
Is chess red-pilled? Are chess players red-pilled? Where are all the great black chess grandmasters?

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Chess is boring as shit.

Bobby Fischer /thread

Chess players are usually extremely redpilled, just learned what happened with Bobby so they shut up.

t. LaMarcus

First I'm hearing of it. I typed his name into google though and I saw the title for this. I figured if it was written this defensively then it would undoubtedly contain the truth.
>"Bobby Fischer is being persecuted by world Jewry.
The United States government is a "brutal, evil dictatorship" that has falsely accused Bobby Fischer of a crime and forced him to live in exile.
Bobby Fischer has been swindled out of a "vast fortune" in royalties by book publishers, movie studios, and clock manufacturers (yes, clock manufacturers), who have brazenly pilfered his brand name, patents, and copyrights.
The Jews are a "filthy, lying bastard people" bent on world domination through such insidious schemes as the Holocaust ("a money-making invention"), the mass murder of Christian children ("their blood is used for black-magic ceremonies"), and junk food (William Rosenberg, the founder of Dunkin' Donuts, is singled out as a culprit)."
so I guess he was red-pilled as fuck

let me try to clean that up
>Bobby Fischer is being persecuted by world Jewry.
>The United States government is a "brutal, evil dictatorship" that has falsely accused Bobby Fischer of a crime and forced him to live in exile.
>Bobby Fischer has been swindled out of a "vast fortune" in royalties by book publishers, movie studios, and clock manufacturers (yes, clock manufacturers), who have brazenly pilfered his brand name, patents, and copyrights.
>The Jews are a "filthy, lying bastard people" bent on world domination through such insidious schemes as the Holocaust ("a money-making invention"), the mass murder of Christian children ("their blood is used for black-magic ceremonies"), and junk food (William Rosenberg, the founder of Dunkin' Donuts, is singled out as a culprit).

Chess is a terrible game. Both players try to memorize every possible move and board configuration. The player with less self-respect wins.

>You are now aware that there is a separate female chess class

go away niggers

>Both players try to memorize every possible move and board configuration

Unless you're smart and know how to psych out your opponent.

Bobby Fischer its the apostle of /pol

>clock starts
>player doesn't move his piece
>instead, leans over the board and goes "ROU!! ROUUUUU!!!" as loudly as he can

We need before/after Sup Forums of bobby fischer

poorly croped after

who are you quoting


Bobby got it. Chess players are excellent at pattern recognition and they see what happens.

Chess is a great game with a wealth of knowledge and depth behind it. I don't know if I'd call it red-pilled but it's a fun hobby that sharpens your analytical mindset and memorization, at least more so than watching Netflix 5 hours a day.

The only black GM that I know of is Maurice Ashley. There are a number of black IM's and FM's though and I believe some African players got a title without actually meeting the usual requirements in an affirmative action-type deal.

Becoming a GM not only requires talent, but also a serious investment in terms of time and money. There are plenty of very talented players who never make it to GM level because they're not willing to sacrifice the rest of their life for it (family, education, possible day job). This selection process could actually be amplified by the low socio-economic status of blacks in America. That's just a thought though, I don't have any data to back that up. Also, except for a very few elite players it's an absolute shit career choice and you can expect to make no more than 20k a year.

I wouldn't say that chess players are usually redpilled. Fischer obviously was (or at least he hated the Jews) and Carlsen seems to at least like Trump a bit (his use of the Trompowsky opening last WCC was widely believed to be an election-related joke) but other than that and Kasparov (who hates Putin) I've rarely heard a chess player make any social or political commentary. 2 or 3 data points is definitely too few to make such a statement with any credibility.

>t. played one game and hated it cause he lost
>Both players try to memorize every possible move and board configuration.
You're aware that there are so many possible positions that they're still calculating the number of possibilities after both players have made 6 moves? There's literally more possible positions than atoms in the universe. Not even chess computers regard all possible moves, let alone humans.

It's shit

Memorize all openers and counter openers.

I haven't only played one game. My grandfather taught me chess as I grew up and I played it casually for a time after that. It's trash. You can pretend that it isn't all about memorization because of a few insignificant details, but the fact of the matter is that games are decided by their overly predictable beginnings and not their ends. It's like arguing that there are infinite possibilities in baseball because you can't be sure of exactly where the ball will go.

Memorizing opening lines is pretty useless until you're at least master level (1900-2000). Until then you can get by on principles alone (develop pieces, occupy center etc) and your learning time is better spent elsewhere.
The fact is that 'it's all about memorization' is a dead giveaway for a butthurt sub-1200 because everyone beyond that realizes that that's not true.

>Y-Y-You just have to be REALLY invested into this game to see that it's not shit!
Doesn't that make it shit? And what the hell is the point of telling me that what I said was wrong except for when you're playing the game right?

In not arguing whether it's a shit game or not mate. That's a personal opinion. I obviously don't think it's shit but you can disagree. I'm arguing that it's not all about memorization since that's objectively not true.
>And what the hell is the point of telling me that what I said was wrong except for when you're playing the game right?
What? That doesn't even make sense

why play chess when you can fuck white pussy

>is shitposting red-pilled?
>is he, dare I say, our guy?
>what did he mean by this?

You're saying that it's not all about memorization unless you're actually good, in which case it's all about memorization. That's a useless argument for you, especially since you first accused me of not liking chess because I'm not good enough at it. It's a shit game. I said that it's shit and you responded to me saying that it's shit. If you don't want to argue about whether or not it's shit then don't respond to me.

>You're saying that it's not all about memorization unless you're actually good, in which case it's all about memorization.
No you're misrepresenting my words. Memorization of opening patterns only starts to matter at that level but it's not nearly the only thing. A 2400 could play quasi-random moves for the first 10 moves (as long as he avoids checkmate or losing stupid amounts of material) and still reliably beat a 2000 player.

Getting to master level is a serious skill that requires talent and years of training so I doubt you're that good. In your case 'it's all about memorization' is just something you tell yourself to justify not having to try.

Think it's a shit game if you want but what you say about memorizing all the patterns is objectively bullshit.

You're literally arguing that it isn't a game of memorization as long as you can rely on your opponent to make mistakes. You rely on the pretense of chess being intellectual to justify wasting your time with it. No self respect, no initiative. Just like chess itself.

Bobby Fischer was a jew, this is categorically true, so it begs the question
If someone with jewish ancestry calls them out constantly, denies the holocaust and generally seems to share many White nationalist views, what place in such a group/ movement does he have?
Should he (were he still alive) have moved to Israel, or do you not mind jews like him?
If he was Sephardic or Mizrahi would that change?

Genuinely trying to understand what the real Alt Right, white nationalist/ stormfront people truly believe, help me learn please.

Also amusing aside, it's funny that quite a few prominent holocaust deniers are jewish. Do you think it's more palatable for normies when presented by them?

I'm going to stop wasting my time since you're either trolling or mentally handicapped.

stop making toothpaste look good

Note how the autist resorts to personal attacks when the validity of its obsession is challenged.

To say chess its about memorization its just dumb. I should stop coming to /pol if this its the level.

Go is a better game based more on actual intuition and pattern recognition and less on memorization. It's also way easier to learn initially and get into since there aren't nearly as many types of pieces or movements or arbitrary rules

He wasnt. The jews tried to call him a jew, they do it a lot of times, they even tried with hitler, but he wasnt. First they said his mother was jewish, but she was an swiss of italian origin called regina, so totally not a jew. Then they tried saying his father wasnt his father and that this jew was hir real father. Typical jew acts. Fischer was catholic.

If they do that then they're on our side. Judaism is more than just a religion or ethnicity, it's a type of nepotistic ethnocentric in-group centered worldview in which you work with other Jews to advance the interests of other Jews. Bobby Fischer worked explicitly against these interests and as such isn't considered a comrade Jew by a lot of the Jews we on here talk about. There is a small number of Right-Wing Nationalist Pro-White Jews just like this who most of us would have no problem accepting, like Murray Rothbard (supported David Duke for President for Christs' sake)

Ok, honestly I just read the Wikipedia article which is very possibly full of shit.
Still, all my questions still stand, what is your position on jews who agree with your positions?
Do you see them how some feminists seem men, can be allies but never would have a place in an established ethnostate? Or are you fine with a presence as long as they are not allowed to have a harmful effect on the culture.

>better game
Not sure how you define better. To say chess is about memorization is a mistake.
Go and Paduk, the korean variant, are simpler games with less depth. Still great, but not chess.

Is super mario redpilled?
Look how fast he beat the game. Is he redpilled?

Most Jews in Israel essentially do agree with our positions, but from their own unique ethnic point of view instead of ours. To the question about their place in the ethnostate, it would probably work if they were limited to positions in science and mathematics and not allowed to be shapers of culture, banking, or finance, much like what Russia pre-Revolution did.

They aren't simpler though, the rules may be, but the number of games and game outcomes and possible plays is ludicrously higher and more complicated. There's a reason Computers have been able to beat humans at chess since the mid-90s using simple tree search and brute force search algorithms whereas Go couldn't be mastered by computers to the level of humans until this year using advanced Machine Learning statistical heuristic techniques.
You're right about incorrectly using the word better though, it's subjective and varies from person to person. I just see Go as more simply beautiful and elegant while at the same time encapsulating even more potential complexity.


I think most black people do not have a proper concept of future. They know it exists but largely ignore it. Which is also a reason for many poor lifechoices. Mammals like Apes also do not plan ahead as they have no concept of future.

Blacks often show a very poor understanding of the far future like Months or Years or even Weeks in some cases. Chess requires you to plan ahead and make a strategy for future possible moves. Its not something they are great at.

>being a nigger

Chess is fine. Go is better

The amount of strategy required is insane but it also has a great handicap system allowing you to play much better players with ease, unlike chess

Met my wife at my Uni's chess club. All the women there were conservative redpills.