Sup Forums, I can't take this anymore

Sup Forums, I can't take this anymore
my girlfriend betrayed me yesterday, I will go crazy I swear
>be me, 23 years old user
>fit, pretty aesthetic, well dressed
>studied, working in IT while making good money
>did everything for her, even financially supported her parents
Last night I caught her in bed with a fucking Southern Euro
A goddamn Mediterranean, aesthetic bull, Greek god-like physique and face
I fucking hate my life right now, why did I have to be born as Germanic subhuman

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>In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well. According to a 2004 University of Chicago study, 25 percent of married men have had at least one extramarital affair

Kill the subhuman.

It's just a fucking women mate. Move on they are all whores

You fell for a white woman, you deserve nothing less. The fact that you're actually suffering over the whore shows that you're a pathetic cuck.

>he didn't beat the shit out of both of them

Thats what I did when I caught my girlfriend cheating on me with my friend

Stupid slut has to have a metal face in her plate from what I did to her
4 years in Prison was well worth it


hehe cool story, prob fake but still nice.

Perhaps she was too hot for you? I'm not excusing her, but we need to be smart as men. Evaluate with certainty where you fall on the looks-scale, and find a girl that's the same or slightly uglier. That way she won't gain anything by cheating since you are probably hotter than the ones she is cheating with. Maybe.

it's not your fault user, if anything the sooner you realized she was a slut the better
if you're what you claim to be, then you literally have no reason to care, cut all your ties with her and get on with your life.

Kill them all, then go to another city and start a new life... make it seem like a lovers fight gone wrong or a fire caused by a fake phone charger

>A goddamn Mediterranean, aesthetic bull, Greek god-like physique and face

your story seems fishy

Man the fuck up pussy get knife and kill his bitchass,then rape your girlfriend kill her,and then do a good for germany,go outside find muslims and go on a stabbing spree.

>working in IT
That's your mistake.


marriage has long been dead and every cancerous group that exists is desecrating its corpse.

You got two options.

1) stomp that bitches face in

2) take her back make her do nasty shit she doesnt like, then make her even more finacially dependant on you then dump her and watch her suffer

Been there bro.

Swallow another red-pill, and become a better man:

Kill her.


Make sure you ruin her credit

You know what you must do now, user.

Check yourself in to your friendly neighborhood psych ward. You're not a Burger like me, so you should be able to afford it.

Kneel to the Mediterranean master race. Nord fags BTFO.

Im southern european descent, and bro that was some weak ass b8

The only option is to occupy my Nether Lands and not to blitzkrieg but fight the long war.

>A goddamn Mediterranean, aesthetic bull, Greek god-like physique and face
>why did I have to be born as Germanic subhuman

Nice try Mud

It's your fault. All your fault. None hers. Kill yourself.

You don't understand, he was pure definition of alphaness and beauty
He cucked me in my own bedroom, I could not move because of the awful shock, the humiliation
His dedicated Southern movements, by god she was so turned on and I know I never ever made her feel this way

prep the bull and cheer up fag

a fucking uncucked leaf

Here's a tip
Invoke the blood of your ancestors, and refine your warrior's soul by slaughtering mudslimes. All women will be yours shortly after.


70!!?? Cheese and crackers guys, that's looney. Now I know that basically a females bachelorette party is to suck/fornicate some random guy but wow. That's a crazy number. You got a source for that user?

That sucks bro.
Pic related, spaniard that cucked you up


>working in IT
Hello, beta nerd.


>Mediterranean wogs
Nordics are just the best.

fpbp, also checked