>this is white according to civic nationalists
This is white according to civic nationalists
Other urls found in this thread:
Op is a miale gabagool
Goyim nobody is white but Blonde haired Blue eyed people. Dived yourself.
Fucking rat.
Being white is not just about skin color, it's a state of mind.
BIg Pussy is a white heap of bones at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Ethnicity = Race
White = Skincolor
>This is normal according to leftists
This is probably the 4th thread against italians in the last hour, sponsored by Mr. 58% White
pastore is 100% american LMAO, also he's naturally fair skinned. Fake Tan as always
Yikes, that low forehead
"civic nationalists" don't care if he's white or not, they are okay with full blown niggers
Is that fucking Cenk?
I don't hate non-whites but fuck that slimy lardy roach
also if Italy isn't white then why do they have the highest average IQ of any western country?
Why are nordi-cucks such sickos? Has to be something with all the inbreeding right?
In real life, he's part Yemeni.
I'm starting to see Mediterraneans as identical with Arabs.
What do we do about the Med problem Sup Forums?
Actor that plays Pussy in the Sopranos
Italian universities
>not at least green
Fug...I'm part nigger. Explains a lot actually.
Whether its colorblind adherents like it or not-realize it or not civic nationalism in the United States is whiter than a hipster bar in Brooklyn.
In other words, White nationalists and civic nationalists are, for all intents and purposes, on the same side (even if civic nationalists fail the Alt-Right threshold). Ethno-nationalism is, to be concise, the extremist variety of civic nationalism in that it limits both the origin and values of the citizen, as it includes ancestry and heritage rather than purely shared values. In practice however, the civic nationalism of many conservatives limits citizenship by origin as well. Whites and model minorities or successful individuals of minority groups are the face of civic nationalism; less well-regarded are illegal immigrants (mestizos who violate the sanctity of citizenship) or urban criminals (blacks who violate the standards of White civility). So it’s not hard to see why the left parses the Republican party and the conservative movement as being racist—what they value happens to be very White or White-presenting. Returning to a society that values Whiteness is an important thing for us, and something civic nationalists do implicitly and White nationalists do explicitly.
tl;dr In short,
Both sides want the same value but one side (extremist entho- nationalist) need to see the value in planning and subversion
Ho Puss! Look atta ducks! They're flyin!
Thanks for the info.
t. albino chink
Who are the two other than the mediterranean and the nord? Slav and anglo?
Fucking Sopranos, he DID NOTHING WRONG
>wake up
>wipe the cigar ashes, tomato sauce, stripper glitter and gabagool grease from my polyester short-sleeved collared bowling shirt
>breathe heavily and as loudly as possible on my trek down the stairs and across my McMansion to the kitchen (probably the most exercise I've done in years, I never did have the makings of a varsity athlete)
>fix myself a hearty plate of gabagool with a side of gabagool
>pour myself a glass of Tropicana™ with some pulp to wash down the diabetes
>here comes A.J down the stairs
>it's been a good week for him, he only attempted suicide 5 times and he got an F+ on his community college Remedial Arithmetic quiz
>I'm proud of him
>So proud of him that I take him outside to see his new car. My son only drives the best
>A brand-new stretch hummer limo. The safest money could buy, and it gets ten feet to the gallon
>A.J. starts bitching about the environment
>Tell him I'll throw his ass back in the pool if he doesn't shut the fuck up and get in the hummer limo
>He gets in, the hummer limo immediately bursts into flames
>A.J. survives, is angry he's still alive and goes back up to his room to jerk off to interracial porn
>Carmela arrives, she's back from the gabagool market
>She presents to me crates, barrels, backpacks and suitcases packed to the brim with delicious gabagool
>"It took me hours to gather all this gabagool, Tony. A thank you would be nice."
>Give her a gabagool and cigar flavored kiss on the cheek and a crisp $100 bill, and pat her on the head. That'll do, Carm, that'll do.
>Phone rings, it's Meadow
>Everything goes to black, there's no punchline. Fuck you, lmao!
pensi veramente che re mulatto sia italiano
la stra grande maggior parte delle cose che entra neglu usa ne esce rovinata e bastarda
>having to do anything with italia
Civic nationalism has nothing to do with race.
civic nationalists don't care about race, you illiterate
Watch it, pussy
>some pulp
Somebody has watched Sopranos as autistically as me
JIDF OP in progress.
The jew is a parasite and seeks to divide Europe. Never let the jew succeed
it's pasta
>your squad will never look so fresh
Civic nationalism is fine as long as it isn't full blown cuckold nationalism. We can recognize that majority races have a privileged position within the structure of our nation without being resentful of that or demanding that everyone get perfectly equal treatment.
Get past your memecore DAY OF TEH ROPE dogshit, you're not just going to erase the hundred million or more minorities in America, you can't deport all of them. So the remaining options are to either integrate them into the system in a way that allows them to contribute in what capacities they can or to exclude them, creating a perpetually resentful underclass looking to undermine everything we stand for.
It's my back tone'
I been poppin percocets like frickin juju beans!
t. Otgonbayar
Sure why not, It's lighter than what Sweden and Germany will look like by 2050.
Funny the lightest and best looking one is the only one actually from italy. Was HBO trolling Americans?
There's a "best-looking" person in that picture?
yeah the guy in the back. I'm not gay or anything but at least his face doesn't look like hamburger meat.
Reminder that you are talking to Abdullah and not Sven
If birthrates would be that extreme within 40 years your country would be 95% nigger by now Burgerbro.
>US is 55% non-hispanic white
>Half of that 55% probably looks like OP
Are you scared of the word ethnicity?
It's just a newer word for race.
You're talking shit about Pussy? Disgusting.
He looks like thunderf00t desu famalam.
US is 61% white
Why do you guys literally just fucking lie all the time?
This is keeping in mind your population is collapsing because nobabieslol and when Germany collapses to civil war the Czech republic will probably cease to exist or otherwise be massively fucked
Italians are white, whites are Europeans. Stay mad Nordicfag.
pussy was a rat fuck
>Europeans are this delusional/retarded
Muslims have a calling from God to have kids
Germans are atheists
14% of Germans are under 18, 40% of Muslims in Germany are under 18
By 2036 the ethnic German population will have declined from 70 million to 62 million from all the old people dying off.
If you do not have kids and the other guy is having lots and you are importing tons of young guys from Syria then GUESS WHAT HAPPENS.
You stupid fuck.
what am i looking at exactly?