Is Putin sick of winning?
Is Putin sick of winning?
I do not know, but those 3 folks are the most powerful people on Earth for sure. Not even kidding.
This is because the Chinese dude in charge needs to talk to his commie national committee for every single shit he is taking and good old Jap Abe isn't really doing anything on a world stage and the French have a president who has an approval rating of 4%. And the Brits just got so irrelevant by voting to seal of their island, Thessy May should be ranked 87.
>most powerful people list
>no Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros etc.
>>no Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros etc.
Can they push a button to kill the Earth? Or can they wreck a country like... Greece?
But I thought people were getting sick and tired of Mutti?
>Can they push a button to kill the Earth?
Not a valid metric because literally nobody is going to do that.
>Or can they wreck a country like... Greece?
Well who do you think wrecked Greece? Merkel? Gimme a fucking break.
>Can they push a button to kill the Earth?
How quickly do you want to kill Earth? Because they're already doing it. If you're looking for full scale nuclear armageddon then it would take an extra bit of time but could still be pulled off within a decade.
>Or can they wreck a country like... Greece?
They literally did.
I really don't know why people dickride Russia so much. If it wasn't for their semi-advanced military and their access to nukes, they would just be the Brazil of Europe. Putin isn't some evil genius. He's a man in charge of a country that has few friends and that has been cornered.
t. CБУ with proxy
> Or can they wreck a country like... Greece?
tip top kek senpai
>I really don't know why people dickride Russia so much
Because they LITERALLY just hacked the brains of almost 63 million Americans and made them vote for Trump, duh. What rock are you living under?
A country that is surrounded by NATO states. It's friends are turning against it to the point that they had to invade one of their closest allies and annex it's lands.
It's seeing a decrease in it's GDP and it's currency took a nose dive in value due to trade sanctions. Russia is not in good shape, so stop pretending that it is. Putin isn't some genius, he's the leader of a former superpower that is now struggling to survive.
Germany powerful.
how much is Petro Oleksiyovych paying yuo for this?
yes, they can.
>Not a valid metric because literally nobody is going to do that.
Hellllo, anybody home? Do you know who pic related is?
>Hellllo, anybody home?
Byeeeeee. :D
>But I thought people were getting sick and tired of Mutti?
No, Mutti is back on track, saying she is gonna ban the niqab and burka and will deport 500,000 illegals and will put German military on the EU border.
Who do you think Trump is going to nuke and why?
Did you miss his entire campaign platform about restoring relations with Russia and refraining from military intervention in Europe and the Middle East other than ISIS?
>merkel on third
Go to bed Angela.
No one believes your backpedalling up to election
>Who do you think Trump is going to nuke and why?
>a Bernout refugee from Plebbit
Not so fast, pham.
I hope this gets to Trump. He is gonna want to be number 1 and talk shit to Putin and start something.
You won't believe it, slacker, but I have never posted a single thing on reddit, don't even know how that shit works.
pretty delusional to say putin is the most powerful
>Who do you think Trump is going to nuke and why?
Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Italy, Denmark, Canada, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Marilyn Monroe. Take your pick.
This is only because Putin has fewer checks and balances to his power compared to Trump's.
Trump is up a spot, Obama was 3rd if I remember.
I don't think Merkel is that powerful
Russia could role into Germany & take it over in a week & Germany couldn't do shit if USA didn't intervene
And nothing of value is lost
It's probably referring to the economic power of Germany and Merkel's influence in the EU, not their military strength
>I do not know, but those 3 folks are the most powerful people on Earth for sure.
Good goy!
If they can't do shit about Trump and Putin they don't seem all that powerful, just rich and thus able to pull a lot of strings (but again not enough to stop Trump from winning)
Do you think anyone's going to push a button without their approval?
And they did wreck greece... And it's like nothing compared to what they did before. They've literally brought commies and nazis to power, conducted their socio-economic experiments. Financed both sides in war. And when they've played enough - just shut it down. It's not even a conspiracy, there are plenty credible sources, if you really try and search good enough.
Same with Isis today, with migrant crisis. It's not random.
Oh my god. Being this gullible.
Don't get too upset about Trump in the future.
And Putin being anything but a puppet, not even of a big fish but just russian oligarchs.
As I said good goy!
A person who single handedly destroyed an entire continent is pretty powerful imo
Yeah, she has a 60% approval rating. It used to be 80%. Clearly sick and tired.
> Trump not even president yet
> Obama nowhere to be seen
Sadly, it looks like she'll get a 4th term
does tuvalu not have a leader?
i know china does