Facebook is going to use (((Snopes))) to combat "fake news". What a fucking joke.
Facebook is going to use (((Snopes))) to combat "fake news". What a fucking joke
Other urls found in this thread:
Then who will fact check the fact checkers?
>who will babysit the babysitter
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Snopes is great though, miles better than factcheck or that other one.
So now you have to appeal to (((snopes))) to get your posts reinstated.
What a joke.
*sigh* Well, it's a start. We have to stop Russia and memesters somehow.
Fucking exactly. If any authority is questionable changed it
this, snopes is pretty reputable and accurate.
By chance, did I leave a handkerchief at your place? It has an important pizza map on it.
what is bad about snopes?
The end of Sup Forums and Breitbart?
Someone put up the photo of snopes showing things that are obviously true as false.
Honestly it's Sup Forums hypocrisy. it's a site with a pultizer prize ffs.
They should be happy to be able to check their arguments with an organization like this one
What we now need is a "Snopes" for (((Snopes)))
{{{[[[(((PULITZER PRIZE)))]]]}}}
only on Sup Forums would banning fake news be seen as a bad thing
Why the fuck does Sup Forums hate Snopes?
They post shit like: snopes.com
that's because "fake news" is real news that they don't want you to hear, retard
Facebook is using AP as well
*************** Next Sup Forums op *****************
Mass spread of fake news on thousands of new blogs.
The organisations have to review the entries sent to them. They are also obligated to write a response explaining why the link is fake.
We can essentially DDOS these "neutral" """"fact-checkers"""" by swamping them with links to review
Snopes is fairly unbiased. Imagine if they had used shit like politi-fact instead. This is an okay outcome.
On the other than this now gives unprecedented political power to unelected people running snopes. Anyone willing to crowdfund a buyout?
Does this mean we can now report huffpo, NY Times and CNN articles about Putin personally hacking the election?
Never trust a fucking cat lady.
Facebook is starting out with the following four Snopes, Factcheck.org, ABC News, and PolitiFact.
Because 99 times out of 100 they're refuting something Sup Forums is claiming.
This thread is now fake.
Anyone who spreads it is liable to prosecution.
They ARE using politifact:
>We’ve started a program to work with third-party fact checking organizations that are signatories of Poynter’s International Fact Checking Code of Principles.
Links directly to:
Which is summarised for you in pic related.
So what about opinion pieces???? They will be considered fake as well.
It's simple, you shouldn't have an opinion of your own, just do as your told.
Some opinions are more fake than others, comrade.
That's right be a good goy em
Snopes is ok tier, it seems like they try but they are not really neutral and don't mirror their sources.
well i finally deleted my facebook
goodbye normie friends whose number i never got
Delete your Facebook. Enough people do that, and it goes away. Problem solved. They can control social media, propagandize news, movies, and television, but the one thing they cannot do is force you to buy or watch anything they're selling. Money is their life blood. Cut the supply, they die.
Do I sense anti-semitism? That is highly illegal sir.
Snopes is Holy Writ
I think I will do the same
Fuck off kike
Bad thoughts!
Banning free speech is censorship dumb fuck
You know it's just one couple who google shit? I've seen more thorough fact checking done by Sup Forums in the past.
snopes is run by a cat lady and her husband. they have no authority on (((facts))). im convinced they just google everything
>They control the narrative owning 90% of the media
>Internet gets created
>They lost the narrative
>Quick shut it down
No wonder we expelled the jews.
Motion to rename fact-checking to fake-checking.
are you insane? must be a "progressive". ive got a list of at 92 verifiable snopes aretciles that have been proven beyond any doubt to propigate leftist lies. we need to out snopes asap before this gets out of hand. FAKEBOOK - Fake Lives, Fake Friends, Fake Followers, and now Fake News.
lol pizzacaptch
The idea that you can have objective fact-checking is so stupid. Nothing is objective. It's the same as fox news claiming to be fair-and-balanced, CNN claiming to be whatever the fuck they claim to be. Normiebook is already riddled with disinfo to further the appropriate narrative, this is just a step further towards a totally fabricated reality.
Snopes is "progressive" drivle and will go down as such in a few weeks. When will you shills learn?
and sponsored by george soros
Don't blame the left. Don't get divided-and-conquered. Blame the Oligarchy.
i place blame on those who cant or wont think for themselves which is "progressives". Soros is only trying to make more money and is playing the left as such. stay poor leftists. ill be in a gate community with 5 empty bedrooms just because i can.
too complicated
we should do something like this, it's already a proven tactic see also: #DraftOurDaughters
Anyone have the snopes bias pic where it's talking about black crime figures being accurate but the reason for it not?
Isn't Zuckerberg a fucking race traitor fuck who gets cucked every night? Plus he is a libtard.
Me on the other hand, I've got blonde hair. I'm 5'8. Green eyes. 24 years old. First semester in college.
Whenever I walk by the campus and I spot an Asian pussy eyeing me (not many of them in my college but still some) I always know she wants to breed with me, she wants my superior white cum in her. Though I'm loyal to my white brothers on /pol. I will never race mix I promise that. Every white man should have this basics of knowledge. This is within us, deep down we all understand this.
This is why I can't fucking get it, obviously I'm smarter that cuck Zuckerberg yet I'm still poor. Wtf?
Interesting choice to use fake news to combat fake news.
>make social experiment on 100.000 people without noticing them
>"fight" fake news
>First semester in college
>24 years old
hate to break it to you bud, but you clearly got the shit end of the genetics stick
That was (((politifact))).
>these people are in charge of "fact-checking"
Some fake news is more equal than the rest.
Or something.
>fails to mention the cause
Are they REALLY justifying black on white violence here?
It even says the numbers are correct!!
What the fuck!?!? Seriously!?!?!?!? They're admitting it's true but saying it's okay because blacks are stupid?!??
I'm gonna let you guess who runs politifact...
Hint: jews