New photos of Dylann Roof.
I'm done.
New photos of Dylann Roof
he seemed like a really nice kid in the fbi interview.
did he do it Sup Forums
was it MK ultra or did he flat out just do it
I think he's MKULTRA
Typical Sup Forums poster
he seemed pretty void of intention in his interview.
he was kinda just repeating Sup Forums threads.
seemed spaced the fuck out too.
i dont know, i haven't looked into it.
its not sandy hook tier thats for sure
Pretty boy
Would fuggg if we're a grill
''I'm not racist, I have black friends.''
Forgot image
>he seemed pretty void of intention in his interview, spaced the fuck out too
He was probably in shock. He admits that he didn't plan on surviving, didn't plan on ever having to give an account of his actions to the authorities.
He was likely horrified at what he had done and probably understood that he couldn't make the authorities or the public understand his motivations. In any case, he certainly wasn't prepared to explain himself.
I don't know. There's a difference between believing that black people need to die and being prepared to kill black people yourself.
Yeah that interview of him afterwards was brutal. Kid was in massive amounts of shock. That's what happens when you kill 9 people after having never even killed one person before. Everything you hear in the media is only partly true. The first time you try to kill someone it's a earth shattering experience (depending on the person). You get used to it after awhile, though.
Why aren't people on Sup Forums calling this a false flag?
James Holmes was a called a false flag, then his interviews and testimony were released and all the claims disappeared.
Is it because Roof's interviews with the FBI are out?
I work at a firing range, and I've heard it said in a hundred ways: firing a gun makes you feel like a god.
Killing somebody must be a sharp reminder that you are only a man.
This is bs. I felt nothing after I killed my first person, and I can hardly kill a fly.
I'm mostly talking about people who are not routinely exposed to beheadings.
>be Mexican indo savage
>kill people as savages do
I dunno why but this is my favourite
The best part about killing someone is you become basically unfuckable with afterwards. Some random could come up to you and talk shit and it wouldn't affect you in the slightest.
>Sup Forums praising this man
Reminder that Dylann Roof is one of the worst people in America and deserves to go here for a life sentence.
Did you even read my post you stupid fucking leaf faggot? I seriously hate Canadians. You are pathetic.
What's he doing with Ben Carson?
Real truth. I was in a bad situation in El Salvador once, almost died and had to kill someone. I'm really glad it happened as it totally changed my outlook on everything
I don't believe you
someone use these photos on tinder and post results
How so?
I know that shock comes into play and also works in mysterious ways but he seemed upbeat, friendly and fairly generic in his answers.
I would expect him to be a bit more shell shocked and distant.
but what the fuck do I know.
Mainly I just thought he wasn't that convincing with his intentions..
if i was going to do something like that Id be crystal fucking clear on my reasons for doing so and why what i did would help my cause.
worst, maybe. misguided, definitely.
based adx florence
Dylann Roof will be spending the rest of his life here most likely
is trump going to pardon him?
Dylann was literally just found guilty of all charges.
no he needs more ammo and guns to save us from the horde of feral niggers
>There's a difference between believing that black people need to die
There's a difference between understanding* that black people need to die; understanding.
LOL no he will be spending prolly 8 life sentences in here
This. holy shit. Need a fake Facebook tho
Niggers believing this story are as dumb as Alex Jones believing Orlando and virginia and Sandy Hook.
>felt nothing after I killed my first person
inb4 Obongo did it to further split the country by race
Too late dipshit. 0bongo is another CIA asset, but THEY HAVE BEEN AT THIS FOR 16 YEARS with the false flags. Hm...
Mexicans aren't people tho
If you can, add a MAGA hat to this so you can make a good check'em picture.
Thank you, based leaf.
They're going to execute him dumbfuck
Use this one instead. The text on the hat isn't flipped.
a faggot
I dont support the absolute madman.
I just feel bad for him is all
>Racking the slide with finger on the trigger
Real men have trigger control
How is Dylan a bad person? He do what most of us think.
Less niggers are always good.
Roof is literally Sup Forums: the faggot
US persecutes all its heroes
This kid undoubtedly frequented Sup Forums.
This country is so retarded.
Revenge policy does not work.
what a goon
He shot up a fucking church. If he wanted to kill niggers he should've gone to Chicago and went Rambo on some gangbangers. But nope he was a pussy ass bitch
Weren't these photos confirmed fake?
i think it was Sup Forums
>he should've gone to Chicago and went Rambo on some gangbangers. But nope he was a pussy ass bitch
Where were the pics from?
What's the difference? They are all niggers, I don't care if they go to church or are selling drugs, they are niggers, done.
I bet you don't even have the courage to kill a 80 nigger grandma
>he was a pussy ass bitch
Why are you speaking ghetto?
post dick
I'm having a hard time buying the whole story ((((they))) are selling us.
I'm sure he was part of the mk ultra program, something is definitely fishy here.
He did say he did it like a twitch impulse which kinda suggests so, but I wouldn't have enough info to come to any conclusion
fugg. this is how mexicans become intellectuals
man yours is not b8 because we agree
No grinder it be funnier
for the most part he looks like what he would have looked like prior to the MKUltra.
Nothing else to say?
Okay, what I'm really curious about is how can you consider yourself no-cucked while defending black people? They are ex-slaves who are destroying your country m8.
Flag checks out.
no, they're gonna fry him
Thank you for sharing, Senator Cruz.
There's a resemblance.
christian niggers are still niggers desu
where have I seen that before....
Why do people always say it's "earth shattering" I would kill in an instant if I had to.
Doesn't seem very false-flaggy. It wasn't very well done, didn't involve mysterious reports of multiple people on police scanners, later scrubbed from news reports, didn't involve odd blood trails that nobody could explain and so on.
James Holmes was an obvious false flag. He did some commando shit where people saw more than one person in the cinema, then went outside, somehow dropped a gas mask past a security camera on the other side of the building without being seen, went back to where he was and just stood by his car until the authorities came around. Then they kept him on drugs after taking him in, it seemed.
It dissapeared because no new evidence came about, and there was no way to prove that it was a false flag (as there seldom is). Just like how they bulldozed Sandy Hook school almost immediately after releasing nothing to show that an attack even happened, with police audio contradicting official reports, it's just so ridiculous that it's not worth giving a shit about. It's like a stage play, and they just put a new scene on instead, and now we're supposed to forget about the obvious fake they just tried to pawn off as the truth.
I you wanna kill niggers, aim for Black males in the 18-29 age range. What's the point of killing old black women who have already shat out 5 children.
I burst out laughing at this one
Very underrated post, anons. You should really give him (you)'s.
He explained in the interview that he couldn't get in an area with enough gang banger types at once.
link to the interview?
Killing a grandma is only worth 1 point. Killing a younger person who will have hundreds/thousands/tens of thousands of descendants is worth waaaay more.
Mass murdering is pretty autistic. He's a retard.
when did this guy get so popular? i have him saved too. when did this psa even air
Looks like a wannabe, really. Sad that he thinks he's alt-right.
He did try to secretly pass TPP while all this was going on.... but I think he was just "not letting a good crisis go to waste"
key word had to, your brain instinctively knows the difference between killing in self defense and not