How does it feel Sup Forums? I'm black and while you guys hate niggers, I feel bad for you racists cucks watching black men such as myself fuck tons of white women while your tiny neckbeard cock fucks body pillows. You guys thought Trump was the beginning a new era ? The real era is watching your favorite white pornstars get BLACKED while I travel to predominantly white states that don't see any blacks, fuck hot white sluts and leave you cucks with my mixed children. I've already fucked 7 women this month and impregnated 4 of them. Many of my black brothers are doing the same. Enjoy!
poor OP
all alone in his shit thread
Not alone like you are, seeing as I get women. Oh wait, you have your mom don't you? Your lucky she's so old and ugly otherwise I'd fuck her too.
i thought about not replying but i actually felt bad for thinking about leaving you alone
I'm here for you OP
Stop lying jidf.
You'll always be just a nigger OP.
This reads like it was written by a try-hard.
You can be a better troll. I have faith in you, faggot.
At least you tried, OP. That's all that matters for you niggers right?
Can I roleplay too?
The interracial shit has only gotten popular since niggers got smartphones. Put two and two together (oh wait, that's a complex equation for a nigger).
what do you do for a living?
Post proof that you're a nigger, otherwise you're just a...nigger.
>cumskin detected
fuck off larper
Says he has 7 Women in one Month
Still Posts on Sup Forums
Niggers cant even Shitpost. Can your Folk do anything right ? Or are you just a burden on Humanity all day ?
I, too, have impregnated several women just this month! We already know they're pregnant and everything, like for serious.
It's really tough finding time to impregnate more women, though, because of my busy life as a secret agent. I'm currently infiltrating a hospital (those episodes of House really came in handy!) to determine whether or not Dr. Chang is a communist traitor. Exciting!
Anyway, many women have had my children, and every single one of them agrees that it was the best decision they ever made. Their families are happy with it, too!
Also, I invented pizza.
Gosh, white bois, does this make you mad?
Please clap.
2 + 2 is an expression, not an equation
All these betas itt
Losing my shit here reading replies. I honestly believe 99% of pol is pic related
>I'm black
No, you're not. I'm pretty sure you're white as snow.
Dude WTF stop posting my selfies online
Post BBC with timestamp or GTFO