"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER
"I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized."
Said no one, EVER
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Are you kidding me? I hear people say that all the time. Leave your room for once you NEET retard.
Majority voted exactly this in several US states and Canada, user.
>controlling what people put into their bodies
Fuck off.
Cry me a river, you faggot.
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized.
I think stoners should be imprisoned.
But I don't care if weed is legal.
Only if you're annoying as fuck.
Dumbass authoritarian
Fuck off, OP
Anyone who thinks marijuana should be legalized should be thrown in jail simply for thinking that way. They are dangerous, degenerate, cultural Marxist leftists. Probably kikes as well.
I don't drink, but I think alcohol should still be legal
Make me, you libertarian cuck.
I've never smoked weed, but I think it should be legalized. Also, I'm HEAVILY invested in marijuana stocks.
But maybe after I make another $40k+, I'll celebrate by trying some legal weed brownies.
>Said no one, EVER
I think any reasonable guy would agree that weed should be legalized for b ggggggggggggggggg gg gg gggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggg gg ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggggg ggg gg. G guy. Gg ggg guy g gg yggggg. g huh. Gg huh yggg hug ygggg gggg ggg g guy gg ggggggg guy g hug hug. Gg gg ggg ggggg ggg ggggg gg gg ggg g guy. hug yggg g. Yg guy guy g guy g guy. Y g guy gggg gg hug. G hug y guy h ggg gun. G h hug yg hug g guy g gg y. G y guy. G GB v. hug. gg g. g huh huh huh huh. Gg hug y ggg g guy y gun. H ggg hug hug. hug. Ggggg guy g ygg hug hug. guy. g hug. g gggv. g. guy. Yv v guy yggg guy guy gv guy g guy. hug. guy. G. gg guy g. hug. GH gg hug. hug yg g hug. g guy hug y guy gggg gun. G guy. Huh y guy g gg guy. G guy. Yg g gg guy ggg hug y guy. gg hug. GH. Guy. V yyv. G hug. G. G y GB. G guy GB. Hug. hug. H g guy guy. guy. Ggh gg GB. gggg g hug. V. G gg guy h guy h. gg hug yg gg guy. Yyggg guy ggg guy gun gh gg g hug. hug. G yyg gg guy g v. Gg ggg guy. guy g guy g guy y guy g hug. gun. Ggg. G yg hug hug y hug. Gg gg. hug g ygg. Hug yg ggh gg hug hug g g yy guy guy. g GH y guy. g gun yggg hug yggg g guy gggggg ggg hug hug yggg gg gggggg hug. Ggg hug. hug. G hug yggg guy ggggggggg guy gg hug ygg gun. Gg gg gun. Gg guy. Yggg guy gg guy. Yyggg gggggggg ggg g hug hug. guy ggggg guy g guy guy. g yygggggggg gg v
this is bait
At least I have the ability to express emotion you autistic faggot.
I dont smoke weed but it should be legalized along with all drugs. The dumbass war on drugs has cost us billions upon billions and we are more drug infested than ever. Meanwhile, Portugal seems to be doing pretty well with their decriminalization...lets give it a shot...
>They are dangerous, degenerate, cultural Marxist leftists.
Drugs were illegal in the USSR
Literally everyone who doesn't smoke ants it legalized. Keep crying
I spit on your freedoms. You stoner libertarian assholes care more about indulging in degeneracy than maintaining the social order.
I'd like to express my fist onto your face.
Freedom is social order you twat.
>care more about indulging in degeneracy than maintaining the social order.
False dichotomy.
Drugs have been legal in the US before, and didn't "degrade the social order."
>people smoking themselves retarded
Why would I have a problem with this? Less competition for me.
>t. Alcohol drinker
>muh precious social order
Do people like this exist irl, or is this some larping faggot?
I would legalize meth and I don't smoke meth. If someone wants to fuck their shit up it's their right to do so. The government should have no say in this.
Sup Forums is fedora weed smokers at the moment OP
I'd like to express my girthy chode into your loose asshole.
What social order is there left to maintain?
I'd like to stick my foot up yours.
Also, genuinely curious, have you ever even tried weed, OP?
smoking it should be illegal. i shouldn't have to smell it or breathe it.
I think its a gross thing to get into. Id be fine with it being legal though. A lot of people do gross things and it is unlikely to harm me if others do it.
BS. I do.
Because I don't smoke weed. I eat highly infused THC edibles. Get on my level.
I'd like to clench my sphincter with the force of a thousand suns and cut off the blood circulation in your foot, forcing you to amputate it.
Prove it, canadifag.
In public, sure? Weed smells disgusting. In the privacy of my own home? Non of you're fucking business.
I smoke a metric fuckton of weed and think it should be illegal bc making people butthurt titty babies is more important than any of muh freedumbs
Theres tons of reason to limit that.
>Substances put in body can alter behavior, making you a risk to others depending on the situation
>Substances put into the body known to harm you will inevitably cost others in taxes
Im still not sure how alcohol got a pass.
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized. OP eternally BTFO.
"i don't smoke or drink, and I try to no fap I'm so much better than everyone else" says the jealous nerd virgin neet who doesn't have any irl friends. kill yourself
Nice try.
>I'm still not sure how alcohol got a pass.
Because of the soaring crime caused by its prohibition.
I say that. First of the state gets tax money and criminals less, secoundly hemp is an amazing plant.
But it seems you have been succesfully brainwashed by lobbywork
> kill yourself
You first.
Name one non-shithole with legal pot please.
Note that shithole in this context includes leftist ratnests like Canada.
Fuck off lolibertarian
>Theres tons of reason to limit that
Fair enough. That is a valid point. But do you really think weed turns someone into a public safety concern? Also, drug users cost the taxpayer less than the average citizen if I am recalling correctly.
>alcohol got a pass
It didnt. Member when they outlawed booze? Didnt turn out so well. Same shit is happening for weed and all the other drugs....massive black market, gangsters making shit tons of money, killing each other and innocent bystanders in turf wars, using proceeds to fund other criminal activities....
Muh rope-making
I don't smoke weed but I want it legalized. If its legal it makes a higher chance of someone who would take my job in the future becoming a degenerate drug user
I tried smoking weed last year just to see what all the rage was about. Ended up smoking it like 6 or 7 times over the course of a few months.
Even though it was relatively fun its just not for me.
But Idgaf if anyone else does it bc its definitely less dangerous than me getting drunk
>the State should be able to tell citizens what they can and cannot do to their bodies in the privacy of their own home
Disgusting pinko bootlicker statists should be executed on sight desu.
>Name one non-shithole with legal pot please.
The United States
Right, because authoritarianism works SO well.
Either shot on sight, or deported to North Korea
He said NON-shithole.
With that logic they should also legalize cocaine and heroin which of course should remain illegal.
t. Heavy pot smoker
>implying the US is a shithole
You have to go back
I say that
>With that logic they should also legalize cocaine and heroin which of course should remain illegal.
They're going to be legalized, and you're moving to North Korea.
i smoke weed and i dont think it should be legalized.
Your fat fucking fingers couldn't squeeze the trigger.
They shouldn't remain illegal you dunce. Criminalizing something only fuels black markets and crime, while not even reducing addiction or use.
i actually heard a guy say it a few weeks ago. i was pretty surprised
>mfw yesterday, four degen weed kiddies spent 3 hours breaking into their car (that they usually hotbox), since they left their keys inside
Just put these people to sleep, honestly, they have no valuable contribution to society and take up jobs that could be given to better people.
Stoners should swing from hemp nooses. That would be poetic justice.
Cali is a shithole.
Tobacco is unhealthy and should be illegal!
lol weed is totally healthy and benefits the body xD xD
I hate liberal logic so much.
Not that this isn't a cause bc it is but demographics started changing and the beloved civil rights acts was done at this time too.
Literally 90% of what's wrong with the country and you will find the problem lies with something done in the mid-late 60s
We can agree on this thing
I wish I could kick the Weed Jew.
>Im still not sure how alcohol got a pass.
Cause we tried outlawing alcohol and it didn't work
>Mass officially legalized cannabis consumption today
>suddenly a flux of DARE-tier bait threads pop up
what did they mean by this?
I do, never took weed ever. I'd still make it legal. Hope fully our weed man will finance all his shitty stuff with pothead.
Perfect example why non weed smokers speak our of their asses and dont know shit.
Says the canadifag.
Prohibition is useless.
>creates jobs
>highly taxable by the state
>protects customers
>roots out crime
>empties prisons
fite me on this m80s
I say that. It should solve heavy drugs problem partly, alcohol problem partly and illegal drug selling partly.
Get stabbed by any refugees lately?
not true, a lot of people in the southwestern US want it legal so that the Mexican drug cartels will lose business.
errr... that's pretty much me.
i've probably smoked it 20 times in my life. only a couple in maybe the last 10 years. i think it stinks like ass.
but, yeah... it should be legal.
I CAN'T smoke weed and I think it should be legalized
I quit smoking weed 2 days ago from being a daily smoker for 5 years, its fucking easy compared to kicking a nicotine addiction. Mind over matter.
I do. In fact legalize all drugs and allow me a conceal & carry permit. Let the weak succumb to their addictions, weaken themselves out of the gene pool.
And if in their desperation, they break the NAP, gun'll be handy.
I don't smoke weed, but I think it should be legalized
I smoked half a joint once. I wasn't impressed. Alcohol is the drug for me.
I say yes because of the economical burst it can have
i used to be a pot head, it almost destroyed my life, but that doesn't mean it shouldnt be legal
you're a fucking faggot. I've heard this many, many times. Honestly shut the fuck up
My parents don't smoke and are stark Republicans, and both voted Yes on 64
>I've heard this many, many times.
Sure you have.
I don't blow coke and I think it should be legalized.
More like cuckservative neo-cons.
So you're saying 77% of Florida citizens smoke weed?