You have been warned...
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k..keep me posted
The only muslim country that has a nuke is Pakistan, not ISIS.
repeating integrals for france.
Obama's gonna grow a pair and nuke ISIS? Nice.
Good, nuke it all to shit.
>implying this won't be the best present Sup Forums will ever get
Check em.
There aren't 26 months in a year you dumb sand monkey
Digits confirm.
We will fucking wipe islam out with the force of a 1000 crusades if you dare test us.
Just fucking try it.
Paris will be nuclearized. Get over it.
Shouldn't we report this or something
Well, you got a nuke. Big deal.
Can you catch 100 of them?
kek confirms
all nukes have signitures,if one goes off they will know where it comes from and that nation will get bummed
How effective are nukes?
Like blast radius and reach of fallout?
Dont be a faggot amerigun
What the frick?
what if the weapon is ryssian?
Says the britishfag that gets cucked by muslims everyday
Saudi Arabia
Boxing Day just got a lot more fun
Not as big as people think
Those jap cities got rebuilt didn't they
Not true. Nuked have a "signature" like a wav file that allows us to differentiate when a nuke explodes vs seismic activity
We can deduce how big it is by analyzing this wave, but it's not like there's some DRM shit in there where we can immediately identify who did it
All we can do is look at how big it is and deduce who produced one of that size based on other recorded nuclear tests and economic activity around countries producing nukes
the vatican?
Larp harder, faggot.
What's your problem, Nip?
the day after chirstmass?
good thing i didnt get any presents for you faggots.
Hell I'll roll for this
just do it now ypu stupid faggots. Open the doors for imperialism once again, just like last time. Idiots
Only because they were air blasts and the radiation dispersed into the atmosphere. If they were ground blasts, those cities would be barren to this day.
What the fuck are ISIS gonna do, exactly?
Digits for Sweden. Please, end their suffering
Haven't seen a good happening in a while.
I say let it happen.
Woah, someone put 2 images next to each other and posted a date!
Better panic!
Digits for Berlin
look, yet another thing that isn't gonna happen.
Why are they gonna wait until after Christmas, though? ISIS doesn't wanna miss out on presents or something?
Pls be Sweden, but let it be far enough from Denmark that I won't be affected
But that's the day Jesus won Cassius Clay
What did he mean by this ?
Hollywood fiction
There's only two forms of fissile material used, and it can come from anyone that makes or has made such (which is every country that has made nukes)
thats Christmas nothing bad happens
hes larping like anon5
Nukes don't exist. They are a psy-op
I hope you're in Sweden using a proxy.
Why would we nuke ISIS?
Nice of them to wait until after christmas
I'd assume they could make an educated guess on where it came from by range it blast radius to know how big, potential materials used and how the launch was executed.
I find it very hard to believe terrorists could fire a nuke and we'd be too retarded to make a logical guess on where it came from
Wait, you think we take that as a warning?
More like a preview for a blockbuster movie Sup Forums has been waiting to see for years. We WANT nuclear detonations.
pls let it be my city
>implying ISIS isn't already subverting their government.
Rolling for South Africa
And nuclear power plants are a figment of my imagination too, I suppose. Are the atoms even real?
digits confirm
Digits and they drop it on the shithole known as Yorkshire
There's no 26th month you mudslimes.
do it
How young are you?
those were 15kt bombs. most of the current ones are in the region of 300kt, with a few in the megaton range just for fun
nice date shit bag
Nature cleaned poo from streets. Nothing wrong with that.
That's what I was thinking about. OP's from Italy, is he just bootlicking americans or a burger on the boot?
> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.
> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.
Captains log stardate 12/15/2016, OP is not, I repeat not a faggot. it has been too long since the Nice happening. somethings pressure cooking
Not unless I cast firebolt for 12 damage.