstabbing, turncoat degenerate, who betrayed every single one. A "communist" one the total payroll and supply of Churchill post 1942. A "communist" with access to American nuclear tech, American credits, donations, food rations, help, weapons and planes post-WW2.
An "anti-fascist" who wrote letters proclaiming KJ to be the true enemy, and offered cooperation to Germans and Italians, not to mention the pre-war and early war praise for Ustashe movement.
Die a painful death, you subhuman praising party descendant: he genocided Volksdeutschers and Italians, even though Germans and Italians were responsible for less than 10% of Yugoslav deaths; and settle hillmen savages in Pannonia and Adriatic towns.
Not to mention political nation building like "Macedonians", "Montenegrins", "Kosovars", "Muslims" (an "atheist" state creates a nationality based on - religion) and a failed one - "Vojvođani".
Based Russianbro is based. I'd buy you a fucking beer gladly.
looking forward to 2020. i will finally be free of this shit flag and be reunited with hungary
and them
Fuck off.Zrenjanin master race reporting in
We're staying.
Nice copypasta, i think i saw that one yesterday.
Can you post any form of proof for supporting the Ustasa movement?
>Germans and Italians responsible for less than 10% of deaths
Germans created the NDH, also i those numbers are completely false; 1.7 milion Yugoslavs were killed during the WW2, if we were to approximate 500 000 dead at Jasenovac it still leaves 1.2 million killed by Nazis or Italian Fascists.
I am not trying to praise Tito, i am trying to say that Yugoslavia was able to function for over 3 decades thanks to well mostly him being a charismatic politician.
People seem to forget there was a Yugoslavia before Tito which disolved due to foreign intervention.
>i am trying to say that Yugoslavia was able to function for over 3 decades
With unlimited credit from Banks. Pretty funny for a socialist state.
>500 000 dead at Jasenovac
No, it was actually 6 million.
Also this
this. i think the best thing ever we did here about unification was The Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but unfortunately the war fucked up everything
>People seem to forget there was a Yugoslavia before Tito.
They don't forget. People just don't know and don't care.
But you right.
Just, the kingdom of Yugoslavia was also creation of foreigner. "supported" from French and British.
Every post Yugoslav Country today lives off of foreign credit... all are IMF slaves, heck the total debt of all the ex-yugo states today is 150+ billion USD, back in 1990 Yugoslavia had around 15 billion of IMF debt.
>Byzantine civil war
>Bulgaria divided in 3 kingdoms
>Byzantium fighting ottomans
>Bulgarians fighting ottomans
>Bulgarians fighting mongols
>Bulgaria fighting magyars
>Byzantium fighting bulgarians
>meanwhile Serbia stole the whole Balkans leading like 1 battle and they won it with betrayal
My horse lived longer than your "empire".
Yes, they didn't hand over the leadership to the superior Croatians
The Austro-Hungarian Vice-Marshal
“I never saw in my life, never heard of
beasts in human forms, such as Croatian
soldiers. Though they fought with us and
primarily used for intimidation and
repression against the people, as a man I
am ashamed to be standing in our midst.
In the fight they always moving towards the
refugee shelters that are made up of
unarmed men, women and children. When
they get them, they did the horrors of
which even to us hair-went up. They are
filth to the world and European culture. ”
Even Hitler wasn't proud of the crimes you did in that camps. So shut the fuck up
why does serbia have the palaiologos thing
They did what? They what? Say it with me:
Yugoslavia was a country too divided to stand the test of time. Tito manages to hold it together but after his death it was a downward spiral.
fuck off from European thread to your Hungarian brothers, gook
Scum of Europe just like Ukraine, Albania and Bosnia
Because some people in their quest for power and resources think that it's a good idea to force joint cohabitation of various ethnic groups under one """country"""
Yes, had they not, Kosovo would be part of Serbia today
>my horse
makes sense
>My horse lived longer than your "empire".
Gypsy confirmed
because we were under byzantine empire for some time, you know
>tfw you ran off on the plug twice
Bump for serbian bros.
source that quote
source on "vice marshal gherter" even being real
Simeon Uroš married Maria Palaiologina, might have something to do with it. But they probably had to paint it white, so the greeks won't chimp out. It makes no sense either way.
Serbs are scared of us, so they make up quotes.
stable boys are brutal
Lets be a little mor historically accurate
>not a servant too
Austria-Hungary treated Magyars like shit. Rightly so
Serbs annexed Croatia and Vajdaság then went on ethnic cleansing rampages. If anyone should have been in charge of a pan-slavic union, it should have been the Croats, and they should have left Hungary out of it.
The Hungarians were the true power behind the empire, and the Habsburgs were terrified of a Hungarian uprising, so they did whatever they wanted.
They didn't kill enough mudslims.
P.S. Reminder that your country is not a part of Europe.
watching amine and yourself
Serbs are poor man's Croatians.
ja sam...
The more time passes on, the less guilty I think the Serbians are
I ja bi tata
I ja bi sine
You want the barebones version? Serbs killed civillians and created myths to legitimize it. The serb people are so fkn brainwashed concerning their own Ruling Classes projects in the Balkans that they live in a perpetual/eternal and simultaneous Victim mentality coupled with God Complex. They are the definition of DINDU NUFFINS. Milosevic played them like a flute.
>implying serbs aren't kebab
you obviously have never seen a serb in your life. there are serb genetics in today turks not the opposite
watch this documentary, everything will be crystall clear,
i should note that it is somewhat little biased tovards Serbia
but nevertheless though because it's explaining the hidden (((influence))) behind the war
Only person to ever be truly redpilld on the balkan civil war is seselj
>be turbo anti gommie since 1970s
>get fucked, get jailtime, lose tenure at uni
>new "democratic" system in 90s
>oy vey, you are too dangerous
>accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity (never did any of those, no evidence whatsoever against him), sent to haag
>in haag unveil more conspiracies and points to actual perpetrators of war crimes (in ovcara and srebrenica)
>gets fucked again, 12 years in trial
>get released, only proxy people accountable
>real deal war criminals roam free
i am really sad, when media attacks seselj for he is a bit peculiar and edgy in his statements but never ill intended and always for free speech, human rights and democracy
Serbia is desperately trying to claim "Kebab Remover" when they didn't remove Kebab for 500 years until Russia came along and the Ottoman Empire was dissolving anyway. Go on military forums and you'll read about Serbian cowardice. Their so called "brave" soldiers were too pussy to deal with combat and killed mostly women children and old men. Sad
>500 years
i stopped reading from there
Don't you think it's more than cringy from your mouth, Ali?
your flags makes your statement invalid, sorry...
fucking wow
a reasonable turk
Croatians were fed up and went yolo swag our state 1991.
Serbs figure out ohh shit waddup we can now make great serbia since no more yugoslavia.
Serbs try to take over croatia and get stomped.
To this day they think "we dindu nothing wrong".
"Croats are catholic serbs".
fuck of nigger
you're not french and will never be, no mather how hard you tried
the day of the remove will soon come
>"Croats are catholic serbs".
a part of the croats actually is, you can't deny that
And you know this because of reasons.
This kids is a pure example of a serb in denial or how we like to call them Šešelj mensch.
nisi peder al si zato dusevni bednik tj. 'rvat
found jelly Croatian
daily reminder the Croatians took only small part a infinitesimal if you wish in removing kebab, why because they sided with them cause the germanistan told them so
what was the ustashe's masterpiece plan? can you say it or you don't know the history at all?
Vi srbi ste jad i bijeda.
Top kek.
Kako vam ide u bankrot cete doc do 2020.
Not an argument.
>NATO bombs Serbia
>3000 civilian death, ten thousands more wounded and future generations crippled because of leaks of destroyed chemical plants
Oh vey , really democratized my dictatorship