Is there anything you agree with liberals on?

Is there anything you agree with liberals on?

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Can i have that "imagine having to tell her shes hot" Chloe pasta please?

Hillary rigged the primaries


The fact that most of them are incels, love abortion and 'voluntarily' opt out of having kids is pretty sweet. The fewer children raised by these degenerates the better.

negative externalities on the environment should be regulated by the government

expanded rights for minors and animals

the gov shouldnt spy on its citizens

no torture whatsoever not even for non-citizen terrorists

i think the death penalty is morally and legally justified just that we shouldn't do it

They are good goyim

Agree with the second point, you can go fuck yourself with everything else

whatever you say statist

>Ana Kaspwhatever

I agree, rape should be legalized.

rights for minors?
what exactly the fuck did you mean by this?

Universal Healthcare.

i'd eat her crotch for Christmas dinner but what the fuck was she doing there

Death penalty is pointless and immoral.

>underage laws are statist

god i hope you are not one of those ancaps who thinks anarchy=no rules.


Everything because I'm a leftist liberal.

can't think of one thing, really wracked my brain too

That alot of rights that minors have are deferred to their guardians because they are deemed incapable of utilizing them and that this bundling technique is bad law.

For example: Lots of 16 year olds are smart enough to sign a voluntary contract yet theyre legally not allowed to.

They should be allowed to if they are individually capable.



Literally nothing else. I used to agree with them on privacy, government transparency, and opposition to the police state during the Bush years, but now they endorse all of those things as long as it's leftists who are doing them.

There also used to be "blue dog" Democrats who opposed amnesty, gay marriage, and gun control, but were more economic Nationalist and foreign policy isolationist. They are now extinct.

The American left is now a school of thought which combines the worst policies of liberalism and conservatism.


The Truth about Western Democracy and Liberalism.

There's really nothing wrong with gays getting married

If anything encouraging monogamous relationships would cut down on STDs and the degeneracy that spreads it

I hate globalism and think that a decentralized world where every country is sovereign and in control of their laws and resources is the way forward.

>expanded rights for animals
No, fuck off with your animal rights crap. We need to be able to do research.

As for me:
Universal Healthcare.
Free university education for the able.

No. Literally not a single thing. I pulled up the 2016 Democrat platform and couldn't find a single thing.

Abortion, marijuana legalization, socialized healthcare

thats it.

She was making fun of instagram sluts

The ends don't justify the means. I don't give a fuck what you need.

>free healthcare
>free education

youre a fucking joke

Christfags are retarded and any policy based on 2000 year of sand scripture is retarded.

Abortion should be legal 100% we don't need drains on society like useless niglets that will create crime and spawn more niglets.

All drugs should be legal especially weed.

any of the "wont anyone think of the children!?": shit. government regulating language and decency on tv or radio media etc.

Prison overstuffed with drug users/dealers instead of serious criminals.

thats all i can think of off the top of my head

only third point I'll agree with to some extent

Universal health care, doesn't work with diversity though.

I would say the drug war, but they'll even agree with that if a democrat is doing it.

>Abortion, marijuana legalization

You cannot get more liberal than that.
You're liberal!

>t. liberal

Except almost none of them actually practice monogamous "marriages". This is statistically proven. All it does is give them another tool with which to sue people who don't like them, because the feelings of 2% of the population matter more than the religious and cultural traditions of 1,500 years of western civilization

>murder, degeneracy, theft

That whites are always racist so they should have designated white only spaces so that they don't harm the poor POCs


I agree that we should take better care of the environment. Not because of climate change or any of that crap, but because pollution is bad mkay

yeah we should be keeping blacks down and treat them like dumb animals that they are

How to be a Social Justice Warrior:

1. Hate your own country
2. Hate white people
3. Be out of touch with reality
4. Excuse black criminality
5. Promote sexual perversions
6. Defend atavistic Islam
7. Discriminate against white men
8. Persecute anyone with different values
9. Cry like a baby for no reason
10. Study a useless subject at university

Virtue signalling IS the only meaning in their lives. A liberal cares about what makes him feel good and superior at the present time, not about the future.

Why do you think so many of them ruin their bodies with piercings and tattoos?

Liberals you see in the streets and on social media are useful idiots, they are all unconscious instruments to further agendas by those who manipulate them without them realising it, shaping their world view because they're weak minded. I don't even intend that as an insult to them, it's more matter of fact observation.

White Leftist have mastered the art of cognitive dissonance and self deception.

What's the liberal end goal?

They're Jewish tools, useful idiots... while Libshits think they are creating their own heaven of equality on Earth.

The elites want your power and money. They want your freedom. They want absolute submission. They want a new world order. The people who buy into the far left are pawns who don't think things through.

A globalits world with no borders and a brown stupid race-mixed underclass of servants to be ruled over by a wealthy elite of Jews.

"Hate crime" is a legal catch phrase to further white hatred, as are other Marxist words like "racism, xenophobe, white privilege, white flight, gentrification, white supremacy" etc; the goal is to demonize whites, make them self-hate thus submissive to racial replacement.
Just notice how whites are conditioned to be more scared of being called a "racist" then protecting themselves from foreign invasion; you have to brainwash a race to give away their lands, resources and sense of self-worth.

I agree that black babies need to be aborted

>another loser spending his days shitposting on an chinese cartoon imageboard thinking he's wiser than the Bible

pro-choice and pro-marijuana legalization

Marijuana, gay marriage

Blacks are naturally lazier and can't survive without handouts from whites
Blacks are naturally stupider and can only compete by inflating their test scores
The best way to deal with blacks is to Cuisinart them while still in the womb

Everybody on Sup Forums who supports abortion does so because they want niglets to be murdered. Leaving aside the fact that plenty of white babies are murdered to, why not just openly support the mass-murder of adult niggers? It would be more intellectually honest.

>All it does is give them another tool with which to sue people who don't like them
No, it also allows women to feel like they are revolutionary lovers fighting for freedom without actually causing trouble. It's no coincidence that oboomer started obsessing with faggot rights after OWS took off.

Free abortions for poc's

Liberals, yes. Not a Stalinist like this ugly Armenian though

>wiser than the Bible

Alright with gays and abortion, don't even care about trannies so long as they keep it to themselves. Governments shouldn't spy on citizens

BLM, feminists, globalists all that shit can die in a hole though. Guess I'd be described as centre left or even lolbertarian.

With liberals? Quite a lot.

With "modern american liberals" much, much less.
I guess abortions is good, since most abortions are for stupid/non-whites people.

what a whore news anchor working for a cheese network

Almost everything but I won't vote Liberal as long as they are supporting war mongers and race baiters. DNC purged anyone who didn't blindly support Clinton and now they are paying for it. Maybe in 2020 they will allow decent candidates to run.

I don't support abortion, period. Doesn't matter if the baby is white or black.

There are much more efficient and less morally questionable ways of dealing with the black problem that doesn't involve genocide.

Nope, nothing.


Blacks should have ready access to free abortions

Lots of things.
It's their methodology that's the problem

>expecting consistency
liberals only attack safe targets, they're total pussies.
that's why they'll throw red paint on some woman wearing fur, but not pic related for wearing leather.
that's why they'll unceasingly bash christianity, and say nothing about islam

I agree with the old liberals during the bush era who were anti war and anti Bush .

But now it seems liberals want a war with Russia because it means proving the alt right wrong in some weird fucked up way

>Gay Marriage
>Climate change
>Single payer health care

I don't give a fuck about the first two. I just hate having to hear about them over and over again. There are far more important issues to discuss than fag weddings and reproductive rights.

We are speeding up the heating/cooling process that the Earth has followed through heavy pollution and industrial cattle farming.

Minimum wage should be a living wage (actively adjusts to the current economic situation every so often).

The US spends too much on the military and paying off "allies".

Abortion is fine as long as the would-be father also signs off (unless he isn't around).

Gays are cool, but I don't subscribe to trans.

I'm basically all for the gov't getting out of my business, and scaling back on spending/size.

Women are as much worth as men.

infrastructure spending
environment regulations
consumer protection law
scientific research spending

Abortion is great, everyone should get one

Ugh, the degeneracy just floats from that woman.
Hard to say - I have no idea what liberals think about things BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS

that's the conservative position, the liberal one is that you're lesser if you're a fucking white male

I'd slap her arse so hard her cheeks would take flight

I like the rational aspects of their environmentalism.

I like the rational aspects of their animal care (though that could arguably just be the same as the environmentalism).

I'm definitely not pro-choice but I'm not exactly losing SLEEP over the idea of bad people not raising kids, so whatever.

Everything else? It's very difficult for me to say I agree, because as nice as it might sound in theory, so much of it ends up having a horrific backlash. Particularly how so many of them consider abolishing pornography to be this great injustice.

I don't give a fuck about the last two. I just hate having to hear about them over and over again. There are far more important issues to discuss than weather theories and poor people.

I would torture her to death with a blowtorch because all enemies of the white race must die regardless of context.

niggers having lots of abortions


Legalizing weed

>Free university education for the able.

Yes, but only for STEM and subject to attendance and performance reviews.

Ye, but Bernie the faggot he is willfully gave up the anus

Good ones.

Shame on you

>Abortion should be legal 100%.
You only agree on this degeneracy because your country is 50% niggers, soon to be 80% niggers. White country don't need this degeneracy.

Degeneracy the post

>Legally required maternity leave so mothers can raise white babies
>Tax breaks and benefits for having white babies
>Protection of workers rights and mutual class cooperation for the best interest of the state
>Minimum standard of living for all members of the volk who are willing and able to work
>Socialized primary and secondary education
>Protection of the environment and creation of national parks and reservations
>Creation of quality state provided infrastructure
>Any unemployment will be fixed by employing members of the volk to build this infrastructure


I agree with them on public transport for sure.
This too, as long as it doesn't come in the form of environmentalism as a pretext for taxes that aren't even spent on sustainable innovation.

>is he able but not willing?
>then he is malevolent
liberal logic

Well, in your country where niggers and mexicans run wild in the streets completely unopposed, giving more gibs sounds like a terrible idea. Everywhere else in the world, it's a far better system for maintaining a healthy population.

As for climate change, if you think right now is bad with the millions of illegals pouring in from Mexico, just wait untill shit really hits the fan. Your bleeding heart liberals will cry "facism!" and "Nazism!" when wave after wave of refugee boats come pouring in from Africa and South America and your government tries to detain them. Better to get a handle on it now to lessen the blow for later.

Used to, when I thought they were also for trying to improve opportunities for all people of the lower and working classes

Then after working with them for some time, I realized most of them only cared about getting handouts for their privileged selves, and actively hate the poor and homeless unless they're the correct minority and a woman.

Living wage?

Like for 14 years Olds on their first job at McDonald's? Or 25 year Olds at their first job at McDonald's?

I agree that some places' minimum is too low, but this living wage shit is dumb. While the availability of decent work is close to nihl (either outsourced, held by old people, automated, or out dated), it doesn't increase the value produced by current service wage jobs.

Instead of a living wage, how about a salary?

Don't have enough training or experience? Better get on it then. Start at McDonald's and work your way around.

Your only job should always be to find a better job.

Republican politicans are cunt assholes (in addition to Democrats)

The voter culture just has better values and are based in reality with time as its test of validity.

(((They))) want another ww2 esq war where white men and any of the mexicans and blacks with values go off to die in some war that does not matter. Bonus points for killing off the white slavs and what ever asians and mongols with actual values that die.

>Hey guys here you can live in paradise just don't seek true knowledge
>Fuck you god we're gonna eat the fruit of knowledge anyways
>Okay, but yall gotta deal with how fucked up the universe is
>*Everything sucks ass*
>Please god fix all our problems
>You guys chose this though - god
>Wow god you're such a dick

>not understanding that human morality is forged upon the anvil of despair

ever seen those reality tv shows about spoilt people like the kardasians?

what do they all have in common?

they get everything they want...and are total cunts.

if God stepped in whenever anything bad happened we would never step in for each other.

everyone would be self obsessed, your friends wouldnt really care about you as they would never have learned to care about anything.

I agree with liberals on a lot of shit actually.
>regulated pollution
>death penalty
>Public state funded healthcare
>Public state funded education
>Regulated banks
>Modernizing the legal handling of intellectual property (FOSS, CC, etc.)

Your county has to be pretty white in order to do that desu. Like Switzerland or Finland. Inb4 autistic flaming from angloniggers.

Yes, it's counterproductive to educate people who are unable to do anything.

I think brown hair is ugly.

>being vegan or vegetarian

No Universal healtcare in America. That's the new world Not Europe

You have to be 18 to post here, bud. children aren't real people anyways.

Public healthcare. And thats it, everything else its just idiotic.

Cheking bankers activities

Scientific research spending only in certain fields.

The pressure and incentive to get a research grant has produced it's own economic realm. Falsified or unreplicable findings are rampant in some fields.

Should we really give 200k for a sociologist to watch a classroom of kids only to show that children are born racist?

Or should we provide billion dollar subsidies for solar panel companies that go under in two years while the executives walk away with a nice cushiony check?

The problem with funding scientific research is the same as any other industry that receives govt subsidies.

Prices go up, costs rachet, the delivery of the product/research ceases to be maximized for efficiency (since the incoming money is guaranteed).

Military and hard&applied science are the only things remotely worth it.

Free market should sort everything else out

I think she's pretty. Send her here if you don't like her.

Taking care of the environment