Hitler couldn't kill 6 million jews in such briefly time
Archaeological evidence at Treblinka where suppossedly 1.2 million people were gased then cremated has provided no evidence for this ever happening. This is due to the fact that no remains of ash or charred bone were found while excavating the site, considering that in order to reach the 1.2 million goal there would literally have to be 8000 people executed and burned a day to achieve this. To suspicious that there was no ash found if you ask me. also all the death camps were inspected by the Soviet union, the question is would the Soviet Union lie?
bump. we need these threads more often
Reminds me of the glory days of /pol :')
Yeah this is very interesting. I have seen people claim that the reason why there was no bones/ash found was because the germans threw the bones/ash into rivers and lakes.
Seems very far fetched, and suggests that the remains should be easily found in said rivers/lakes.
killing is quick, it's burning the bodies that is time and resource consuming
>An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed during the 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994
niggers did it
Did they cremate the bodies though?
Bump lads
if we proof thiis coclusively everyone will be eternally btfo
but they used shovels and machetes
they didn't have trains or gas chambers n shit
Its the cremation that takes time bro.
What the fuck I believe the 6gorillion now.
Why gas them when you can keep them for slave labour.
1h per jew
maybe less cuz they be skinny and all
slave labour until they die from hunger
also old and young and sick can't work
so off to gas you go
Oh yes he could and I intend to prove it by doing it a second time. That will show all those racist.
>Most of the victims were killed in their own villages or in towns, often by their neighbors and fellow villagers. The militia typically murdered victims with machetes, although some army units used rifles. The Hutu gangs searched out victims hiding in churches and school buildings, and massacred them. Local officials and government-sponsored radio incited ordinary citizens to kill their neighbors, and those who refused to kill were often murdered on the spot. "Either you took part in the massacres or you were massacred yourself."
doesn't sound remotely comparable
>An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed during the 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994
That estimation can't even be considered accurate or inaccurate, it's just some random number. Was there 500,000 Rwandans living there that no one knew about or was the estimated population off by 500,000? the margin of error on that figure is so high it makes that estimation invalid as any kind of comparison to the holocaust. And there were bodies everywhere so I can understand why it was so inaccurate but to say that hitler was able to do 6 mil and hide all the evidence because a-bunch of niggers can chop each other up in 3 months is nonsense.
He could if he really concentrated.
So 8760 a year over the course of 2 years (final solution wasn't implemented until 1943. not even close to 1.2 million dude. also the gas chambers were designed with the gas chambers in the basement and the crematorium up stairs explain to me how that makes any sense.
Hitler was a good leader. He knew what had to be preserved. He knew everything about the jews.
Heil hitler
you know shit about shit leaf
if bunch of nogs can do shit like that in 100 days
what can nazi germany do in 3y ?
I'm not debating what germany did. You clearly can't make a comparison between mass killings between neighbors vs rounding up people embedded and hiding among a native populace. Stick to cleaning toilets leave the thinking to your betters.
Yay Germans can do anything, Superior race! I know that the Aryan race is superior but we can't change the laws of physics and make dead kikes burn faster
Have Nazi soldiers/officers ever claimed the gassing and shit is false?
first of all i don't say that killing those jews
was a bad thing to do
cuz it wasnt
but it did happen
there were millions of commie russian soldiers that died in prison camps
also a good thing
I think we can all agree n this i'm just questioning whether they were killed in death camps or they simply died of labor and malnutrition in concentration camps. And yeah most of the pictures you see of holocaust victims are actually russian prisoners of war.
Yeah but i think some of them admitted to atrocities at the nurnberg trials, which they were most likely forced to. Also, not a single document has been found detailing the holocaust or even mentioning it from high command.
>not a single document has been found detailing the holocaust or even mentioning it from high command
wannsee conference nigga
part of the plan
>wannsee conference
But, there is no proof that this "Final solution to the jewish question" was mass genocide. All they have is a document they found in 1947, wikijew doesent really outline what was in that document and doesent show pages of it as proof.
Pretty suspecious. Not sure what this proves.
I dont argue they sent them to camps, but I highly doubt any large scale gassing took place. No proof of it and it seems very unpractical.
Seem unpractical that they would waste young men to guard these camps as well, they were in a defensive war against endless hoards of soviets, why remove soldiers from the battle lines?
Kamianets-Podilskyi massacre
>in just 2 easy days they offed 23k jews
Babi Yar
2 days
Of course he did.
Are you implying the germans could not gas, incinarate and dispose the ashes of more than 4000 people every day for 4 years? It only takes 2 to 3 hours at 800 to 1000 degrees! That's like 10000 man hours of genocide every day! You know how efficient Germans are, of course that number is totally likely, it even adds up in the end!
Hitler was just a tool of the globalists. He was instrumental in getting whites killed and creating a culture where whites would be taken advantage of by other groups. No one in the history of the world was more essential towards white genocide. Figuratively and literally.
Probably true, just as things like this :
> In a letter dated 2 July 1941 Heydrich communicated to his SS and Police Leaders that the Einsatzgruppen were to execute Comintern officials, ranking members of the Communist Party, extremist and radical Communist Party members, people's commissars, and Jews in party and government posts
Most definetly happened and should happen. I would support this same thing today.
Atleast he tried, our societies and to a very large extent America, was already infested with cultural marxism, we would have ended up where we are now anyway.
Perfect scenario would have been England and America allying with Germany and beating the communists.
My grandfather, he was only enlisted but always yelled "bullshit!" whenever this yolocaust talk came up.
Checked, plz check mine
All czeched my nigga, thanks for the (you)