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I guess they don't have education over there anymore then?
What exactly ARE you doing at the "universities" over there?
At one time, america had an intuition in place to prevent someone like hillary from being elected. It was called the law.
You mean indoctrination.
socialist indoctrination
More educated voters broke for Trump.
It's name was Robert Paulson.
>kikes in charge of education more than ever
>all the little goyim are taking on a lifetime of debt just to be indoctrinated by kike bullshit
>still doesn't turn elections your way
>oy vey goyim education was so much better before we took it over
America is the most educated than ever before. And education is more liberal than ever before. The Jews just can't cuck us.
educating, but only particular demographics who are notorious for not voting
make you think
Academia is plagued with liberals and liberal ideals.
>America had an institution in place to prevent someone ________ from being elected.
Too bad the Jews and SJWs fucked up the educational system.
Dems had plenty of time to reform education.
(((occupy democrats)))
>Comic Sans
With a name like Borowitz you didn't even have to look it up m8
Fucking smug leftists and their EDUCATE YOURSELF meme.
We have no fucking choice! You turned College into an overpriced daycare center for legal adult aged babies that attack anyone with different opinions. Government school has been reduced to a social experimentation lab to see if illiterate juveniles from the third world can be trained as muscle for leftist mobs.
So yeah, talk about educational institutions in the past tense, they are. We are stuck teaching ourselves. And guess what? Your common core worldview no longer fits, if it ever did at all.
Daily reminder we get at least 4 years of this level of butthurt and attempts to be high and mighty by coming up with witty one-liners.
The education that made me read trash like Othello so I got angry and voted Trump? That education?
Pro-tip: If the first name is Schlomo or the last name ends in -itz you don't need to look it up.
And then it was overrun by leftards who call you racist for asking questions so we elected a troll to drive the left screaming over the edge. Occupy my cock.
I pretty sure the left has dominated education for at least the last thirty years. Are they admitting that they can't do their jobs properly, or is this just another they can't take responsibility for anything.
Really fires off the old synapses
Beer, pot, and orgies. None of which I take a part of.
t.napoleon the pig
Daily reminder that you have a lifetime of being upset by people who make you feel inferior
>literally a jew who borrows
>a banker
Still not sure if these are parody of liberal rhetoric, or actually 100% serious.
education is a fucking meme.
>Occupy Democrats
pick one
...and then people noticed that's what it was doing instead of educating its students, so it lost its credibility.
Really makes you think.
Read this. Like PAUL Joseph WATson.
>insulting the voters
Why don't libs understand that this does not work?
don't like guns? don't buy one.
>don't like taxes? don't pay them.
>I am so smart! S-M-R-T!
>liberals lack of self awareness summed up in one image
>what is law and order
wew that really woke up my grey matter
So leftist indoctrination caused Trump to get elected? Really fries my nuggets...
How else do you identify it?
Schlomo, -itz, -stein and the big nose, right?
Don't like niggers? Don't go near them.
There was once a system in place for keeping people like Hillary out of office, and that system is called THE JUSTICE SYSTEM.
Also, leftist colleges should be shut down and their useless humanities degrees invalidated, since it seems to skew their perceptions of reality having an overpaid mouthpiece called a professor forcefeed them ideas.
I never said I was high and mighty but it tickles me pink when people take shit like OPs quote into "le enlightened gentleman" levels of cringe.
Just imagine the kind of guy who would unironically share some shit like that on Facebook. You very likely know THAT guy. He hates trump in a desperate attempt to appeal to who he views as cool.
I've had run-ins with these guys. Some guys tried to flirt with my girlfriend this way at her job. A 30 year old chubby Asian guy and a manlet half Mexican both tried to play the "wow aren't you glad Hillarys winning?" pickup line shit 2 weeks out. They half ass changed their stance when she admitted that she was voting trump.
She works part time as a grocery store shelf stocker because she likes to have goals when I'm at work (IT Admin at Boeing, sorry she's not >blacked.) and she laughed heartily that there was nobody at her job the day after the election. Not a nu-male in sight. A handful got fired. The fat 30 y/o Asian guy moved back in with his parents when he was fired.
Tl;dr these guys are retarded and remind me of 13 year old me trying to be funny and stand out. Issue is that these fags are legit manchildren and aren't changing
>What exactly ARE you doing at the "universities" over there?
Drowning in debt thanks to private enterprise fucking over everyone who wasn't born rich. It's the American Way now.
This isn't real, right? Because if memory serves, didn't the Berlin Wall get built after WWII?
>don't like taxes, don't pay them
Good fucking luck with that...
More people that have never left the ivory tower voted for the most corrupt candidate in history. Same source.
You typed "education" did you mean to type "(((education)))?
This meme is the biggest bullshit in existence. Oh no if you disagree with showing preschoolers hardcore gay porn you're a bigot. Go fuck yourself kike.
Fuck yes!
Hitler didnt do nothing wrong, his only mistake was losing the war
>At one time, America had an institution in place to prevent niggers from being uppity.
>It was called slavery
Where's the one with Trump and Hitler drinking water?
>When the intelligent members of a society becomes unable to overrule the ignorant, a society fails
>The Democrats have the best plan for the US
Completely immune to irony.
IF it ends in -itz then it is definitely Jewish. Rarely, but sometimes -stein is not jewish.
Anything else you should look up the author's background.
At one time, America had an institution in place to prevent someone like Hillary Clinton from being elected.
Democrats have no relationship WITH the truth or facts. They stand in opposition to both.
>u stoopid XD
into the trash
The lefty libtards go around shouting Racist!, Homophobe!, Anti-Semite!, islamophobe! Nazi! Hitler! Fascist! White-Supremacist! and other retarded, anti-white shite. They have been totally brainwashed by the Jewish/Marxist media and government school system. No logic or facts can penetrate their fog of stupidity. They are brainwashed and indoctrinated.
Political correctness is a Leftist shaming tactic to suppress the open and obvious truth. It is censorship, it is denial, it is destructive.
They are no longer liberals in the classic sense of the word, they are weaponized leftists, there is no reasoning with them.
>He has to ask it
American education, everybody.
Marxist brainwashing.
I know user, hold my sides, we're going for a ride.
And then schools became predominantly leftist
Please tell me this one is fake.
really makes one's tax-avoidance loopholes gape...
Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich MURDERED because he was the true source of the leaked emails and documents.
She and her co-conspirators in the msm and the democratic party are blaming Russia to cover their tracks.
They are engaged in treason and are trying to subvert the will of the American people.
The need to be punished for their crimes and stopped at all costs.
Yeah I don't give a shit about this any more. We won!
>Berlin Wall built in 1961
>being democrat
>this stupid
Weird, because we are more educated now than at any other point in our history. Isn't odd that as we approach almost half the population being college educated, more and more people start questioning the Jews shit they are shoveling?
>if you disagree with me you are dumb
Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich MURDERED because he was the true source of the leaked emails and documents.
She and her co-conspirators in the msm and the democratic party are blaming Russia to cover their tracks.
They are engaged in treason and are trying to subvert the will of the American people.
They need to be punished for their crimes and stopped at all costs.
I can respect that, at least hes not an smarmy hipster cuck with a shit degree from some nowhere college who spits on anyone not from New York