What does Sup Forums think about us?
What does Sup Forums think about us?
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My best friend is Colombian. Beautiful country, but it's a shame it's a drug/landmine infested shit.
-Mind controlled nation
-Attention span of a goldfish
-Self Hating
-Crab bucket mentality
-Mental disease capital of the world
-Poor and middle class people obsessed with rich people
-Rich people obsessed with making fun of poor people
-Middle class obsessed with pretending to be rich
-Masonic hotspot
-Retarded all around
ur shit
I'm half Colombian.
Pablo Escobar
I just want you to stay away.
Your country had a period of history called "La Violencia" for Christsake. How many dead? 100,000? Colombian neckties?
Just stay the fuck away.
How the fuck are we "close" to you, faggot?
Sounds like most places these days desu
... I'm sorry which one are you again? Oh right, your economy isn't JuChe'ing and your government isn't in an impeachment marathon, but you have just negotiated a truce with narcoterrorists who control half the country.
I assume your women are gorgeous.
Tb.h it was basically the commies chimping out because their leader got killed.
>Masonic hotspot
What the hell is with this anyways? I remember reading years ago about a very famous alchemist that went by the name Samael Aum Weor he apparently still has a semi big cult followers.
Do you think it has to do anything with it?
87,000 permanent residents. (Legal)
More if you count expired visas, illegals and temporary.
18 years of childhood there. I think it's pretty standard for a third world shithole.
I think despite the pitfalls the US would be doing Colombians and the world a service by amnexing a civilizing that savage nation but I get that it's not realistic and definitely too expensive for the US considering what they would get in exchange.
shit desu
Colombians should be genocided due to their contributions to turning Miami from the biggest conservative city to the cancer of Florida
Worst thing is that you're all smug fucks even though you were all farm workers and maids before getting the drug money at the expense of Miami's society
Who remembers when it was still Columbia?
Aun weor was one of the top figures of the modern age spirituality movement, more specifically hermeticism, regardless I doubt he has much to do with it, masons have always controlled this place, their symbols are everywhere in Bogotá.
Mind control is very real and very prolific in this city.
My English teacher went down to your country and shaked a banana tree to get down 2 little niggers he could adopt.
Other than that I have no clue what country you guys even are.
Its kinda weird since the other cities in world with a lot of masonic imagery are all in Switzerland.
It would be nice to have some actual history resources on the theme, the only way would be to join them and spend years.
Washington DC, Canberra, Buenos Aires, Tel Aviv, Paris... all full of Masonic symbolism.
>Soy uno de los buenos
Gorgeous Latina women, good food, great coke, decent futbol what's not to like?
getting killed and robbed
>tfw pabloposting is dead
I like snow in the summer.
> Mental disease capital of the world
Have you even been on Sup Forums?
dumb flag
You are cool, Lithuania.
>not living in the Andes where crime is absence
>not living in the capital Quito
The difference between Ecuador and Colombia is that the standards of life are very high as long as you don't live in the nigger filled coast.