Fuck Churchill, Hitler was right.
Sieg Heil!
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Churchill can go fuck himself...
1488 bruv..
fuck off LARPer
You wanna really help hitlers cause? Get fucking /fit/ as fuck and start debating lefties about NatSoc
If they disagree, put them in a chokehold to assert your dominance
Right about what, OP?
The struggle of our race.
The Jews.
The youth.
The state.
The welfare system.
how many threads have you made already ADL shill
It's all UK fault desu
Brits were the ones that destroy the german empire for no reason and then declared war on germany again for no reason.
UK merchants (not all brits)
You should have put the Eternal Anglo as prime minister and Edward VIII as king. It would have been the perfect team. Then you could have annexed the fucking leafs.
>yfw all Hitler wanted, even at the Fall of Paris was to keep his part of Poland, Alsace, and have the UK back the fuck off.
>yfw he didn't even view getting the German Colonies back as essential if it threatened peace
>yfw Churchill refused and singlehandedly kept the war going
Thanks a lot Hitler.
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend.
If he hadn't been at war with half the planet he could have dealt with the commie rats in 1940 when they were weak.
>If people disagree with you become violent.
And he still killed a ton
And Stalin would have been contained to his pre-1939 borders had Hitler not broken all his treaties and promises with the Allies as well as destroyed the anti-communist order the French had set up in Eastern Europe.
Mate, don't you have school tomorrow?
>Russia broke the pact and stole Lithuania
>sucked too much to take Finland
>violence sucks
That he was, such a shame.