Daily reminder that alt-right is not fash, but gay

The problem with the alt right is that it's really a degenerate bourgeois cunt movement. Always has been, really. You are one of those types who believes 1950s America was the pinnacle of civilization and gets nostalgia from old hollywood movies. Probably owns at least one fedora. The worse, is that you guys imply that fascists and alt-fags have the same end goal and just disagree with the path of getting there. This can't be further from reality. You can tell the difference with one question, "when did it all go wrong?" The alt-fag type will answer somewhere in the 1960s, and our type will laugh heartily at this response. We don't want your degenerate 50s society, neither your Milo, neither your civic nationalism gay shit.

You are just liberals who have found a new victim status that they can claim, and who see that their weak and depraved liberal dystopias are about to be crushed by forces that have remained stronger than them. The alt-right and white nationalism can been viewed as the immune system of the liberal order reacting to a threat. Clearly though, your immune system is very weak because you guys will accomplish nothing in saving your retarded societies that have reached the breaking point of decadence and the end of a cycle. You are the last breath of a dying society.

You are trying to save your society because you're a conservative. We aren't. "Every element of our society and culture in the 21st century is contrary to the natural order. This isn't edge, this is the fact of our worldview. You can call it edge if you like, but that raises the question- is it still edge if those are your honest views and not some memeing autism ?

So please, do what the fuck you want to do. Continue to spread your autism, but stop using fascist symbols and pretending you're like us, Dickie Spencer doesn't have the right to do a nazi salute and then pretending it's just memeing. If you're not Fascist then stop using shit associated with Fascism in your fucking memes

Sacre bleu je mange une grande pamplemousse avec une omelette du fromage dans le pupitre

Fuck off frog. Enjoy your holiday ficki ficki

>A frog leaf

What could be worse?

It was always a meme. Those who claim to be an alternative already mark themselves as fringe. And they give legitimacy to the so called "conservatives" who claim to be right wing when they themselves are anything but.

However altright now has a face and a leader in the form of Richard Spencer. The media and a half billion odd leftists now blame him for everything done in it's name.

What used to a cringey label is now the perfect scapegoat for us. Fuckin love the way it's turned out.

Rule 1 of the internet lmao

You know what irony is right?

Fascists and alt-righters both want to fight globalizations, we need allies.
I don't care if they use our symbols, these symbols are taboo anyway, a bigger spread of them will help in making true fascist ideas more widespread and less taboo.
I welcome alt-right and any other right-wing movement.

So you're a reactionary?

Fuck you, and america. It's not surprising white nationalism retardation, which was never defended neither by Hitler nor Mussolini, emerged in your nation of mutts.

What is this white race of yours? Are you telling me a man from Greece is the same as a man from France? That a Russian is identical to a Spaniard? White nationalism is a ideology of mutts, it's an identity for those without an identity, it is a mistake, created by a nation that was founded by the merchant class and cult leaders. It has no roots, no adherent beliefs except artificial ones created for the sole purpose of entertaining mongrels and their pitiful existence.

Alt-right want to save 50s american white society which they oppose to the liberal worldview. While, we understand it as different stages of the same modern world, we don't want to save that idyllic white american 50s family of yours, this is already a perversion of the natural order in hedonist bourgeois life. We want to destroy it. We aren't conservatives but revolutionnaries.

The alt-right is part of Putin's war on democracy and freedom.

Blaming it on Putin is being as retarded as them.

>we don't want to save that idyllic white american 50s family of yours
What is history. Hitler lose the war also because it opened too many fronts.
I want fascism in Italy, and I hope for a fascist federation in Europe, but I don't care how the burgers will want to govern themselves. Their history and environment is different from my own.
The ones who want to impose their own ideology on all the world are the commies, fascists only care about their own people.

Of course, that is exactly what I said, they are free to adhere to whatever retarded cause they want.

However, using fascist symbols while their whole movement is attempting to save something that is despised by fascism doctrine and ideology is tottaly retarded, and also dangerous.

Dangerous because a concept is clear when its definition is clear. The day it become a lumber room of movements which have nothing to do the one with the other, the concept became unclear. They have to stop using fascism terminology if they're, in all points, opposed to fascism, and they, ideologically, are. Otherwise fascism will become a meme term to include various doctrines and not what it's suppose to be.

bump you fags.

Stopped reading there

I don't know. The term "fascism" and it's symbols have been spoiled too much. Used mainly by edgy teens. The next movement or parties who will take power will not call themselves Fascist or Nazists, but some other term, probably National something.
The symbols of the roman fasces or the swastika are being promoted to indicate a more wider concept of nationalistic proud.
The world is evolving, and you cannot stop it, some other symbol will make it, like the Greeks who have adopted a new cool symbol.

I got 2 fedoras you cuck

1950s isn't going back far enough
The Fifties were the product of The Century of Self, Edward Bernays and the Freudians, and a Reactionary Conformity to the threat of Soviet Communism.

We need some return to values before The Century of Self, before the consumerism of disposable products

Because you are a retarded american teen who associate the criticism of the bourgeoisie with marxism. While any european traditionalist understand that the bourgeois class and traditions is degenerate and should be purged for the greater good of society.

I can't blame you, though, america never had an aristocratic elite and is born degenerate, you only know retarded bourgeois worldview.

And National Socialism and Fascism are reactions to Democracy. If Democracy had not overthrown the Monarchs of Europe, NS and Fascism would never have become a thing, or at least if Democracy had the balls to choke Bolshevism to death in the cradle

But fascism isn't a political movement from the 20th century. It's the application of the traditional worldview to human society and as such has been around forever.

Fascism doesn't exist to serve the white race. The white race as you understand it doesn't exist, it's an entirely abstract concept dreamed up by yanks who don't have a solid enough identity of their own. Contrary to what any white nationalist says, white people will never be an interchangeable group of equals. PEOPLE serve FASCISM (truth- natural laws), not vice-versa. This isn't up for some fucking egocentric debate where you decide "is fascism is good enough for the huwite race or not?"- you're either a servant of truth or an enemy of truth.

This is like if I wrote a post, starting with the presupposition that the French are Martian turtles who live in the arctic, and then dictating to the turtles that "their problem" is that they want to be homosexual Mormons. And I never explained how they left Mars or survive the cold, I just go on and on about Salt Lake City bars being boring.

I love you frog brother, you speak the truth

Me too parmigiano bro.

Viva Il Duce !

stopped reading

Commies have a book, and they follow this book like it was the Bible.
Fascism has no book. There is no absolute TRUTH, only general guidelines, natural law change in time and space, fascism try to adapt.

Alt-right are not fascists, I don't care, they can be ally against degeneracy and globalization.
After we won the war here in Evropa and after cleaning our houses from the muzzies and niggers, we will see if it will be profitable to still be allied with alt-right or not.

>There is no absolute TRUTH
>natural law change in time and space
>fascism try to adapt

I don't even ...

Do you even Evola bruh ?

Do french fascists lean more towards monarchism or republicanism?

Evola is not the fascist Carl Marx, there is no Carl Marx for fascism.
I don't like him, too intellectual and decadent, I like Mussolini and Gentile.

Monarchism, as monarchy is the natural form of government and french revolution is seen, and rightly so, as the first victory of the modern world against tradition.

Evola isn't the only figure of the fascist movement, as it is not a monolithic theory but an expression of truth, which to the contrary of what you think is suppose to be the political expression of the absolute truth, which exist.

Even Mussolini quotes who may tend to a positivist/relativist interpretation of the fascist activity are too be interpreted in the light of fascist theory : There is no ideological absolute truth, but the natural order and hierarchy, as the way nature regulate itself, is the truth.

last bump

I don't like phylosophycal politic and I'm not good at it, in my opinion it lead to nothing and distance yourself to reality.
If you want to follow the TRUTH and only the TRUTH, you are on your way, I prefer a system who can accept compromises and is more tied to actual results than to the purity of a phantomatic doctrine.

Also the old fascism need to be reformed, don't follow him blindly, it's not practical in modern society, for example how do you implement censorship with today Internet?

The only people here who identify as "alt right" do it either because they're newfags, or because it's fucking hilarious that you faggots take it seriously.

Furthermore, to think that this has anything to do with "bringing society back to the 50's" betrays the level of braindead idiocy that we're dealing with here.

What's ironic is that you fags would cheer when Bernie says we shouldn't do TPP and we should stop bombing Syria, but when Trump says it apparently he's Hitler!

Like pretending to be "alt-right", sage is useful for dealing with your breed of baiting idiot.

Because reality isn't only empirical phaenomenons or even the mentality of the current century. You have to read some Plato to understand the distinction between the truth and the sensable world. Reality is before all what is most pure to human nature, which means the ideas of truth, beauty and justice which are atemporal and eternal. A good political doctrine is a doctrine that stay submitted to those eternal principles and try to supress evil. A bad political doctrine is a doctrine that take the sensible and moving empirical reality for the only reality, and thus seek to do compromises, giving an utilitarist doctrine that in the end, leads to nothing because isn't tied to the truth.

And fascism is applicable in modern society, as all societies are made to follow the truth. The censorship of the Internet is tottaly possible, see North Korea, but it's not what I want. If people live according to their rational part and their connection to transcendental realities, Internet degeneracy is non-existent.

Confirmed for being a alt-right whining machine who complain about shits I didn't even mention. I don't give a fuck about what Bernie and Trump said about Syria. And yes Trump isn't Hitler, Trump is a new money plebeian without real ideology, and equaling him with Adolf is really insulting.