This how you know they're pussies. You go and shake a guys hand and it's cold you know that's a pussy. A MAN'S hand should be warm and sweaty.
This is an example of a real MAN
This how you know they're pussies. You go and shake a guys hand and it's cold you know that's a pussy. A MAN'S hand should be warm and sweaty.
This is an example of a real MAN
Seek medical help
pussy hands detected
bro my hand is warm and sweaty 24/7. i don't think it's normal and my gp won't do anything about it :c
>he likes his men warm and sweaty
typical american
Sweaty? How am I supposed to sweat through all of these callouses? I uproot trees for a living. By hand.
My hands are oven hot and dry as the desert. They're hard like stone and thick like an elephant's legs. I can crush a Campbell's soup can with one hand... before it's been open.
I once held a hit and run driver at the scene by gripping his bumper. I am a real man.
It's kind of hard to have warm hands in -40° weather.
I actually also noticed that women's hands get cold quickly.
Why is that?
you are a loser OP
Another reason to masturbate, it keeps my hands warm and manly.
upvoated good sir. I mean man :)
How will we ever recover
All of their blood rushing to their ovaries. You must be a real man too.
Can confirm, once I took HRT and transitioned my hands and feet stopped sweating from lack of T.
>le "you're not a real man if _____" meme
Fuck off.
It has to do with blood circulation being prioritized to vital organs mouth breather
Estrogen doesn't do shit to keep your body warm.
I have it also. It's due to anxiety and it effects me physically. I couldn't get benzos so i got them illegally, and in britain you'd be lucky to get anything for anxiety.
World is very fucking retarded when learning how to deal with mental illnesses. My body is in a constant panic, i have however thankfully due to psychedelics have learned to keep my mind peaceful at times, but they physical anxiety sucks ass.
Feels like someone sitting on your chest
Get really warm
Sweating all over the body even in the cold
shortness of breath.
Im trying to work on it, however i feel bad for alot of people due to how shit the medical field is for this type of illness.
I suffer from General anxiety disorder, yet the fucker wouldn't prescribe hardly anything due to his religon and me being honest about smoking weed once or twice.
Why does he have gloves on?
When I drink coffee my hands get cold and sweaty. It's called hyper hydrosis and is a common side effect of cafeen.
OP just got fucking rekt by a leaf and the power of kek
You dumbass those are the farthest away from your blood flow and have smaller muscles than the rest of your body, of course the heats gonna dissipate by the time it arrives.
Shit I always thought sweaty hands were from weed smoking
You've never been outside of Texas I see.
Wash your hands faggot
>getting btfo this bad by a leaf
Heem yourself, op.
>-30°F windchill today
>guess I'm not a man anymore
Teach me your secrets OP. Or are you one of those fags who lives in nigger climates and pretends to be white?
Daily reminder that if you live in an area that doesn't get sub zero temperatures you are not white.
>getting rekt by a leaf
wew i lived to see this one too
>warm and sweaty
Not everyone jacks off 8 hours a day like you faggot.
Jesus Christ, this leaf is a savage.
How the fuck is this politics related?
Get the fuck out.
Well, not sweaty, but indeed, warm. I often get 'complimented' on because I have warm hands, even when it's freezing outside. I think I have some kind of high metabolism because I eat a lot of fried food but I don't get fat
My feet and hands get cold when I'm sitting on the bench at hockey. I blame the faggots that take 5 minute shifts.
so because I'm Bipolar and my HPA axis doesn't regulate my body temperature well, I'm not a man?
Fucking rekt
That makes no sense.
If you leave your hands out in the cold, the surface of your hands get cold.
How is this even arguable?
I'm an ectomorph and have claw hands so they get cold a lot. It's not my fault I don't have small chubby elf hands
Blood flows from your body to your hands, warming them.
Of course, this doesn't work as effectively if you have the 'beetus.
>-30°F windchill today
>- Fahrenheit
I thought it can't go into minus????
I crack walnuts be squeezing them in my hand
its a forbidden technique my grandpa showed me
>hands and feet always extremely cold
>both extremities are very prone to becoming bright red and/or dry to the point of bleeding in winter and summer
What disease is this?
Eunuchs don't 'do' temperature regulation. We're practically coldblooded. I will absorb the heat from each and every one of you like some kind of gay vampire.
Why is there always someone who comments on a yank mentioning sub zero F temperatures?
You're thinking of K, you idiot
>born in a snow bank love the cold
>some fag tells me that I'm not a man for having sweaty hands that would freeze in seconds
Good shit op
based leaf brother
How does body heating I am a skeleton with a high metabolism and eat a lot of food but if I'm sat at my desk for a while I still end up with ice feet.
If im not gaining weight and the food isn't being burnt to keep me warm where the fuck is that energy going? I was born 2 months earlier than I should have been but that hasn't effected my body in any other way.
When it gets cold, your body naturally lowers blood pressure.
It works less.
It's not only biological, that your hands get cold time in time, but just thermal physics bro.
If it's cold enough, you're going to get cold hands and feet. It doesn't matter if you even a have olympian physique.
False, the German is right
Oh, you where right, what kind of shit temperature system are the burgers using then? I always gave them at least the credit of having logic in at least their temperature.
wait a second, what is it now????
Our temperature scale is set up around human living environments.
0 is a very cold day, 100 is a very hot day
>heat absorbing gay vampire
Fahrenheit. 0 is really cold, 100 is really hot. it's more convenient for climates.
Celsius is better for technical work though.
Fahrenheit doesn't go below zero because it's absolute zero just like kelvin.
I just googeled it, why not use Celsius? It seems so much more reliable as every human has other resistances against temperature.
This especially in chilly and cold weather.
as a person whose hands tend to get really cold this soothes me
Are you stupid?
-31ºc = -23ºF
This is why I will never admit I have taken drugs to any doctor
When you get cold, your limbs are the first to get noticeably colder. This is because your body is designed this way. You can survive losing a limb or two, so your body is trying to keep heat in your core and closing all the capillaries in your limbs to stop heat loss through them.
If your hands are cold you can combat it by wearing warmer clothes (not just gloves).
If your hands are always hot and sweaty, it probably means you're a fat fuck and have a massive layer of blubber protecting your core so your body doesn't need to do this to survive.
Well if you're nervous/embarassed you might be more likely to, but it's your T keeping you super warm.
You're a pussy
You only have warm hands if you have a high fat content in them, because fat is insulating. I have almost no body fat because I'm in shape; as a result, my hands and feet get cold fairly often.
But I do have long fingers and huge knuckles, so believe me, I have no problems.
Britbong speaks the truth.
You aren't real men
Dvbs of truth.
sure but human's judge their living environments around the consistent body temperature. If the air is as warm or warmer than our body temperature we have to lose heat and if it is lower we need to retain heat. That process is based upon liquid chemistry i.e blood, which is best expressed with celsius.
We switch to celsius once fahrenheit hits 0.
I usually have the balcony door open during the winter. Might close it when going to sleep. Although it can be really nice to wake up cold.
>Non white living in swarthy shit skin climate detected
Fucking waste
But sage for not politics
went biking at -17 celcius today (-39 with wind shill)
am i a real man?
It's just that 0F was the lowest Temperature which could be artificially reached in Gabriel Fahrenheit's days. He put the 96F point at normal body temperature and water freezing point at 32F so he could make a nice scale as the difference between the first and the second point was exactly half the difference between the second and the third.
It is just a lot less handy for calculations, as all other measurements are based on Celsius and Kelvin (which only differ in zero-points) so they fit nicely in the SI. American units are a mess anyways so it doesn't really matter which one they use
>A MAN'S hand should be warm and sweaty.
That's called being a fat fuck. A real man shouldn't have sausage links for fingers.
A lot of girls have been commenting on my body warmth. I always thought women are just generally colder than men, but I googled it. Seems to be a correlation between higher T and blood circulation
Rekt so bad that he left his own thread
Well grills usually have lower testosterone levels than men
Women are stupid
My hands are down right clammy. I always figured that was from too much masturbating.
jew doctor?
Does it matter wherever or not I'm digging stuff out of the bottom of my freezer chest?
Oh its this thread again.
Last one was Men who keep warm aren't real men, make your mind up OP!
doesnt count if youre drunk PUSSY
>AN OBESE MAN'S hand should be warm and sweaty.
But women dont have the same temperature either.
>I am a real man.
Yeah, sure, we believe you buddy :)
I love T, T makes me feel good. My T is always nice and comfy
My hands and feet are always cold. I had a friend in elementary school and whenever he grabbed my dick his hands were always warm. What's the deal with this?
my hands never get cold, but my feet do
How is this politically related?
Please stop ruining this board.
>I focus on a mans heat and sweat, not his grip, when I shake his hand