Is love a sign of low intelligence?
Other urls found in this thread:
> destroy family
> Go extinct
Really made me think.
The ability to love is a sign of emotional maturity (for which you generally need some intelligence). Most people who claim to be in love aren't though.
No, it's a sign of naiveté. She will never love you the way you want her to love you. You may honestly love her, but her affection towards you is entirely conditional and situational.
I'm glad its two white people in your image. You have no idea how happy that makes me.
The ability to love shows that you are not a defective human, and can function properly enough to actually be able to reproduce and continue your genetic heritage
>tfw too smart to fall in love with a qt3.14
>implying love isnt a cavemen trait we still have left from back then
real alphas dont love women, they just fuck them
>tfw too smart to be loved by someone else
Women truly love them though.
yeah but woman usually arent very smart as well
Leaf away
>Women truly love them though.
No. Only men can love. Women cant comprehend it. It is like a mountain. Women see rocks. Men see splendor and wonder.
no, but its a sign of weakness.sometime, I mean sometimes love makes us strong, to fight for family, friends, etc., but our enemies when they can not come after us will go after our family.
>Yes, dont have kids, goy! Dont have kids!
I bet a real alpha like yourself doesn't need air to breath, right? In fact, a real alpha doesn't need to be alive to be alpha as fuck
Only a pleb needs to live to be alpha
No. Back to . I bet it's babies first heartbreak. Deal with it accept it.
No girl ever loved me REEEEEEEEEEEEE therefore love sucks and it's for cucks.
>Yes, dont have kids, goy! Dont have kids!
no one ever said that you dumb piece of shit, learn to read you stupid amerilard
>tfw too intelligent to feel love
No. Basic instinct. Still a beautiful and painful thing. How chemistry in our brain works always amazed me. Especially that feeling wich makes you form a fist, lean forth a bit and slowly approach someone that caused that feeling. And beat shit out of it. That feeling in veins. The goosebumps. The heartbeat slowing down (or is it time that slows down). The Anger. I rarely experience it, but what i accomplish under its influence makes me proud. Love is also magical. Makes you do things you really don't want just to please the ones you love. Like a dog. Makes a man into a loyal dog ready to do his masters bidding. One can avoid it. But one can't fight it. We are all animals living to kill and die. Remember my words when you find yourself among so many bodies and blood on your hands, asking yourself: Why?
There is no answer. There is no reason. It is the human nature, the way we chose, the path we can't wander away from. And your sons will follow your tracks just as you followed your ancestors footsteps. There is no generetion that didn't experience death and killing. Our time is about to come. Love while you are still capable of feeling. Soon your steel will be hardened. There is no shame in loving. No shame in anything at all. Everything is human. And inhuman at the same time. I'm not drunk/high I don't know why I wrote this, but makes sense to me. Make it first of my revelations. I don't know what to say anymore, but I'm sure I will regret not saying anything more. Still have some time.
That's a serious butthurt user.
True indeed. Although it hurts a lot it is a beautiful feeling. Make us feel weak and stronger at the same time. Truly the most paradoxically thing in the world.
t. Cuck that can only express his feelings in the internet. Feels bad.
No I think it's a sign of crime though.
I was watching Hawaii 5-0 recently and I may have been in super autist mode but it seemed the show was hinting at all criminals being in love.
I also notice liberals always have these "love" tattoos and sayings and all of them are biggest whores ever. So I think it has something to do with liberals and liberals have a lot to do with crime.
You have to remember "love" is basically what women use to normalize golddigging and brainwash men.
Friends actually think I don't feel much. I created this image myself. Not telling anyone what you feel is pain in the ass, but it teaches you how to deal with emotional problems by yourself.
What liberals think it's love it isn't. For then it's just a buzzword to take refugees in our countries.
Exactly. Only my closest friend knows I have feelings. Everyone else thinks I don't have empathy for anyone. I made that image of myself so I appear strong to the others not some faggot suffering inside because my feelings are very intense.
Go back to r9k
That's because our world has made life so self centered. Women think that if they aren't happy, they can just leave. What ever happened to working it out?
>To death do us part
Divorce is the death of a nation. The division of a people, who can't seem to compromise, and honner their word.
Same reason. But I don't regret it. I'm not big (a bit short actually, got some muscles tho) but friends respect me because of my seemingly strong personality. I am the one that gets thing done because I'm ruthless. Gut some animals for lunch? No problem. Not a single twitch on my face while friends are throwing up. So I'm outside Alpha, inside Beta...
Yes, love was necessary in the primitive ages to be able to build a society, but it's really pointless right now. Any smart person understands the benefits of a family enough to realize love is not necessary to form one. Love has become counterproductive to its original purpose actually:
>We are getting divorced because we didn't love each other anymore.
Yeah this. Although I like animals very much. Probably wouldn't gut them. But no problem doing other shit that would make people throw up. Really deep inside I am sensitive as fuck but I hide it pretty well. Maybe too well. But what's life without suffering right? You've just got to accept fate and go on.
>i still didn't accept it.
>Only my closest friend knows I have feelings
I had to tell someone. It's too painful to keep to feelings secret.
no offense but I think a lack of communication skills is a sign of weakness
especially in this modern age
Wew, this is some cringe-inducing shit.
takes one to know one
i'm certainly not perfect at communicating
no one is
You and everyone else in this thread who even remotely considered the idea that it would be should kill yourselves.
boo hoo
>tfw too smart to think I'm to smart to love or be loved. I'm just broken.
Having to be around a number of fags like you, but also healthy, well-rounded people at work and previously at school, I can tell you this: we know. You're not fooling anyone, but yourself if you think others think what you said they think.
We just don't give a shit about fixing you, because you are inconsequential weirdo #283 in others' eyes.
But weren't cavemen the ones that just fucked women with no feelings involved? Wouldn't love be the social evolution of that basic trait and the "true alpha" promiscuity the savage animalistic outlook?
Just saying.
Most people think they are 'in love' when they are actually experiencing a change in chemicals in the brain that cause attraction, libido and attachment. These chemicals include dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, among others. When these chemicals fade, people claim they are falling 'out of love' and then move on to find someone else who can induce the chemical changes they are so dependent upon.
But this is not true love. True love above all is sacrifice. If you really love someone you will give up anything for them no matter the cost.