
its on the level of full blown propaganda

they're pushing it like the new gay rights, and if adults want to be degenerates that's their business, but pushing that kind of shit on kids is fucking wrong

they're too young to even have sexual urges and haven't gone through puberty

this shits pathetic and sickening

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is the fucking geography?

Erm... what is the QT on the left doing? That can hardly be called appropriate, now can it?

>The best thing about being a girl is now I don't have to pretend to be a boy
I'm sorry, what?

If gender is a social construct why do they need hormones and surgery?

So what's soo bad about being a cis white weeb then?

this shit makes suicide appealing

This is bullshit and its own authors know it too.

Despite what they and the Internet will have you believe, "gender" is not "complicated" to 99% of people, young and old.

2 genders > imaginary special snowflake genders

Only CIS male in photo

Does anyone have a scan of the article?

National Jewgraphic

>did you just assume my gender you ciswhitehetshitlordcsum

When will it all end?

Don't they realize the more genders they make up the more meaningless that word is? They've basically turned gender into feel good nonsense.

Actually pretty realistic. You ever notice most trannies and people that push this nonsense are white?

It's white countries (U.S., Canada, Sweden, Germany) that are the biggest believers in this bull too.

soon brother

wait are we still doing this? I thought Trump winning meant all this shit went away...


You know they couldn't put their enemy on there. They're trying to brainwash people.

www68.zippyshare.com/v /I9uISaZV/file.html

Try reading it, you rage you lose.

really makes you think huh?

>the left cover


Every time

When we're dead

Is it any wonder men these days are such pussies?

>reading article
>it's all subliminal BBC/white sissy fiction


the child trannies really kill me

an adult tranny is one thing, but when they put little boys dressed as girls on covers and write articles about so called 'gay children' they're just blatantly trying to sexualise kids

everybody in the media needs to be round up and put to the rope.

this is sexual geography and if you don't understand it then you're a white man who should already be dead.

I'd like to not be right just once. Just fucking once

They're giving us hints. They're going to normalize pedo culture next. I'm sure Clinton, Obongo and Pedoesta will champion it hard. Joe Biden to be the main spearhead of the initiative.

Back to
with you trap.
Fuck off
With the
Name tag
, Namefag

They're promoting both race mixing and letting 4 year olds be trannies. How can we end this shit?

Unlisted video version:

>6yos can decide their gender
>16yos are too dumb for sex with adults

What do parents mean by this

that's just what (((they))) want you to think

> 9 year old tranny touching genitals on the cover of National Geographic
yeah, liberals aren't pushing pedophilia at all

common filth pls go

I am repilled

Your theory is debunked

I'd fuck the shit out of the white Transgender Female t b h

It's not the Jews
>I've read Torah and women have to respect the man
Most red pilled desu



I just want the ride to end

that's so fucking autistic.

>I am repilled
Prove it to me then it's debunked, faggot

TOP FUCKING KEK. The only normal person is the nig nog. What world do we live in?!?

The implication is that he has always "felt" like a girl and had to "pretend" to be a boy, and now that he's a girl, he doesn't have to pretend anymore.

that shirt from nordstroms rack?


Problem? ( psst, probably jews ).

It's the new fag rights. Too bad it'll fail since even normies are freaked out by this shit. Anyway, we need to gas the Jews responsible for pushing this shit, and soon


>gender is a social construct
>homosexuality is genetic
Pick one and only one

its france

Kill me, Pete

that's why they have to inoculate us to it
one article, one news report at a time
we'll be living in sodom and gomorrah before you know it

>see flag
>think Quebec finally got the balls to go independent
>nope, it's just Frenchies in the Caribbean
disappointed 2bh

How fucking much of the global population do they think are trannies?

>race mixing
>fugly white woman / lean attractive black beta
> we had them wear dresses
>one of them wouldn't take dress off
>thinks it's a girl now
>they think that maybe it just might somehow be a brain issue
> T levels causing all the problems
>Let's add estrogen

Get me off this fucking wild ride. I hate these people. Stopppppppp

Oh for fuck's sake, that used to be a respectable publication.

Mental illnesses are hereditary a lot of the time.


wtf i luv genocide now

Digits dont lie

>Susan Goldberg

When Western civilization disintegrates because of their own decadence and degeneracy and they get replaced by Islam.

oh fuck I'm scared
what is it

Kill me, Pete


oh look it's delusional!

When you kys will it be a manly suicide it a feminine one. Always was curious

I dunno

Yea but gay isn't genetic, its hormones randomly spiking in the womb.
>fix this
>no more gays





It's when the electors for president. If the cucks in cuckwood get there way hill dog is president and civil war breaks out

Editor-in-Chief: Susan (((Goldberg)))

This Tumblr meme kept being pushed until it became normal and unquestionable. News outlets in my country are now reporting how brave that one genderfluid retrocognitive bioform is for going to the Oscars; (s)he's a winner through and through no matter what.

>( psst, probably jews ).

Be real with me, Sup Forums. You would, wouldn't you? Don't lie.

The tranny explosion is a carefully engineered project to produce more boipucci for the pedo shadow government. We saw some cracks in the wall with pizzagate, but just look around, they've got enough BP to last 100 years.

holy shit. this is not okay these people should be convicted of child abuse.

>left: normies I'd hate and probably wouldn't want to interact with
>right: faggots I wish would die

I'm a trap, not tranny. Educate yourself bigot.

>now I don't have to pretend to be a boy
was there ever a time where women were forced to do so?

>4 year old tells Mummy I'm a girl
>The mum literally takes it at face value and helps him to transition

Why are people allowed to do this?


someone post the webm of Biden sniffing the loli's hair

>until it became normal and unquestionable
They're not going to convince the silent majority that this shit is normal and healthy. Except maybe in Sweden.

Degeneracy is killing the West.

>work for government organisation
>this organisation has been very vocal in support of LGBTI
>mfw Id get fired if I expressed any opinions contrary to being pro Trannys and 1000000 different genders

damnit redpilled trap
you're just another victim of marxism

I see you post redpilled shit all over Sup Forums but why can't you admit to that?


No thanks fag. Try not to get too diseased too quickly

Fucking kill me, Pete.

titstamp or gtfo

>They say gender roles are a social construct
>Transgender people transition to assume said construct gender roles in a very sterotyped kind of way


this shit has to end

that shit is why Trump won

not Carrier, not "Make America Great Again

this bullshit AIDS

Sometimes I look at these and wonder what exactly their parents think of them.

>I just want the ride to end
People on Sup Forums have been making that exact post over and over again for years. Do you really think it is going to end? Do you really think Heavenly Pete is really going to kill you in your sleep?

It might be getting close to the time where we stop the ride ourselves.

What's sad is I own a bunch of NatGeo magazines from the 50s. All the ads feature only happy white men and white women. The only black people featured are from articles about Africa.

Sometimes I like to get comfy and read them in my bed late at night. How the fuck are genders geographic? This is literal propaganda.

everything's a conspiracy with you retards isn't it.

>mfw my grandfather and father have an enormous, decades long collection of national geographic and i'm going to burn them now

I thought homosexuality is forbidden in Israel?

Children should never be subjected to this at that age, it's disgusting