Save me

>Be me, student, white male
>Catalonia, most cucked place in all of spain
>Niggers and sandniggers, gypsies, and all around degeneracy roam the streets
>Can't express political opinion
>Fucking end me
Life is pain, Sup Forums. Fucking independentists and left cucks are loose, and I can't do shit.

Other urls found in this thread:ón_Española

I live here too and I only know 3 sjw. I even now one national socialist and almost everybody is against moors.

Join ETA

Is Catalonia still socialist?

Bon nadal igualment, company

Kek somebody posted this one too.

Praise kek, my fellow cucktalan. Botifler uprising when?



Catalonia was right-winged for three decades, when we were the richest region of Spain.

But then we had a triple coalition of socialist parties who crashed our economy with no survivors. The subsequent governments went even further beyond.

Are Valencia or Aragon any better?


They used to be our colonies :,(

>Anal pain detected

QUite the opposite, I have accepted my fate already. Catalan culture will disappear, but I will vote PODEMOS until I die if it does.

Valencia is less cucked but populated by degenerate retards. Also some Valencians look like literal moors. Pic related is only lacking a turban and a scimitar.

Freeeeedom from spain
Your fellow comrades against oppression are jamal

Beteta gaude,zoaz pikutara.

It's the part of Spain that was ruled by the CNT-FAI, make a guess.

Subsidize these people to work in saudi arabia when?

Isn't Catalonia the province that enacted the bill that essentially created the Faggot Stasi? Like LGBTBBQ+ "people" can claim anything about harassment or whatever and the police are required to respond and go after even petty claims?

Where to live in Barcelona?

Yep, the government is full of faggots and cucks. Like the rest of Europe basically, but they are trying to pretend we are Sweden for some reason.

I'm not white.

Take this thread to Sup Forums. Just because you replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums doesn't make it pol worthy.

So rememebr to report rule breaking threads or don't complain about.

Sarrià masterrace, get on my level pleb

From BCN?

They are now trying to import some rapefugees for some odd reason.



When are you coming to the north fellow?

No one really cares about Spain

How big of a thing is Antifa in Spain?

ERC was national socialist. Time to make catalunya great again.

I might move to your city. What area is good to live?
Also, redpill me on this city

Why is Catalonia so cucked?

We're cucked beyond salvation

>wants to preserve culture
>supports immigration and multiculturalism no matter what



As I said, Sarrià. Don't know if you could afford the rent though. It's traditional and largely nigger-free.

The tasteless, soulless version for dumb nouveau riche is Pedralbes.

Revolutionary Catalonia demands the destruction of the spanish people which includes catalonia for they are spanish.

It's growing. Today I've seen a guy with a shirt.

The redpill is: this whole city is a meme. It's a vastly overrated place and a 2nd rate provincial capital at best. But don't let that get in the way of your stay. I hope you have a nice time when you come.

That americunt again. Move back to castile if you love it so much.

I dont need to enforce what is true catalonia is spanish you the traitors are ones that need to enforce the unatural >nationalist catalonia.

Catalonia is pretty cool. If I knew Spanish I would like to live there. How ever I learned French instead.

How did this even started?
Is it because of this stupid bitch kike?

spain is triggerd



Catalan is different from Castilian. Different cultures mate.

Do the workers own the means of production?

Old Pujol wanted some new voters for his catalonian project.

no but they have heavy Socialist tendencies, under the CNT-FAI they were kind of moving toward that, but desu it's probably impossible on a large scale to be truly socialist since it's ludicrously inefficient because of the unequal distribution of management skill and talent

You can tell that to yourself all you want but
A couple of regional traditions are not a culture
And catalán is a meme language

Dutchfag living in Barcelona here.
The city sucks but all the women are dressed like whores so its okay to look at.

Spanish it is naturally by will of the ones who created them.

No, it's not, Catalan is closer to Italian than Spanish. The problem is the language is incorporating Spanish words and structures like it's happening with the Basque.

are they easy though?

>Catalan brainlet denying Castillian superiority

Leave that shithole, it's healthier up here. Also women are more beautiful.

>>Be me, student, white male
>white male
>check flag


>tfw no 2 catalan surnames

The language is a dialect of vulgar latin same as "castillian", your ancestors adopted latin why not adopt castillian?

This is because of all the andalusians you sent. That test was a joke, I guess it still is.

By tge will of the creators catalans are spanish, everything else is a perversion.

And why not adopt English and unite Europe? You are sounding like the kikes now.

We have Andalusians here.We are just superior Jordi.That is why we have beat you in the last 6 civil wars with no much issue

>tfw 8 catalan surnames :D
It doesn't matter though. The important thing is you know the language and are not a cuck.

every big city is a meme I realized anyways.
I'll enjoy it I think, I'll let you know user

Because of the superior numbers only, don't fool yourself.

K I guess...

Catalan is not a language its adopted vulgar latin

>mrrican ducation

Like Spanish.

>Knowing Catalan
>Not a cuck
>superior numbers
We are superior in every way Jordi.Catalans are well known cucks and losers

Vrainwashed idiot getting an identity from adopting foreign language and ghettoifying it.


Exactly, catalan or spanish doesnt matter, get the one with largest ppl.

Spanish military after the XVII century was not the best in Europe though. And after Napoleon it was a joke. You were superior to us because we weren't independent.

Wtf is us, are you italian?

Chinese then? You are going full globalisation sholmo.

Retard, the biggest iberian romance language.

You are castillian I guess and I'm catalan. Not quantum physics genius.

There's now a coalition government formed with anticapitalist lefties in Catalonia. Cuckest of keks.

Castillian is mostvpopukar ghetto ibero romance dialect.

>because we weren't independent.

Catalan language is italian are you italian?

Then we can use your logic at a global level too. You start with this and the next thing you know we all are chincks.

Madrid is so superior to Barcelona...

Madrid is going to the next level while Barcelona goes nowhere. We have the Congress, the Kings, the cinema industry, the best intellectuals, actors, etc.

Barcelona is constrained by the sea to the East, by mountains to the West, and by Nengs in the north and south...

Madrid is growing fast: new neighbourhoods, etc. etc.

I know Italian and despite being similar it's not the same. Especially pronunciation. Words are closer though.

The reason why North Africans look like Italians and Spaniards is because of 900 years of Romans moving in and fucking the local women and then Spain expelling a million muslim spaniards who went and banged the local women some more

North Africa is genetically cucked by Latins, it is rightful Latino clay

Hey guys I'll be in Catalonia from Feb to July.

Where should I go to meet you guys?

I want Spanish friends to practice Spanish with and talk shit about sandniggers.

reading comprehension

Not really, chinese is not a roman language and you speak dialect of same language same as castillian.

#MovimentNoAlineat pal, we're gonna uncuck the fuck outta Catalonia
No good or bad, only active and passive. Become part of the solution, it has only begun

Language is same but its a ghetto version as people forgot rules and such.

Gora Arnaldo!

Then we can all go back to pure latin. Why speak a peasant dialect?