Muslim gets caught molesting young White girl (UK)Video
Location: Middlesbrough North east England
Taxi firm: Boro cars
Company owner: Mohammed Bashir
this taxi firm has had muslim drivers jailed before for rapeing Young white girls!.
the owner also claims to have local police in he's pocket!

drop them a nice msg on there contact page

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Guess everybody are to busy to pay attention to this! /sigh

maybe driverless cars will drestroy the taxi industry but whereever they go, they must also rape

No one is posting because you might as well have written "black dude gets caught robbing black dude in Detroit."

>6 minute video
i ain't watching that shit :DDD

I always thought middlesborough was a rough place? how the fuck are they getting away with that shit.

>be English girl
>take taxi
>get raped by 40 year old Pakistani

My blood is fucking boiling, I guarantee you this will be ignored by every form of media under the sun.

I sent them a message

blood is fucking boiling

my fucking country

send these fucking cunts your wrath

Jesus spread this

Bumping for justice. Supporting fellow Brits.

I am spreading this everywhere I bloody can. Seething, argh!

I live 10 mins away from Middlesbrough ,it's rough in places just like most working class areas, but ya I don't understand why that guy didn't beat the shit out of him ..Europe is lost without a shot been fired, and very few seem to care

>I don't understand why that guy didn't beat the shit out of him

Come on mate, you do.

This fucking country has us in the vice.

inb4 (((they))) arrest the cameraman for hatespeech and racism

god fucking damn that will more than likely happen

we need to stand up or lie down and die

this shit is getting a whole lot worse this last month


Why are Brits so cringe lads? Also wouldn't be surprised if the white slut asked for a discount for favours. I've seen it.

It's just how we communicate. We should be celebrating it rather than taking the piss.

Should we?

>drop them a nice msg on there contact page
>send message to onwers who endorse this
>I sent them a message

Yeah Im sure literally Mohammed and his legal and financial backer Finkelsteinbaumberg are shaking about your deebly concerned letters while both are literally raping your children

All it would take is for one of them to end up with their entrails draped on a streetlamp and this would end

Will never happen you pathetic LARPing faggot.

I'm biased because I'm a northerner, but yeah. The alternate is just more divide-and-conquer bullshit, we should unite until we defeat the common foe, you know the drill.

Can someone translate this to american english?

Shame here is that it's not the first time an employee from the taxi firm has raped children
, if you dig into this company's owner it gets very dirty very quickly ,he's at war with another Muslim taxi firm , I guess they are fighting for the young girls ! Ya it's that sickening .

This is why the sun set on your empire.

I would set his fleet on fire and smash the windows of the office in but I know he'd end up profiting from the insurance

Just book a taxi with them from a throwaway phone and beat the living shit out of them when they turn up. If you got a gay mate get him to rape them in the arse too

The English are simply cowards who won't do anything but sit on their arse eating paki takeaways and chasing money like Jews.

"Divide and conquer" what exactly? There's no movement against multiracialism in England and there never will be.

>He batters the paki
>Paki gets him done for assault
>Police ignore the fact that he was sexually assaulting a young girl and arrest the white bloke

Do you not remember what happened in Rotherham?

There is one, and it's just been given worldwide legitimacy by being banned.

Sorry am I wrong? You honestly think the English will ever stand up for themselves as a race?

Ignorant twat.

Oh yes the BASED NA, how could I forget those proud white warriors ..

Listen buddy. WE are the defence now

We are anonymous, we are unconnected with these cases. We just put them on a list and then we work on it. It's like strangers on a train.

Think about it

>Implying he did anything wrong

A man is entitled to do whatever he pleases with a woman. Maybe if this woman stayed at home taking care of the kids instead of sluting around in taxis this wouldn't have happened. How is this respectable muslim man supposed to know that a woman displaying such haram slutty behavior is not "open season"?

Hopefully one day Middlesbrough can be as progressive as London and respect muslim traditions....

t. a Southerner

Spend a fucking day up north, we're all ready for the race war. A fucking stranger even told me this after a minute of meeting him.

I would beat the shit out of a nigger, but then there wouldn't be anything left.

LARPing is easy.

Now with all of the free publicity in the world.

Are ya?

I am a northerner by the way. You're not up for anything but diabetes by 40.

I didn't say you were wrong. You guys don't have the stomach for it anymore and neither do we. Our country is overrun with spics and niggers. I live in the whitest state and out of the blue fucking Somalis have showed up and filled all of the positions at the local Walmart.

How is that LARPing? I'm proposing a feasible plan of action.

Sit on the sidelines, remember them and take action. That's how it's done and that's how you dont get caught

No worries then, nice attitude.

>We are anonymous
>Implying the government isn't monitoring every single one of us

Best thing to do is go out in public and kick the fuck out of them, only way you get caught is on CCTV and all you need to do is cover up who you are. Doing stuff online won't help our situation

You all need to burn down these mudslime businesses and start killing them, the government is going to stop supporting these child fuckers.

Rape really activates those Berber genes huh?

Youre absolutely anonymous if you read about something like this on daily mail and do your own research on VPN and live like 80 miles away from the 'targets'

You're not going to do shit you LARPing coward.

Like how you were gonne vote Leave?

Scots are fucking pussies, they even begged the EU to take them after Brexit


Youd obviously have to do them on your own. But if we have like 100's even 1000's of rogues, this is how we win

You're literally the one doing nothing and I am the one proposing ideas

It isn't that you are wrong, it is that no on will act. People have been saying shit like this forever and yet nothing ever happens and the problems grow.

I'm booking a shit load of taxi's rn. Are most drivers muslim? Or are there white drivers?

SJW meets boro taxi driver,
This country say gone to the dogs ,full of SJW ,Muslims and people trying to ignore everything

What ideas? Sitting on the internet? That's not an idea, that's what we all do sitting in our underpants every night.

now now boys kiss and make him

Wtf, I'm English you foreign cunt.

Its muslim owned. They will only hire muslims.

Now THIS is your typical English coward, except he actually went further then most of the population would.



give me some random addresses to and from in the uk.

Fine, You go and sort them out in your own way and i'll give you 500 quid. Deal?

That guy with the phone is alpha as fuck. Respect to him.

There's nothing you can do, it's over. But you LARPing fsggots are cringe and need to be called out now and then. You're literally little boys playing make believe on the internet.

Use google to find random clubs and pubs in Middlesbrough, England and say you're outside there and need a lift to one of the hotels in Middlesbrough

Taxi owner used to be best friends with Middlesbrough mayor till they fell out , yah these Muslims are covered from the top down

This is LIVE EVIDENCE of mudslime rape tactics-taxi drivers!!!
I read an account about how a British white girl was raped. They lured her into the taxi and drove to an all paki neighborhood, where they took turns on here , the whole male family. She said they called her , western shore and when she replied "I'm a virgin" they continued raping her
This girl was 15
Mudslim scum

DOWNLOAD and REUPlOAD On liveleak!!!!!
Jew tube will shut it down!
Repeat, download and upload to live leak!!!!!!!

I'm offering you 500 quid to do it you pussy, you said you're in the north. I'm not.

Why do the English let this happen so much?

Government opression

A lot of my bros are pakis. Also why would I care if some roast beef cunt sucks some brown cock for kebab meat. You faggots are so sheltered to the ways of the world.

We're cowards as a "nation" (if you can call it that)

All the shit thats dumped into the water thats why you need to buy water filters from your a humble water filter salesman

Jesus fucking christ,
Please lets get this spread around as widely as possible.

fuck me on fire with the shit grammar and spelling tonight

>take taxi
>raped by 40 year old Muslim
>this fucking country

But it doesn't happen in Scotland or Northern Ireland.

The English allow shariah patrols, have schools where no one speaks English and massive rapes everywhere

As long as the public is not interested, I am not interested.

I don't see people on soapboxes demanding revenge, or purification of the city.

And neither is there any sign of righteous men plotting such things in dark back rooms either.

The people are their own army. A piece of paper or a book is no match for a mob. Yet these are the laws and condition they place for themselves.

So they are asking for it, collectively. By this I do not mean that any individual deserves it, absolutely not.

Only that as long as the good men and the innocents of your land aren't willing to get their hands dirty you're never going to see an end to this, and you're never going to see the faintest hope of justice.

Knew you were a little bitch. Fucking paki

>The Chinese are less cucked than the British

England & Wales are the most opressed. These new anti semitism laws are for england & wales (I think, not 100%)

>A lot of my bros are pakis. Also why would I care if some roast beef cunt sucks some brown cock for kebab meat. You faggots are so sheltered to the ways of the world.

The definition of a cuckold
>Hehe I have Muslim Habibis why would I care
Please drink bleach scum of the earth

You need to find a way into the system.
taking out members of the system will never work because they all literally live so the system can flourish, this is the nature of bureaucracy.
You must figure out a way to create and instill a new system, one which favors you and your people over them and their people.
You will be facing them not only with death but with existential death.
Not even their lineage shall remember them.

For real, create a white ethno community under the guise of it being Islamic, but be the opposite denomination of whatever other Muslims there are so you can begin a turf war with them.
Police wont intervene on Muslims killing Muslims.

The public are not aware this happened , no media outlets will even touch this story, not local news and not national news, it's all shush shush

I'm Chinese and if you go to china and fuck with anything you will get eaten and stewed for dinner. Especially if you're around elderly people.

Nigga I'm lazy just give me an address

I just don't give a fuck.

>muh cuuuck

What does this mean? Especially from the krautbro. Muh women? Really? This is fucking Sup Forums you retarded cunts.

good job

Just the start of what women will experience, and it's there doing.

Their daughters and granddaughters will have many difficult questions for them. Providing they are white of course

Every news outlet APART from the sun

Why don't you make these clips as tesak did.
When you catch a pedophile and you have all needed evidences to put him in jail. You ask him whether he gives you an interview, or you will turn him in. If he ask you to not go to police, you can do everything you want with him.

Not any more you're not. You limp dicked, Scottish lefty muslim lover.

Jesus what's this guys problem.

Shit can get done through the internet. That guys life will be fucked up now because of this exposure, all from a video posted on... The internet. I guarantee it.

Thank god we have the north east to make up for the degeneracy that is the north west.

Man was arrested but at first they let him go! It was only when the video went viral was he charged. Dirty fuking cops

Also notice how few media outlets are covering this! If it was white man trying to rape Muslim girl then we all know it would be BBC news at 10 stuff

Its because there is a livestream right now, Obama faked his birth certificate.

>young girl
>implying she wasn't a hooker/junkie

You faggots are going to look daft when it turns out he's been charged with soliciting or some shite.

>Implying the police aren't covering the paki's arse.

If this happens, I'll know that the police are actively working against us.