There's this ultra rich Saudi prince who lives in my city and goes to my university. Typical dune coon he's obsessed with white women. Women are whores who are attracted to money so he's always got a different cutie with him whenever I see him. He's even knocked up a few girls already and he's only been here for a year. My question is how can I get this guy deported ?
There's this ultra rich Saudi prince who lives in my city and goes to my university...
Other urls found in this thread:
he owns u
post a pic of him or fb account. curious to see how low these women would go for cash.
not really
I only know his first name
So there's seriously no way I can say I overheard the guy saying allahakbar or some shit ?
You already said he's an ultra rich prince
Have you not learned yet that the law does not apply to the rich and powerful?
Just stab him desu, he won't be expecting it because he's from a country where the people who want to kill you are kept at a distance
do it proper, insinuate he is homosexual, share that on instagram with his friends, make his family make him go back
(...said me in jest ;))
Print materials from ISIS and other radical groups from SA and paste them all over the university. write arabic threats in bathrooms and stuff. Create chaos and make the student scared against the Muslims.
Go to baph and post his name and the uni.
Sounds like you're just hating his game, autist.
Also he would probably drop some decent loot, if you got skillz and connections you could take his car to a chop shop for buxxx's as well
>Also he would probably drop some decent loot,
This isnt an RPG you fucking sperg
kek look at this butthurt autist betamale, bawww r u jealous of le big bad saudi's bottomless pockets and sexual prowess??
too bad he matters more than you ever will, enjoy your student loan debt as your taxes pay for his college :^)
Yeah it is, we're in a simulation.
Please shoot him, teach the sandniggers to be humble.
Better, kidnap him and rape him.
*Stands up*
Talk to him like that again and you're gonna be in a world of pain.
A mudslime-killing simulation, at that
>not befriending these guys
My dumbest high school friend got in with a rich-as-fuck gulf arab (probably also a moron) and he's working in uae for one of their family businesses. Just be his bro and talk about soccer or investment funds or whatever
user, track him and his affiliates. Note what car he drives and his residence. If civil war comes he would be a valuable hostage.
*grabs you by the throat*
This. Not his fault women are whores.
*unsheathes adamantium claws* heh heh, guess this just ain't your day, bub *teleports behind u*
Maybe because your university is full of betas and boring nu males who offer no energy, or anything interesting?
So what if some Saudicuck comes along? Women love alpha male providers who offer them an interesting life. No matter what fucking race he is.
Women definitely don't like a bunch of fucking losers who complain like feminist about their sex life problems on a mongolian image board, and women certainly don't like feminine nu-males who grovel.
*unsheathes daikatana*
tfw he only drops some cloth and a few coins
You're forgetting
>Sheikh's Sandals of Haste
>Gold-Plated Rolex of the Whale
>Tfw no soj
Bad feels frog
Man, don't hate the player, hate the game. If I would be rich Saudi Prince I would do the same. Actually, I'm pretty sure any rich person with young age and a looot of money would love to live for a while playboy life, with all the bithces.
*morphs into bipedal wolf-man with 8 in dog dong
Well well well...
A worthy opponent....
>t.typical kissless kraut male
I always knew why German women were so easy to pull
>white university girls
>not frisky brown high school girls
Doing it wrong though
Hah, it's funny on another level because Jordan is a dune coon country somewhere over there too.
Trick him into going to radical feminists/sjw meetup.
He'll start hitting on them and they will either accuse him or rape right away or he will just get pissed when they click/hiss/blow rape whistles at him, since he's not used to being treated like this, exp by cunts, and will go into a jihad mode and the cops will shoot him.
That's a pretty boy
i bet op is a fat nerd and the saudi prince looks like the this
Throw a grenade at him and shout "Allahu Akbar" as it blows up.
It depends on what the feminist is. The feminist will probably give a free pass to the Saudi just because he is a 'minority'.
OP confirmed for a jealous beta male
>tfw I look like the guy in the pic
>tfw I'm a Chad-tier "Mudslime" "shitskin"
>mfw whitebois will never feel the feel of naturally tanned skin
damn it feels good to be genetically superior
If he's actually a prince, he probably has a diplomatic passport and can therefore probably do whatever the fuck he wants without any legal repercussions whatsoever so probably nothing.
>I overheard this Muslim "God is the greatest" deport him!
wew lad
>who lives in my city
This is the hovel the king of Morroco bought for his kids to live in while they attended Princeton. It's a throw-away. They abandoned it after graduating.
So, your city is in this range? Must be nice.
Risky but good
You're a pathetic beta cuck and a bigger shitter than the mudslime.
Stab the alpha, become the alpha. It's the law of the chimp-pack.
Not a bad idea
you should kidnap him for money, get money, force him to do unspeakable things with a goat, film it, then kill the muslim and send goat to his parents
send movie to all media outlets after you ran from the country
*unsheathes +10 enchanted legendary katana Masamune* wanna say that again? *teleports behind you*
Poison him if you care so much, fag
You sound like a legit, beta, autist. You're sperging out over a Vietnamese Cave Drawing board over a guy who gets girl. Go back to /r9k/. All you're going to do is get fatter and stupider and cry more on this board. You're literally going to do nothing.
Russians know whats up, no wonder they hacked the election
Just be a man and fucking gun him down.
*reminder this post is satire*
shoo shoo RCMP
I forget that most of Sup Forums doesn't know any Hispanics.
>Not being able to get coke and cheap car parts from the same guy
Hire a tranny to rape him in the butthole.
He sounds alpha af.
>Typical dune coon he's obsessed with white women
thanks to your media
come on, son.
>obtain cash
>use as pickup line
>"hey hun, I go to school with this rich out the wazoo Saudi Prince, we're childhood friends."
You can be the key to the women he dumps being able to stick around.
Spread gossip about him having some nasty STD and a harem of 4 cousins at home.
Elon Munsk 2020
>He sounds inbred af.
Fixed that for you, goy :^).
Fake. As if those bitches wouldn't get abortions.
You cant, hes rich.
>user, track him and his affiliates. Note what car he drives and his residence. If civil war comes he would be a valuable hostage
You really should hope a civil war comes
OP. Stop being a pussy and just do something illegal. You hate the sandnigger but you want to be sneaky about it? You sound like a little bitch. That's exactly how women operate. Do something sneaky - you fucking little bitch. Sandniggers little bitch.
Do the Chad thing. Befriend him, live off his money, and fuck his left overs.
>Women are whores who are attracted to money
No OP.
Hes just very handsome
you are just a fat neckbeard
Hey op 2233 user is the only way, fucking do it, for real
Make Sup Forums proud
roastie detected
also it is not either/or situation
sand nigger can be handsome to the whores
OP may be fat neckbeard
Suppressed .22 LR to the dome, get some nigger hair and leave some weed crumbs next to his body.
i thought OP was claiming the saudi prince was the guy in the pic, I was gonna call OP a larping fag because that guy is Iraqi.
>you thought
I am not sure if that happened
You obviously never read the thread, because OP stated that he have no photo of sandniggnog available
>befriend him
>start talking more personal stuff
>make few snapchat and other IM accounts and start messaging him
>as he starts to trust you more tell him more about wahhabism and how you feel the infidels must pay
>turn him to the dark side and record the messages
>sneak into his room while he is off on a super rich party starring him
>plant daesh flag, some syria maps and other islam literature
>tip off the authorities
>Women love alpha male providers who offer them an interesting life. No matter what fucking race he is.
Goodnight white race.
I wait for that moment in the future where qt redpilled gf goes gaga on you and drops everything when the exotic prince rolls up.
You will know it was all a lie and see the truth.
Become his pimp and profit from his petro bucks.
small dick dan is that you ?. i told you am not having anal sex with you, your a disgusting fat fuck.
he is actually hating the microtransactions that the prince can afford
except their money is created by us. but you know, whatever you say londonistan
This post reeks of bullshit, especially with that image
Not this meme map again
>except their money is created by us
That just makes you a cuck.
Women will not recognise your 'honorable sacrifice'.
Arabdong now has your women. Your move.
>inb4 muh guns
You will do nothing burgercuck.
Befriend him, get him to a bar with you. He will probably give you free shit to fit in with the crowds. Most Saudis get drunk and get pork when they are abroad. Then act like a "true Muslim" when they return to collect their gibs me.
t. had Kuwaiti father and American mother. (Kuwaitis do the same)