Why is that the hippies and liberals are so thrilled to start a World War with Russia?


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They do what the Jews tell them to

guess who will finance the war.

because Russia tortures and executes gays and invades other countries just to kill children

True, I forgot Syria's population is 90% composed of kittens and children

They love when whites kill whites.

Gee, ask Latin America about it.

To be simple and frank they are idiots incapable of critical thought.

It's fucking absolutely amazing how you CNN braindead morons still exists
even on this site

kys wall mart wage slave kike obeying consumer

They all are closet homos and Russia has a negative preferance against all things homo.


The truth is a controversial major war would end the USA.
We are SO CLOSE to balkanizing anyway, however the federal government is frightening enough to keep people together even though its clear they do not want to be.
But you start a real war where half the population has no interest in fighting the alleged enemy?
They will use the opportunity to rebel and fight back.

So why are they doing this?
This is propaganda to keep the leftists fueled as well as tug at the minds of old people who are still stuck in the cold war mentality.
There will be no war, but there will be a ton of propaganda about it.

They exist everywhere. Soros is paying more than McDonald's.

No one wants war with Russia. What they do want, and what is reasonable, is containment of a bad actor on the international stage.

Because they're useful idiots.

Democrats don't want a war with Russia either, they do want a cold war so that nobody will look any closer on how they run their party. Focus all energy on external enemy so that you can do whatever the fuck you want at home. Oldest trick in the play book.

They're not thrilled to start a war, but they believe that Russia is a global threat that must be neutralized. And which we are wasting our fucking time appeasing.

I really think that they moved from the fake war meme. They want the normalization stage to be implemented asap.

>threat that must be neutralized

Trump went further in sucking Israels cock than any other president before with acknowledging Jerusalem as the rightful Israeli capital.

I'm fairly certain Dems and Putin had an agreement in place to start a faux cold war.

Because their establishment tells them to. They are fickle little fuckers.

Israel is different from the Joos here.
Our media is very pro-palestine.

Being pro-Jerusalem is relatively edgy and fit into the Trump narrative of going against everything people are tired of, such as Palestine.

>I'm fairly certain Dems and Putin had an agreement in place to start a faux cold war.

Source: no-gods-no-masters.com/

It's a forced narrative in a hopes that everyone will jump in the bandwagon and disavow the right for their associations.

You're begining to see the true colors of the left and their feverish mannerisms to gain power.

Liberals loved the Soviets. Not the post cold war Russia.

Well, what is left now that all the men went to go rape women in Germany and Sweden?

>Israel is different from the Joos here.
No they're not.

>US forces Norway to have 330 US marines stationed
>Russia upgrades Norway to Nuke target status.

330 Marines is fucking nothing, this is all just posturing + smoke and mirrors. Rigged game.

>No they're not.
yes, they are. They're Kebab removers, the ones here invite kebab to live with us.

Can't tell if serious. You replied to beyond obvious sarcasm.

true dat
i think it's too late for them now
we're the one controlling the narative
we're the jews

And who is the kebab fleeing from?

Remember that every single Palestinian living in other countries are denied right of return by Israel.

So yes, the remove Kebab, from their land and force it unto us. They're a plague.

For your theory to be right we would have to believe that there would be no actual war but a fake war.

You have to be very stupid to believe on it.

I grew up during the cold war, there was never any immediate threat of war, just the illusion of it.

Cold war benefits all authoritarian regimes involved in it.

It's most likely because of their 'anti gay' (re: anti homosexual propaganda) law. I and I am guessing many other people are not willing to die over such a thing.

Simple answer.

Giant babies.

You're a fucking idiot. The AIPAC is the largest lobby in America. They control our government. They lobby for more immigration to our country. They steal money, information, and tech. Israeli intelligence gets unfiltered access to the NSA super spy feeds. Fuck Israel. They've killed Americans on multiple occasions.

because Russians are proud and (contrary to what posters here will tell you) white. Proud whites must be exterminated, they get in the way too much.

I dont want a world war. I want a civil War.


>Babies being thrown out of incubators
You actually believe the propaganda? We invaded a country over my green text. It was a lie. People died because of a lie. I lost friends because of a lie. I am not willing to spill any more blood for lies.