Why is the West so quick to demonize the whaling industry? It's no different than slaughtering pigs or killing salmon.
Why is the West so quick to demonize the whaling industry? It's no different than slaughtering pigs or killing salmon
This is probably (ironically) bait. But probably because there are far more salmon or pigs than whales? If they were just as common or had just as fast life spans I wouldn't give a rats ass how many whales were killed.
Fat acceptance
Idk, people also freak out about the killer whale shows, but I wonder if they have ever spent any amount of time with them? They are savage and total assholes
This. If whales were as common as salmon or pigs nobody would give a shit. Same thing about any kind of endangered species like tigers or elephants. If they weren't endangered and there millions of the fuckers, nobody would care if people were harvesting them.
whales which are hunted today are not facing any risk at all of becoming extinct.
They are hunted in a sanctuary.
Go start killing deer in a national park. See what happens. That's what Japan is doing with whales.
Whalers no longer exist OP
They moved to Raleigh nearly 20 years ago and became the Hurricanes
where the hell do you think hunting happens?
In my back yard to be honest
It's good to have land
Most cattle would be extinct if they didn't serve as the purpose of being fucking cattle to begin with.
whaling would be okay if they were bred and kept for the sole purpose of being slaughtered for their meat
if you want whale meat be efficient about it, hunting is for savages
neither pigs nor salmon are endangered species.
Also, do you still pick berries in the wild to feed yourself?
Because the dirty japs sneak into AUSTRALIAN WATERS and hunt in our exclusive economic zones then call it science.
Imagine the Chinks came to your house, killed and cooked your dog and as they're eating it called it art.
It's no different.
The japs can fuck off.
So can the Spanish sneaking into Australian waters to steal our Patagonian Toothfish.
Why is the west so weak and run on feelings?
Minke whales? Fine, they are like the rats of the sea.
Other whales? Not so much.
Your salmon and pig are both farm raised, whales will never be farm raised.
The amount of wild salmon being caught and eaten isn't of concern.
whales are pretty big tho senpai
Fishing is the only food industry that doesn't use a domesticated source for production. Outside of muh aquaculture, everything comes from the wild. It's unsustainable and retarded. Unlike deer, whales will not overpopulate becasue their natural predators do not come into conflict with humans.
Strop being retarded. I expect more from a red blooded American.
You don't own Antarctica your claims of an EEZ there are invalid.
usa government keeps trying to tell us to stop hunting whales but we just kill more of them every time haha, even endangered ones
whales and dolphins are near-sapient
It would be like hunting great apes for food. Generally civilized people find torturing and killing great apes to be wrong
Not in animal sanctuaries, like national parks. It's illegal.
I've been hunting for fifteen years. How many years have you hunted?
agreed... mink whales actually threaten other whales because they are smaller and more robust. magestic blue or gray whales cannot compete with the minks so they must be culled in order to protect other species
people are uninformed and ignorant its amazing
Unlike your broke arse country our claims are completely valid and enforceable. We have infrastructure all through our EEZ. Take your fictional narrative elsewhere to a country that can't afford Jewish flesh eating lawyers
Yeah, fuck the fact whale lineages have been coexisting for millions of years. We defiantly need to cull that population!
Fuck off anyone from Scandinavia, or the Noreast - you're all whaling chucks.
The claim to the Antarctic isn't valid, and is only accepted by 4 other nations in the world. Of which the most powerful and important ones are not on the list of acceptance.
What infrastructure has your nation illegally placed in the Antarctic Ocean that would support your claim of having infrastructure all through the Antarctic Ocean?
>Japan thinks its okay to illegally enter our waters and kill endangered species
>Government only 'warns' them
Fucking spineless cunts
I have to agree with Stralia on this one.
We got a couple of abos in boats row wing in circles.
Pretty sure that qualifies, mate.
>Why is the West so quick to demonize the whaling industry?
>Because I saw a whale documentary on TV once, and they're so intelligent and majestic
Westerners like to whine about what meat other countries eat, be it horse, whale, dog. Meanwhile, pigs are incredibly intelligent and no one has any qualms about slaughtering them en masse. I guess it's what they get for not be furry/cute or "majestic".
Let's take a closer look:
>No indigenous peoples
>Geographically equidistant to other countries
>No natural resources
>Proxy for national waters
>No first dibs due to conflicting accounts
Yeah, no one is claiming Antarctica anytime soon.
>Pretty sure that qualifies, mate.
Sure lets say it does count as infrastructure.
It still wouldn't allow a new claim of territory (an EEZ) under the 1959 Antarctic Treaty that Australia signed.
The Australian support of piracy and terrorism are however very real claims and would by any objective standard be found guilty of supporting.
Don't be mad, yank.
We own the vast majority. LOL.
>Why is the West so quick to demonize the whaling industry?
Nobody eats whale meat anymore. It tastes like shit. There were freezers on the docks in Japan that lost electricity and they just threw out 40 whales worth of rotting meat because it wasn't worth saving.
Get cucked aussies
nice try schlomo, whales taste great
Because they give us oxygen. Let me explain before you call me a dumbass.
Whales are sea creatures who shit a LOT. This shit has the perfect nutrients to help cyanobacteria grow. Cyanobacteria is the main source of oxygen on Earth. Trees can trap carbon, but they don't make much oxygen.
Every whale that is killed gets rid of all the shit it could produce in its life, which doesn't allow cyanobacteria to grow and create oxygen.
There needs to be enough whales to keep up production of baby whales.
I hear it just tastes like shitty raman noodles
Sounds like Podesta's kind of art
....asked Sweden
wtf i hate jap fucks now
Whales are cool and big, big like dinosaurs.
We shouldn't kill cool things.
Hunt your own whales then we don't need slitty eyed northerners down here.
They have culture in their whale songs
Domesticated animals are born for slaughtering. We engineered them for slaughter, most develop genetic issues at a certain age .
pigs are domesticated, whales are not. It disrupts the food chain.
>It tastes like shit
Bet you've never even tasted it. Go support your local Greenpeace faggot.
>Slaughtering vermin is the same as slaughtering R-selection leviathans
You're the retarded one in your senpai, aren't you?
American education.
g8 b8, pls die
The only difference is that whales are monogamous, have really long maternity span, and slow birth rates. Cant really blame them. Just imagine how would whales fuck in water
can we still agree on gassing the juice no matter how close they are to extinction?
Whales intelligence is almost as same as humans.
Only Jews want to destroy the environment and wreck our ecosystems
Are you a Jew?
I agree they are hipocrits. It is the same for nerds who get mad at canada for clubbing seals. Let us club seals for fuck sakes you've ruined our economy with your bullshit arbitrary modern morality
We don't use it for meat, shithead.
>We own the vast majority. LOL.
Not if you ask a nation that matters.
Whales are a flagship species for marine conservation. The general public has a limited understanding of how whales are hunted, how many are hunted, and what is the ecological impact of this.
Whales are sentient creatures from outer space
clubbing cute baby helpless seals for profit. tell me can you bread seals like pigs and cows? are there seal farms or do you decimate the in the wild.
Also this just fuck off retarded leaf
All peoples hold and have held some animals on different levels than others.
Go fuck yourself with this "stupid westerners" bullshit, it's what we as a culture believe in, and also why cat pictures are so universally loved.
why do Americans cry about seal clubbing then when there's lot's of them? You are a nation of sjw's.
muh scientific studies
It takes whales a very long time to mature and reproduce. This is the same reason why Orange Roughy should not be fished for food. Whales are also quite intelligent. I'm not saying that they shouldn't be hunted for food in cultures that might be dependent upon that food source, but the Japs are not dependent upon it and should fuck right off.