Was this a threat, pol?
Was this a threat, pol?
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Pedodesta is getting nervous
Leaflet at it again
What kind of world are we living in when manipulative elitist assholes can no longer rape child sex slaves without facing public outrage?
I'm sorry I take it back.
Link works
Aw so sad, our elites are no longer able to have the ease of secure email communications by which they maintain their crooked networks.
Perhaps they will go back to doing their deals on phones now?
.... and traitors should be HANGED.
Lol this pathetic looking man is a vicious serial killer.
This is what capitalism creates. It allows genetically inferior people like this the power to harm others. Capitalism is dysgenic.
Pedosta doesn't want his porn stashes to be made public
Is he going to persecute that evil terrorist hacker Anonymouse?
says increasingly nervous pederast
homing pigeons are a safer option
its funny. even before pizzagate i found this fellow rather creepy.
not sure what to think though, to me he seems just to be some normal fag who didnt come out yet
wtf I hate capitalism now!
Guess I'm a Commiessile.
National Socialism is the only way to go tb.h
maybe he should stop fucking children
sec hsi mugshot showed up regarding madaline....i thought "oh boy if he was in portugal that day that is suspect!" and he was lol
he also cleared his email that day also
I think by definition that's a threat, you don't tell somebody to shut up unless you have the intimidation upper hand.
I'm praying for you ameribros, get Trump in the Whitehouse and flush all these corrupt, deceptive liberals for the good of all mankind
As soon as they've identified them 100% the gestapo will be seeing them. Podesta's just not entirely sure who they are yet. Seth and Julian have already been taken care of.
Reminder: Podesta literally rapes infants and fucks them until they're dead
Shut up leaf.
Jullian just talked on hanity's show like half an hour ago, what are you talking about
prove it was him if you dont mind
Trump is the definition of corrupt deceptive liberal you retarded fuck.
What evidence do you have? This is HUGE.... Have you contacted law enforcement?
Old news