so we gonna do this or what?
/tvg/ - Tuvalu General - Is it possible? Edition
Lets make a game plan
We'll need a strategy, weapons, and transportation
This is the battle plan
Yeah they won't see the plan coming
so whats this shit about
Just get some rowboats and mosins and you guys will be fine.
>get the locals hooked on drugs
>now have virtual slaves
coconut niggers will just group here
Also killing wont get attention, torching homes will. We need molotov cocktails, no gas (its just a waste of fuel)..
>just use brute force
>now have virtual slaves
Brutal force will only be met with more brutal force.
Anyway what's the general plan for when you take control of the island?
>tfw this would be glorious and but would never happen because the UN would get involved and anally rape us all. (maybe not even metaphorically.
Has anyone asked Shkreli to fund us?
Tuvalu's GDP: 38 million
Martin Shkreli's net worth: ~100 million
Is it possible to DDOS an entire .tv domain?
Do they have a central server that is vulnerable or something?
>implying you teenage losers will ever make it out of mommies basement
kek laughs at you
*suicide mission
who wants to volunteer as tribute??
most of the posters probably don't even have a passport and those who do probably not enough money/time to even visit the damn place
>implying we're teenage losers
if didgits ban this autist
I know, we wait for the water to rise, they all leave, then we hire some dutchies and build dykes [embankments, not lesbian sexbots] to reclaim some uninhabitable land
Should we contact /k/ about this? Or are they going to give us shit and complain about MUH CONTAINMENT BOARD?
we probably should
/k/ommandos would love something to shoot at
Especially if we promise them more Nuggets.
You guys are such simpletons.
Let me tell you a factual story.
There was a regular old guy. He went to the Kingdom of Tonga, another backwater Pacific island nation of no consequence whatsoever.
He befriended the KING. He was on such good terms with the king he started helping the king make financial decisions for the country.
And promptly drove the country right into the ground because he had no idea what he was doing.
But just use that as an example of what's possible.
If a bunch of semi wealthy Sup Forumstizens (they do exist) moved to Tuvalu, helped out with the community, shipped in better school supplies, really engratiated themselves with the ruling class (whatever that may be), imagine what would be possible.
A small cadre of /po/ could essentially steer the entire future of a small nation like Tuvalu.
THAT is actually possible.
Airsoft kiddies planning d-day attacks on a pacific atoll is just retarded. Cut it out.
>wall of text containing fable
>s-stop trying to get an ethnostate goy
your post could be summed up with a simple DELETE THIS
Australians of Sup Forums
Ill do it. Can we get a Davy Crockett?
What is this? tldr
Daily reminder that these islandniggers have a PT boat that's armed with HMGs and possibly a 20mm cannon. Capturing its anchoring place is vital to success.
It would not be a suicide mission if the 100 men retreated back to the sea as soon as Tuvaluian reinforcements arrive. Then they can go around the island and join the main force.
too long didn't read
you newfag
>/po/ takes over tuvalu
>corner the world market on Origami
>butt heads with the Japs and Chinese
>the Origami Wars begin
/k/, is that you bro'?
>reading comprehension
benis island:DDDDD
Also this thread lol. I wonder what the resident FBI snitch thinks. I'm 100% sure half of the autists here aren't even ironic about this.
Origami War or Hyperwar...? Can't make up my mind.
Origami War. Hyper War involved Finland and Jackie Chan.
>Suicide mission
I call for the Canadians and the Japanese to take on this task.
im not
this can go 2 ways:
>we raid this nigger country or
>we let climate change do it for us
>someone posts 500 word thesis on why you should suck their cock and how they are always right
>expects people to read it as gospel
Should we change the name of Tuvalu after we annex it ?
I dont have guns, ameriguns need to shop in
of course, but we can't very well call it Sup Forumsland...
fucking lurk more faggot
You have to remember that Tuvalu doesn't have an army. They only have a police force. Maybe some locals will form militias once we attack.
Get the fuck out.
> Drugged population
> Productive, stable
Pick one and only one.
Yea we need to call it New Land
I was just pointing out the fact that that flag isnt seen very often, I'm no newfag, I've been on here for at least 3 months
Explain these threads. Are you guys larping or are you actually planning to invade a small island nation?
>that flag isnt seen very often
End your life.
>I'm no newfag
>I've been on here for at least 3 months
t. /r/the_donald maymay pro
have an ubvote lad
>"I'm no newfag"
>"I've been on here for at least 3 months"
Checks out
>I'm no newfag, I've been on here for at least 3 months
oh man, even if you're being 30-layers-deep ironic you just can't post that sort of thing.
reddit refugees really need to go
>Average IQ of 65
>Not self-sustaining
>Literally surrounded by their own trash and feces
>Stirs the shit with major powers because they're so insignificant they don't fear retaliation
tuvalu needs to toodle-oo
>3 months
newfag detected
Ideally the inhabitants would be memed out of their country, which Sup Forums could then occupy and make flourish while the rest of the world slowly - at first, and then very rapidly - falls into chaos following the great economic krach of 2017-2018 and the ensuing WWIII
>three months
>Maybe some locals will form militias once we attack
If the Americans bring their AR-15, there will be no resistance.
We will make it our Crimea, holding a Referendum. We make a Deal with Alex Jones and Promise People their own water Filters.
That means we have a target for muh molotovs.
It was foreseen years ago.
>w-what is your interest in Tuvalu?
How are you fags going to get there?
Y'all gonna get raped when the supporting army/coastguard finally shows up.
But hey, at least you landed 4 minutes on fox.
Granted habbening
I'll have you know that the segment will be 10 minutes once the first wave is beaten back.
>CNN: The infamous hacker 'Sup Forums' has taken over an island by force
You faggots always find a way to take shitposting to the next level.
we arent rich, boat of course
We should get help from the expert.
Of all these small islands that we talk about moving to, do any of them have snow and mountains, so we can go skiing in the winter
jesus christ, mate. you shouldn't have replied
LMFAO, dude you remind me so much of this picture keksimus maximus
>implying we wont pillage the islands, kill all the men and outsource the land to rich people
we keep the locals on and make profit off the land
>the prime minister just admitted how shit his country is
I own 24 firearms and 3 of them are full auto.
I said it before, I'll say it again.
Tuvalu is a Commonwealth Nation. As in, it's HEAD OF STATE IS THE QUEEN. SHE HAS A DUTY AND OBLIGATION TO DEFEND THE ISLAND. You'll get fucking wrecked by the British.
In fact, no you won't, you'll get fucking wrecked by the fucking Aussies. They'll bomb the shit out of, counter-invade the island, shoot you, and as you lay bleeding out on the ground, they'll squat down next to you, lit cigarette in their hand, blow a buff of smoke in your terrified face and as your start to pass out from the blood loss. The last think you'll here is.
Does it come with the spider web?
No shit, but we should do it anyway for teh lulz.
We just bring emus, ez pz
Bad news guys, this guy from the future posted this. Back your bags up and go home.
When does school start again?
fuck, i gotta register
where is the email feild?
Kek can be anywhere anytime, and he can kill you in over 300 different ways.
and that's just with doubles.
The real question remains unanswered - does she have balls to fight Sup Forums playing chicken with her common wealth.
TIDF faggot
>DDOS the entire island's internet
>Commence invasion, leave nobody alive
>Live in harmony as the entire island does nothing but shitpost on Sup Forums and watch anime
>a week later Tourists/Brits/Aussies/Islandniggers show up
>"What the hell? Why is this island populated by autistic white people? What happened to those stupid fat islandniggers?"
TIDF faggot.
New Zealand
>he thinks New Zealand won't get involved
They'll kick your ass and ask if you want feesh and cheeps.