You inferior white crackers need to stop race mixing with high IQ Asian women. We Asians have higher intelligence than you whites. You low IQ retards are diluting our superior gene pool.
You inferior white crackers need to stop race mixing with high IQ Asian women...
Too bad.
ficki ficki
Yea. Too bad. If you really were smart enough you could think of a better way to stop it than
"You guys need to stop"
ay yo mafugga we waz kangz n lordz n fuhrerz n shieet in yurop we dem kangz yo vikangz n shiet n romanz n shiet while yall chinkz run round in yo strawhutz n shiet fuq back to china
This wonder is OP in Civ V practically duplicates your army.
Really? yellow monkeys in USA call the humans crackers? You adopted nigger culture?
Mine is 135 and i'll fuck all the asian grills I want
Why are you in a white country then Chang?
This. If Asians are so superior, why dont you live in an East Asian country
asia includes white siberia
you are oriental
My IQ is >130 so...
>tfw too smart for white women
>nigger flag
>talks about asians
White people taught the chinks how to make the Terracotta Army, just so you know. Before that, chinks couldn't make anything more than a few inches tall.
Don't talk shit about the man's tactics until we use something better ourselves.
Right now we are handing our women naked over to niggers who already have their pants unzipped.
Quit eating dogs then we will talk
Why did you let yourself get cucked by commies?
Too high of an IQ?
But. I'm not. My ex is white. I handed her to another white guy. Now I'm with an Asian.
So I'll continue to berate his tactics thank you very much.
>not White Devils.
Don't worry, for every race treasonous asian woman there are a thousand other asian women. There are simply too many asians in genetically homogenous countries for it to be a problem.
ok if asians are so smart why is it that white people dominate the whole world in spite of the fact that you outnumber us something like 4 to 1
if you were really smarter than us you would be in charge
but instead you make toys for our children
your race is a fucking joke
You miss the point entirely. People like you who can only focus on themselves and their individual predicaments are the reason the west is dying.
Chinese IQ is not higher
They only take IQ from a few top chinese students as there are no public schools in china, and they compare it to thousands of white public school strudents
>checked flag
hey at least beaners are not in Asia thank god they breed like rabbits and no low tier nigger genes to spread
Then tell your women to stop fucking us
We are dreamers and leaders, they excel in innovation and have a technological mindset.
These are generalizations of course.
Chinks are not human. Sure a select few are smart, but it's an artificial intelligence and not a human intelligence. They can solve problems like a computer but can't improvise and have autistic meltdowns when one little thing goes wrong. They cannot experience love, hope, compassion, or empathy.
We were Chinese and things.
Terracota warriors were sculpted by Greeks
asians are the proof that I.Q. is meaningless. You niggas are dumb as shit.
get back to the sweatshop, chang. the internet was made by the while man for the white man.