>I wear it for comfort
I wear it for comfort
>tfw no gf
>tfw never had a gf
>tfw never had my first kiss
>tfw virgin
The ride never ends
How old are you m8?
I'm also a touchless virgin, currently at lvl 26. can't wait to finally gain my wizard powers.
fuck niggers tho
Only 18. But things don't look like they're gonna change anytime soon at all. I thought maybe I'd have more opportunities in uni, but I'm still a social recluse that can't talk to girls.
I'm a fat, gross, autistic tranny and I lost my virginity (to a girl) when I was 17. How the fuck do you people manage to not get laid for so long what the fuck?
I'd make her vagina comfortable.
If you know what I mean.
definitely does anal, probably requests it
Getting "laid" is neither respectable nor desirable.
Your mind is filth.
if you ever got laid instead of shitposting you wouldnt be triggered but youre so butthurt you gotta ruin it for everyone
right now is the easiest time for nerds and geeks to get laid in the history of the universe and girls are the hottest theyve ever been and you cant leave your stupid computer so you have to be a negative nancy about it
go get some fucking pussy you shit eater
know that feel too well
i just fucked up something at some point of my life. i am average and couple of girls were hitting on me, once i was drunk so as the girl and she touch me all over but i rather went to sleep. autism
>current year
>being +18 and virgin
25 kissless virgin here reporting in
Also neet, never worked once in my life
No degree
Don't worry m8, you're still in the Late Bloomer phase. At around 23-25 you will notice that it might never work and settle for the wizard path.
Lack of opportunities, low self esteem, depression, no social skills, no experience with girls AT ALL. at least thats the case for me.
Wear what?
What do you mean?
Do pretty girls fart and poo?
the beach looks extremely painful
Just go to a hooker, god damn. I did that when I was 20, I could not suffer being a virgin any longer (now I'm married almost a decade later). Just bee yourself.
>current year
>being a favela monkey
looks like I win again maradonna
at least we got porn m8
also working as a social recluse and fuckup is really not a joy so you ain't missing out bro
>a fucking VIRGIN leaf
>Do pretty girls fart and poo?
Not American girls, maybe your weird, European girls do
You're a big guy.
>Lack of opportunities, low self esteem, depression, no social skills, no experience with girls AT ALL. at least thats the case for me.
same + i was more interested in porn than girls around me in my teen years
Didn't socialize outside of school. Dropped out. Didn't leave house for seven years. Only finally left to work in a factory full of old ladies and Puerto Ricans.
A girl liked me once, but I just treated it like a joke. I don't think I could like someone who'd fuck me. I'm a loser. She later fucked my uncle for drugs. Think she has three kids.
4 u
>being ""white""
>i care what girls i am not involved with wear
Are you gay?
I've only danced with one girl in a disco and only asked a girl once, we had lunch twice but then I quit I was to depressed I didn't wanted to tell her I had no car and no future.
Thing is I don't look bad, I'm talled, smarter, and more good looking than the average is just that I don't feel like doing anything.
I want to sleep all day, not even like videogames anymore, I don't see tv, movies, I just, well I don't know what I've done these last 7 years.
I tried uni once, I could've pull it, I'm not stupid but I just couldn't.
>tfw she will never dit on your face
travel you faggot. go to third world countries and fuck the native women. if you´re not a nigger it´s easy as fuck. now go get your passport stamped Hans, or if you´re a nigger you can just go rape some blondies
she's carrying you chechnyigger
you're still young boi. Didn't have sex until I was 21.
Just work out, eat well, focus on ur own shit and it will come.
I'd ban porn desu, It doesn't help us friend.
Because people fear rejection and broken hearts, but also they don't realize that rejection and broken hearts turns you into a normal adjusted member of society. They hope at some point it will all just fall into place and don't realize it's a process
Illegal in burgerland, unfortunately. And I'm sure as shit not gonna haul my ass over to Nevada.
What is she carrying?
>if you know what I mean
What did he mean by this?
where you at, brüder?
I'll be your wingman and we'll go out and fuck sloots together
Is there a German speaking population anywhere there? I'd hate to learn Spanish. Such a nigger tier language.
Mexican Spanish yes but Spain Spanish is quite lovely despite the fact that the whole country is filled with lefty cucks
I've been to argentina and it's actually pretty safe.
My family there is poor and still there is a strong sense of community in their ghettos and often meat is cooked in huge amounts and shared.
it seems a lot different that what i have read/watched on videos about favelas in brazil.
I'm sure there are bad parts in Argentina but poor doesnt automatically mean dangerous like in most other south american countries.
this was at least 7 years ago though, idk how argentina is now.
The kids love playing counterstrike in the internet cafes there. it was pretty comfy
I hauled my ass to fucking Thailand, that's the other side of the globe.
well at least something, I can't remember any time in my life where I even made an effort to get a girl.
I look average at best and I feel like I can't compete with anyone at all, I just don't see why any girl would choose me.
Dude i'm 26, shit is fucked beyond repair.
otherwise we would never see a 10/10s butthole m8
it has nothing to do with that m8, stop pulling shit out of your ass.
I'm too old for this shit
should have tried it when I was younger.
>being normal
>going through shit to become normal
>the current year
Spain is lefty or Argentina?
Stop thinking women are anything special and if you should care about what they think.
Talk to one if it fails fuck it move to the next
Your problem is that you want to lose your virginity to a model
Just grab a random drunk chubby Helga from a bar and lose it that way
What do you know, it's my birthday and that's how old I am today.
Glad I could spend some of it with my Sup Forums bros.
m8, I'm 25 so you're only a year older than me. The extra age makes it easier to avoid all the rookie mistakes the young pups make.
Besides, I broke in a 25 year old Spanish girl three weeks ago, it's definitely not too late.
Nice girl
I got laid at 16 like a normal well established dude...
common chicks want it just as bad as the guys haha, its not fucking rocket science
Spain is commies
Argentina is run by neocons
Also Argentina isn't 97% white, that's bullshit
They've got at least a million Bolivians illegally there and the average bolivian illegal has 6 kids in argentina compared to the 2.5 kids the average mexican illegal has here
I don't want to settle for some ugly woman that doesn't even manage to get me hard.
whats the fucking point? then I might as well continue fucking my onahole watching porn.
I mean sure I could get an escort but I want a gf....and even this shit seems like its not worth it in the long run.
happy birthday brazil friend, may your favela be blessed today.
>The extra age makes it easier to avoid all the rookie mistakes the young pups make.
no idea what you're even talking about
name btw
drink more
So? Go on Backpage or Eros. Check for reviews on The Erotic Review to make sure they're decent and not cops.
Are you me? Except I'm 23.
I'm a 400lbs neckbeard and I've fucked over 80 women. Ya'll need to just man up and not be a little bitch.
Check filename, chick usually goes by the Name "Melena"
Sorry, I'm Australian. Being older helps you recognise and avoid mistakes that younger guys make.
tips confirm incels btfo
You need to get over your self hatred, dude. There's too many ugly stupid losers out there getting laid.
Fucking degenerates. This is the response that triggers me the most. Muh get a fookin hooker m8. What's wrong with wanting to meet a pure, innocent and naive virgin female, with no tattoos or piercings, doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't whore herself out on facebook/instagram/twitter, isn't a coalburning liberal slut? Has it occurred to you that some virgins also want another virgin mate or someone who's hasn't sucked more than 100 cocks before she turned 20?
Believe me I'm trying.
Happy birthday :^)
>tfw told myself I would at 17
>then 18
>then 19
>now I'm 20
>Sup Forums is made mostly of virgin white losers
>these are the people who spew daily hatred against blacks and jews
you can't make this shit up
fucking loser
At least we're self aware.
Less than two years to go here. Stopped really caring many years ago when I realized that I want nothing more than to be a hermit in the woods. I am sure being loved feels nice though.
not really. if you were self-aware, you wouldn't be a virgin loser
i know your pain
why do you care if he gets laid
youre using the same shaming tactics that western women use to force them into dating them and finance their slutty behavior
Seek true love with a christian cutie, sex isnt as important as (((they))) want you to think it is.
>constantly reminded on here how much girls are giant whores in 2016
>thread full of virgins
How is that even possible? It's never been easier in history to fuck women.
how does that work
some losers totally give up and embrace the idea of being a loser. so they are self-aware.
>Only 18.
Jesus. Who cares then?
What you ought to be focusing on is becoming a capable, respected man, who therefore can earn a steady income, who therefore is attractive marriage material. If you happen to meet a nice girl along the way, so much the better. If you don't, they'll come out of the woodwork when you can support a wife in comfort. If, in the end, you fail and accept failure, there'll still be someone out there who wants stable consolation-prize companionship. Women don't want to attach themselves to an immature man: if he's too much of a failure they'll have to disentangle themselves, if he's too much of a success they know they'll get dumped. Become a known quantity and then go looking.
The rest is just the cock-carousel. For 90% of men, it's full of rejection and humiliation, for the other 10% it's full of STDs, mental illness, rape accusations, and paternity suits.
People didn't worry about this shit until (((Hollywood and sitcoms))) rotted their brains. First they made "dating" seem an indispensible part of student life, then they came right out and said that if you're not fornicating, you're not normal.
Add on top of this the absurdly-prolonged adolescence created by labor laws, public schooling, and credentialism, and there's a severe mismatch between biological maturation and social maturation which confuses the hell out of everyone.
31 year old kissless virgin here
Beyond caring at this point
being self-aware means aknowledging that you fucked up, and that you have to change it
>always thought I'd lose my virginity at 19
>thought 19 was pushing it to not be an autist
>don't even give a fuck now
Absolutely a huge fucking no no.
Lvl 25 kissless virgin with 2 MAs here.
Everyone in this thread should be round up and shot
>can't wait to finally gain my wizard powers.
you fools there are no powers
>31 year old kissless virgin here
how the fuck you fucking loser
i had my first gf at 17 yo
Pareto's principle, or Zipf's law. 20% of males fuck 80% of females.
> 17
well adjusted people have all started fucking at 14, step up
I think that's bullshit and you virgins just need to take 3 months off of Sup Forums and get a girl.
This is a normie board fuck off back to Sup Forums or /r9k/.
yeah that's cause I don't consider myself a chad
just a normal person
>well adjusted
Guys in my school who did that ended up barely getting through a 3 year high school program. Girls who did that ended up as hairdressers and cosmeticians. One got knocked up at 16.
lvl 24. It never stops since 16
Same. Don't care anymore