
Does Sup Forums want children?

Leaving the whole race war meme aside, will you have children?

I will not. I will never expend whatever little time and savings I have to raise any children. I will never get married and waste my time with any women.

I just want to be free.

I am single and I wish to remain single. I´m 26 years old. I am not asexual or anything like that I just think I am better off alone.

Am I fucked in the head?

No, you're fucking sane. Only a dumbass gets married and pops out kids these days, with our women deliberately voting for the sandnigger invasion and whoring around.

logical conclusions

>your physical body exists due to previous generations of [your Race] fucking before you
>if you and your *entire* generation as a whole did the same - you'd have wipe everyone out from [your Race]

by all means choose not to have kids since self-chosen celibates, sterile/diseased people and homosexuals cannot either but still live fulfilling lives. Just don't drag everyone else down (((and try to target HuWhite Males at Sup Forums during the current dindu replacement))) of Evropa and USA senpai

>Just don't drag everyone else down /.../
*with you

Yes, I want three tots.

>Only a dumbass gets married and pops out kids these days, with
you'd think the subsaharan african currently flooding Europe would have thought the same given their shit-tier living conditions (and inter-warfare between negro tribes) for aeons, but noooooooo...

>Doesn't realize he is helping genocide out Whotes.

No that's exactly why you should be having kids, and lots of them.

>I could donate sperm and have children , but what ´s the point?

I just want to be free.

No women , no debt, no expensive luxuries, cars or big houses. I dont smoke I dont drink.

I just want an easy and peaceful life. I think I could save loads of money by being single and live in peace.

See my comment. You won't be free under the reign of blacks and Muslims. So have kids.

Everybody is selfish until they have kids.

I can tell you first hand having kids and being married is the best thing in life... Just find the right woman.

>no debt, no expensive luxuries

>no debt
reform the economy; Social Credit [fasc.], Corporativism [NS if the axis had won the war] being merely two examples of new thought

>no expensive luxuries
choose cheap; for example Linux/BSD over Windows, not upgrading your refridgerator into a Internet of Things app, and so on. This latter thing is really all about YOUR choices if you're choosing between several items yet for whatever reason sticking with the more expensive ones

>I dont smoke I dont drink
You already save loads of money then compared to most people during any holiday :3

>See my comment. You won't be free under the reign of blacks and Muslims. So have kids.

But I will user. I will have some savings and I could flee the country/europe or fight. If I have a wife and little children I will have to protect them risking my own life.

Is not worth it

I think that every white should make atleast 3 children.

How's gonna make the world a better place if not ?

>Just find the right woman.
Muchhhhhhh easier said then done.

Half the white bitches are actively conspiring to destroy Western civilisation. Why the fuck would you shit our kids with a treasonous whore who wants sandnigger dick?

>and I could flee the country/europe

To where?

>If I have a wife and little children I will have to protect them risking my own life.
>Is not worth it

Would you say the same about Spain overthrowing its muslim invaders hundreds of years before your existence? Would not saving your loved ones be of worth?

pic related: this man helped Hitler and his Reich to save Europe from

>Communist takeover in regards to Religion, Free Speech, Politics at large*
>more (((credit))) to (((special interests))) in the economy

... This despite being a faggot and not giving birth to any kids. He fought bravely with his life at stake, even surpassing Hitler in kill count pre-ww2 years, just to try and save hos own Kin from future dangers

*just look at Sweden with #culturalmarxism on an alltime high

>To where?
Russia? Canada? Australia? South America? EEUU??

>Would you say the same about Spain overthrowing its muslim invaders hundreds of years before your existence? Would not saving your loved ones be of worth?

My ancestors died defending their land and people against the muslims invaders, back then it was worth fighting and dying for your own country Times have changed. Every nation is mixed up and fucked beyond repair, million of black , Chinese, south americans and muslims people wondering around our own countries. I do not wish to raise any children. Not in this world.

I will not fight for no one.

So you'll run rather than fight? Your country isn't doomed.

>Am I fucked in the head?
I don't know but for my entire life, the hours I cherished the most have been either with my family or my girlfriend.
Of course there are nice solitary hours where you relax, focus on a project, are alone in nature or for you maybe, fuck some hot slut. But I don't think anyone feels fulfilled from that, long-term.

The real problem is whether you find the right people to surround yourself with. But I'd rather try than just give up and then rationalise my giving up on online forums.

That said, it means taking a risk and it can backfire badly.

>So you'll run rather than fight? Your country isn't doomed.

My country isnt doomed yet but it will , along with europe. That´s why I dont want any children family.

I just want free time for myself and savings.

It could save my life on day.

irish women are too fukin ugly to even touch
ill get an anglo woman probably

>That said, it means taking a risk and it can backfire badly.>>
I get your point

>That said, it means taking a risk and it can backfire badly.

But having children could be worse - child support, divorce, having a retarded children, whatever.

redheads are beautiful

Of course, but what's the alternative? Hedonism? Fucking sluts? Video games? "Savings", for what?

If you do not have or intend to have children you are not a Nationalist, you do not stand with the White Race, you are a race traitor. End of discussion.

You can have kids and still be single my man, I've done it twice lol

>you do not stand with the White Race, you are a race traitor.
if leaving out disabled/gays/celibates, then even worser are the racemixers and also those gleefully/actively encouraging the invasive flooding of nonwhites into White Countries (Only), even if they themselves have white kids

A little bit of everything. I enjoy lifting at the gym and at home.
I dont play videogames anymore.

Savings so I can get retired whenever I want and not having to work till I am old and weak and useless.

sorry I am not a nacionalist. I am a nihilist if anything.

Would you redo all that if you could and be a free man?

I didn't *want* kids, but I found out last month I have an 8 year old daughter I didn't know about, I am excited to meet her, but I'm scared she won't accept me