how come the democrats havent made there own version of the "alt right"
How come the democrats havent made there own version of the "alt right"
Because they don't have the memes.
>making a new group to be despised
I don't think we're thaaat retarded, it's bad enough we have to babysit BLM.
Came here to say exactly this.
because their ideas are shit, and liberal democracy is incompatible with the coming wave of technology
Do you think liberal democracy will work with the coming gene modifications and creation of super humans?
SJWs are their alt-right. The alt-right is a direct reaction to them. SA Goons is who you're looking for.
you pussies don't even have the drive to put yourselves out there and be despised.
They will in 2022-23. Shortly after they try pushing socialism and fail in 2020. But socialists will pick up more congressional seats than expected in 2020. Screenshot this.
They have, they're called Social Justice Warriors
They've backed themselves into an ideological corner, and can only form groups based on identity and victim hood.
Our groups are forming in collective disdain of that ideology.
Because they still have some degree of morality, unlike the Republicans.
>socialists will pick up more congressional seats than expected in 2020.screenshot this
ya,its obvious that trump is going to be a complete failure and piss off more of his own party and that will cause more people to either stay home on election day or vote for the democrats or a 3rd party
they made the same mistake with donald trump that they did with mitt romney,except the only reason why donald trump didnt lose is because america was so sick of left wing politics that even a failure like donald trump sounded good
ive never considered him a real republican and i dont see why anyone with half a brain would either.hes gonna be another empty suite whos about to discover that it takes more to run a country then badmouthing left wing celebritys all day on social media
We have. It's called the Alt-right.
This is dumb. Why so consequentialist?
You need a quick dose of god-tier deontoligism.
i do know republicans dont need any nig loving cuck's.thats for the bernie sanders and hillary clinton supporters
Because the Left isn't crumbling and splintering like the wood on Bannon's chairs.
Because they don't need to divide and conquer their own community by giving people a brand then destroying that brand *cough spencer cough*
alt left = SJW
they've been crumbling and splintering since 2008,where have you been
and they've crumbled so much that they believe an 80 year old socialist jew is going to be the savior of there party
I don't read partisan news; the Left is doing fine.
But sure, Obama is the Antichrist and Hilary Clinton is a demon involved in child sex trafficking.
>there party
Considering that HRC got the nomination, I'd say you're wrong.
>being this retarded
barack obama has divided this country and destroyed the democrat brand already.things arent george w bush's fault anymore
last i checked,HRC lost and ran on a platform of being the first women president.well the race card may have worked for obama,but educated voters dont vote based on there candidates skin color or gender
She did lose; a loss isn't evidence of crumbling. Educated voters don't vote into the two major parties, period.
SJWs are just self-cannibalizing offence-machines.
If you want a taste of the real leftwaffe, look on reddit's defaults.
>look on reddit
No thanks.
Fell out of my chair reading this.
The democrat party hasn't been moral since the 80s, and their policies haven't been realism-based (unPC) since JFK.
>He doesn't know about the ctrl left
>two hits on Google
Most people don't. Probably because it's not a thing.
Because liberals are still convinced that they are the counter-culture. It's the only way the left can function. This is why there's an all-out media offensive against right wing counter cultures, because the mere existence of such a phenomenon undermines their entire world view.
it was a joke, you mental midget. look at your keyboard.
I'm aware of the connotation.
It was not a particularly clever joke.
The Joke
your head
Probably this.
Frogs are out. Nothing anyone can do.
>Because they don't have the memes.
Oh, we have memes.
It's called the Green Party....idiot.
As a leftie all I see is SJWs and almost no proper socialists, because SJWs are usually the children of rich upperclass cunts.
the democrats are already so far on the left, an "alt-left" would simply result in radical communism
prove me wrong
Hell. The Alt-Right and the Alt-Left aren't all that different. The Alt-Right have their wall, and we have our wall.
the "alt right" was made by the democrats
there is no such thing as actual alt right
its a buzzword
they do its those stupid lgbt communists
>prove me wrong
They voted HRC as their nominee.
That woman is about 3 steps from Bush Jr. just with more social justice pandering.
That's because we are underground and we're coming for you alt-right cishets.
Pic related is you soon.
progs can't make edgy memes because they can't offend anyone
all they can do is i'm right you're wrong, X is a hypocrite, X is irrational, wow just wow
Sure there is. I've hung around honest to God national socialists and bomber-jacket enthusiasts in my youth and they were decent kids genuinely concerned with jewish property management, immigration policy and beer.
The modern "alt right" kids are memeing autists, self-hating jews and nu-males jockeying for a pity-fuck from a neon-hair.
really? because just like bernie sanders,the green party are not democrats.they are fucking morons cant even tell the difference and think you deserve a president who's only qualification is that shes a women and "its her turn"
The "alt-right" doesn't exist. Don't trust anyone claiming to be "alt-right". "Alt-right" is a term invented by the left for the purpose of further dividing Americans and pitting them against each other.
8 years of obama was enough to divide this country,the left dont need to continue when the idiot voters in america are doing a good enough job
the fact people still want hillary as president shows that america is not a country of intelligent people anymore
Bannon himself said Breitbart is a "platform for the alt-right"
SJWism/BLM shit is the leftist version of the "alt right" if that's what you want to call it.
Bannon is a false flag
Ever heard of progressive liberals?
they lack irony though, and self-awareness
>radical communism
>implying america has seen real communism
leftists wouldnt last a day under real communism,not socialism they tried to make into communism
Just further leads me to believe that Trump was a plant all along.
And look at what the left says about Bannon and Brietbart. They are using the term to try and drive a wedge between people who may lean (and ultimately vote) Republican because of certain key issues. It's classic divide and conquer. They did it with "neo-con" and now they are doing it with "alt-right".
The last time the Left tried to do this it was with Saul Alinsky and company, which tried to synthesize dialectical materialism and spoonfeed it to a mass audience.
Now the Alt Right is simply synthesizing centuries of reactionary thought and spoonfeeding it to a mass audience through Alinskian tactics.
If the Left wants, it can sip from the fountains that gave it life- Paine, Rousseau, Hegel- to renew its philosophical underpinnings, and sip from the history of Labour, Revolution, Reform and subversion to renew its tactical expressions.
Are you implying that the right doesn't do the same thing?
It's the media, dude. Republicans and Democrats are two heads of the same beast.
>Because they don't need to divide and conquer their own community
The wallet/purse of the Democratic party is split between Unions and Limousine Liberals.
The core of Labor- the White Working Class- has been alienated by union leadership and the billionaire left that push mass immigration and amnesty to drive down the price of labor.
The popularized image of the Democratic party- the LGBT-POC Potpourri- has little to do with the issues the former core of the Democratic party faces.
If the money these people spend doesn't result in policies or PR that suits them, what happens? They become alienated.
I'm not Implying anything. However, I will say that IF the right is doing it they are so inept at it that it goes unnoticed.
They did that in the 1970s. That's the beast we just defeated.
I'm just saying it's hard to discern a focused message from a thousand bullhorns, what will adding more white noise accomplish?
>they are so inept at it that it goes unnoticed
That's what's so devious about it.
Or do you actually think Obama was the worst president we've ever had? Or that BLM is a terrorist organisation? Or that we're actually fight a war on terror?
They are so good at it that it goes unnoticed.
This guy had the right idea but drew the wrong conclusion. The Left has to sell itself as "the other" to get votes from people considered the same. Easiest way to do that is challenge traditional standards.
Black Lives Matter is their alt-right.
Which gets you a lot of attention.
Like the whole safe space thing.
Or the transpeople in bathrooms.
Really not even big issues and promptly disappeared from the radar when it was no longer a convenient distraction.
Funny how that worked out.
humor and leftism are incompatible
I wouldn't call those divide and conquer tactics used to pit the left against itself. When someone on the right says something like what you list about Obama or BLM the left rallies around those figures.
>replying to yourself
>13 posts by this ID
The alt-right IS the alt-left. The alt-right is full of liberals or former liberals, the overton window is just so far to the left that anything that diverts from full-scale post-modern progressivism is seen as right wing.
The alt-right is full of former Ron Paul supporters, who adhere to a small-government free market philosophy that can otherwise be known as "liberal capitalism".
The alt-right is full of people who support nationalism and individualism, such as the pro-Brexit people. A couple centuries ago, these would have identified themselves as liberals, supporters of the French Revolution and all things against the Crown.
The alt-right is full of people who support protectionism and other populist policies that have traditionally gotten more support from the left than from the right.
The rampant racism in the alt-right can also be seen as a product of modern science and evolution that has been championed by the left, against traditional values of the right. Many people on the alt-right support homosexuality. Even Richard Spencer has said the alt-right is the "new left".
Even the anti-Israel sentiment has gotten more support from the left than the right. Liberals have always been more likely to support causes like Palestine and Tibet.
The only thing that makes alt-right "right wing" at all is a romantic view of Fascism and National Socialism, which themselves can only be seen as failures by actual right-wing traditionalists such as Evola, Guenon, and Dugin.
Fucking this. No one reads anymore
>1 post by this ID
Hey, but at least you added something to the conversation, right?
It was an addendum to a previous thought.
They aren't to pit the left against itself; only to pit the right and left against each other. In a time where we should be working on recognizing common values and working toward compromise we're being polarized and shunned if you don't fit into one of two groups.
I really don't know why.
This. Look at Bernie memes and /leftypol/ memes spammed here. Absolute garbage, and the best ones are just plagiarized from ours.
because the Left is trying to write a new Democratic Communism system. NWO. They aren't even American they want GlobalDomination of every country
They've had neoprogressives and Marxists for years though, user
They have. They're called SJWs.
The alt right arose because of the absurdity of the left. Socialists don't have ammo on us like we do on them (SJWs) to create funny memes to win people over.
Plus it will always be funnier to call people stereotypical slurs than 'pssst hey kid wanna join a movement of tolerance and pronouns'
What was all that occupy nonsense a few years back?
The Alt-right is reactionary
Sjws are the alt-left
Reminder that progressivism is the political arm of cultural marxism.
So, no need to call "neo-progressives" what is just practicing simple progressivism.
Repacking the progressive crap by defaulting on a fabrication is akin to the old trick of "but real communism hasn't been tried".
The alt right are just a racist version of left.
No, but they have control of every single western institution with which to shape public opinion, news, entertainment, education and legislation- a situation which has went uncontested, until the 2016 meme war, for 50+ years.
What do you think is a more powerful propaganda tool? The new Star Wars or a funny meme?
they did. it was called ISIS and immigration officials
also, the alt-right is just a fake narrative designed by (((Cnn)) and ((msnbc)) sage this shit niggers
Conservatism emphasizes certain virtues of daring and coordination that are missing from the Left, and thus the Left versions of our countercultural movements are necessarily different(and possibly weaker).
SJWs are the alt-left
The regular left are milquetoast moderate Clinton/Obama corporatist retards
Kek does not smile upon them.
"And if ye have thought of a foreign man lying with a maiden, daughter of your kin, Kek shall surely smite ye, and your wife's son, and his wife's son up to three and four generations" Liber Batrachoi, 14:23