Hi Sup Forums im a 140IQ guy, doing Software Engineering at Uni and I fucking hate everyone around me. Any tips for a redpilled guy living around plebs?
> Pic unrelated
140+ IQ dealing with Uni
>140 IQ
>software engineer
Why the hate? I like computers, and I like coding?
>software engineering
And there is the problem.
Stop feeling like you're superior when you're probably just a piece of shit like everyone else around you.
go outside
I wouldnt expect a Refugee to act so self righteous
This, you are not redpilled.
more noodz of your retarded gf pls
I do, I go to the gym and go to town every so often, not like the freaks on /fit/ but just to keep myself from becoming a typical computer nerd
Get used to it pussy. When you graduate it won't change because you are studying in a daycare world career.
This x100
Those who view themselves as higher are always the lowest
I do what i'm good at, I like solving problems
>t. inferior mongoloids
it's not your fault you were born retarded
Stop acting like an arsehole.
If you weren't autistic you'd realize how annoying and pathetic you are.
Get your shit together, OP. Hang out with the normies and learn something useful
In my 4th year of an undergraduate MEng in Computer Science. I can relate.
if i had to guess you are probably autistic and thats why everyone around you cant stand you and vice versa
I am a computer engineer in my junior year. There are a lot of dudes that are a lot more book smart than me but are aspie fucks lie you probably are and can not even take care of themselves.
tldr: you are a aspie fag.
>Software Engineering
If you had a 140 IQ you wouldn't need to go to an education establishment for 4-6 years to get the means to sustain yourself
tip number 1 would be never define yourself by your IQ. It makes you look really insecure desu.
If you're in Engineering you should be fine. If you do well in hard subjects, all the cucks will suck up to you, all, the time. All roasties will too, but 80% of them will drop out by next year.
Thank god there's someone who's not just an "OP is a faggot" out there. I'm living with 5 flatmates that just sit around smoking weed and watching X factor or some shit.
what's with all the claims about people's iqs being northwards of 100? does everyone on pol get tested? There's no way the majority of people on this board's iq is 120+
An IQ of 140 doesn't preclude you from being a retarded cunt. Hide your power level like a normal, functioning adult.
Stop being such an edgy cunt and do your education
I know this feel all too well old friend
The Hun hates all things to do with the West now that he prostates to Mecca
Do math and physics instead you genius.
Self study.
I haven't been to a lecture in 3 years.
It's actually 138, I just rounded it up so Sup Forums would notice me senpai
looks like there is a problem you can't solve