my body is ready
look at the source, there are no files on it.
what are you scanning for? JS?
proof that it's real?
Proof that it's not real?
Assange will be on Hannitys radio show in 25 minutes?
If real, I doubt it'll be anything important.
God I really hope this is it. The smoking gun, shell casing, and fingerprints to go along with it.
I hope this is the photos of Hillary molesting little girls, and every other rumor that has been circulating ever since the wikileaks story broke.
I hope this is what forces Obama to pursue criminal charges against most, if not all of the Clinton Foundation, their donors, and allows the FBI to go full RICO on these sick fucks like the mafia back the day.
Then again, we could just be blue balled once more with a non story that some faggot thought was substantial.
I'm really hoping that isn't the case, and that this gigantic ball of shit can start rolling. Hard and fast right over the entire Establishment, Hollywood, and anyone else implicated in all this sick, demented, occult bullshit.
plz be real
First Countdown here, been hearing that the previous ones were fake.
I do have some hope.
>countdown ends
meatspin starts playing
Can the insurance files still be downloaded?
This, holy shit.
Check some torrenting sites, some of them were quite large so not likely that youll get those in time.
What am I supposed to see here?
Care to explain?
How does this info make it a non story?
this site was setup by the same viral marketer who promotes clickbait sites.
Amway and porn marketer
It's made by some random web designer looking to gain popularity, look at the other thread going some anons broke it down.
Its showing designer) has the same exact registrar as
Maybe it's just a front to cover for the real people leaking the info?
I understand your concerns, but I also want to remain hopeful that some group has been working extremely hard to get this info out to the public. This could just be their way to covering their tracks.
I'd love for it to be real and your theory to be true however i dont want to give some fucking shill clicks. and he made his twitter private so its all weird
Kekusan. sry for /x-tier sauce but great wikileaks timeline on lawyers dying, Internet getting cut off to prevent dead man's switch, possible CIA takeover of Wikileaks:
Holy mother of kek
If it is nothing, which I do highly suspect it will be, then he'll only end up giving himself negative attention.
this is meaningless. do you know how big of a registrar namecheap is? idiot.
it's yet another virtual hosting provider. there's a ton of other hostnames that resolve to this IP address in addition to and
here's 3 I found on my first page of search results for that IP address.
anurabase 000space com
sekspartner 55freehost com
Wasnt the reveal supposed to be in 22min?, or do i remember wrong. Seems to be 1h 52min now.