>You there! Recite me the 1st verse of the holy Qu'ran or face the wrath of my sword!
You there! Recite me the 1st verse of the holy Qu'ran or face the wrath of my sword!
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Namaskar babajee.
But he's bro-tier and will kill Muslims.
I don't read that shit my Sikh brother. Come! Let us bond by slaughtering Muslims!
go fuck ya self leafcuck
>takes out ar-15 freedum cannon
>rakes leafs
Thats a sikh you fucking leaf.
>record scratch
>Yup, that's me, Mohammed. You're probably wondering how I got balls-deep in this goat.
>Verse 2
>But the real story is what happened next, when a disembodied voice spoke to me from the heavens...
If the Indians actually bothered to wipe there asses I bet they'd do it with a leaf
>0 gauge
Thats a big shell
*unsheaths katana*
*teleports behind him*
heh.. heh. nothing personell, kid.
>sikhs are bro tier
This meme needs to die
.t someone who lives in Brampton and is surrounded by them
When they get in large enough numbers, they are no different than Muslims, they will force yo out change your way of life to fit theirs
Why haven't you been posting this as regularly?
Muhammad fucks pigs.
I can fuck this goat to prevent wasting my glorious seed
-t.muhammed benhaziz hakim the dream v.8-13
"Bring me that 9 year old"
baka laka daka muka brakka shaka laka durkastan! bakala! muhammad jihad!
>*unsheathes sabre*
>sat sri akaal paaji
>*teleports behind muslim*
>they will force yo out change your way of life to fit theirs
How? What do they do? Do they make shariah zones or something?
Roses are red
Muhammed is black
nothing he likes more on this earth
than preteen girlies crack.
Isn't that a Sikh? They're #1 Muslim hunters, why would they ask me for verses of Quran?
t. Mohammad abdul bin jafar who was forced to stop trying to grope sikh women.
elaborate bro
Buddy, it's forbidden in Sikhism to force others into it
That's a sikh kek, i doubt he would be able to recite the quran lol
Sikhism is a mixture of Islam and Hinduism
Come right at me, towelhead
this guy is so full of shit. according to him these huge, wide bladed curved swords were only ever used for thrusting and never for cutting.
Goddamn it leaf, why do you suck so much? Fucking syrup education.
Not every turban is Muslim. When you see the iron bracelets, you're dealing with a based Sikh bro.
>Now this is a story all about how
>My life got flipped-turned upside down
>And I'd like to take a minute
>Just sit right there
>I'll tell you how I became the prophet of a religion called Bel-Air
La ilaha ilallah, mohamadur rasulallah
Rune scimmy are used for slashing you fucking faggot, kys
shiet, wrong person bro my bad faggot
They'll kill you if you answer correctly.
Hello Mohammad
انت بسرعة!
Something something fucking my cousin
Something something desert explosives
That's soo true user.
That explains why Sikhs looove Hindus and Muslims...
Kek! Hivemind!
>You see those warriors from Hammerfell?
>They’ve got curved swords.
That's a Sikh.
He he, I don't think so.
غير ممكن!
I'm Sikh of these threads
For you
It's a trick question, if you can he kills you
Here you go
reee Hans get out of my head
I bet you love Nu-Zealand because of all the sheep.
Are Sikhs like Muslim mongooses?
>>You there! Recite me the 1st verse of the holy Qu'ran or face the wrath of my sword!
Shouldn't have brought a sword to a gun fight, nigger.
Must be a leftover neural link from the Austrians.
"Read in the name of the Lord who has created all" your majesty.
Exalt Allah and his greatness under your wizened mind and supreme virility, we will run these western dogs and heathens from your great land
Sup Forums has taught me more arabic than muslims have. Wtf..
>1 post by this ID
Clever leaf.
This bro tier meme needs to die.
Never said they force you into the religion
We are no longer allowed to say Merry Christmas
Police/military uniform has been changed to allow their head wear
High amounts of nepotism (iF you have a sikh boss and aren't sikh, you won't last at that job)
Group together and take over businesses and government
The onyl differences between Sikhs adn Muslims is that most Sikh's dont want to ban alcohol
(though they ARE forbidden to drink if they are serious sikhs)