Is she, dare I say it, our guy?
How does it make you feel that this is the new European Sup Forums?
Is she, dare I say it, our guy?
How does it make you feel that this is the new European Sup Forums?
I mean probably
she's fucking greentexting
no one who doesn't lurk does that
>women lurk this board
Yeah but she only browses /gif/
>Lauren Southern
Uh, yeah, she is. I thought we had this conversation last year?
Hello newfag.
Nah fuck this ugly cunt.
Who knew?
Not in Canada leafbro.
I wish desu.
My girlfriend lurks Sup Forums
>calling A FUCKING LEAF our guy
Don't trust the leafs user. We can never let our guard down around leafs.
Gotta feel bad about the extreme misogyny here sometimes.
But it serves its purpose.
Why? We're harmless. If we kill you, you win.
What are we going to do once white people become the minority in formerly white countries? Obviously they'll start to collapse, so can we complain about black and brown privilege? Or do we have to start new countries on the Moon or Mars?
Yeah. There were two that posted time stamped pictures on the same day about two weeks ago. One of them was a Turkish immigrant and the other posted pictures of her tits even though she had a boyfriend lol
Hellll yeahhh
>These parts of the internet
Do Thai lady-boys count as women?
Only if you close your eyes
Funny, that's not the same song this filthy kike whore used to sing...
She is also a coal burner
[citation needed]
>unironically white-knighting for a coalburning degenerate anti-white kike cunt
Can South Africans complain about black privilege?
Didn't think so.
>trolling Sup Forums