How many trump supporters here would have picked bernie had he been nominated?
How many trump supporters here would have picked bernie had he been nominated?
Depends on if in that timeline he also let BLM walk all over him and take over his rallies, that was the first sign to me that we was a major cuck.
Bernie was a better choice than Clinton but not Trump/
Why are libcucks so obsessed with Star Wars? I like it too, but jesus
i don't even slightly support bernie, so no
It's weird since he's a Jew but also a cuck who lets people walk all over him. I don't get it.
I'm not an american but it was:
Bernie > Trump > >>>>>>>>>>>> Hillary
for me
>Good guy
I would have picked Bernie only if the Republicans had nominated Jeb! or Kasich, once the nominee was Trump there was no way I was voting Bernie.
no thanks i like my degree being worth something thanks
>tfw a literal jew supported Israel less than Trump
make a hmm
Bernie has never held a real job.
>cuck sanders
>ever being president let alone the nominee
I still think this is the best meme of 2016 because of how hard it triggers the bernouts
dude free lmao
I would have voted Hillary before some scumbag crypto-Russian commie con-artist like Bernie.
He did this country a massive disservice by empowering Marxist thought and making it seem mainstream and acceptable even though the majority of the Bernie people run away with their tail between their legs when they hear the "m" word.
why did South Park make it seem like it was the other way around?
If Trump didn't run I would have preferred Sanders
Billions, but that doesn't matter since Electors are forced to vote for Trump to push their Fascist Agenda.
>would have picked bernie had he been nominated?
>a commie jew
>a full-on sjw
>literally bowing to BLM and other soros astroturf movements
The only thing Bernie needs to be picked for is a free inside tour of cooking equipment.
>lifelong government dependent
Real tough choice, but I'd prolly have gone with Trump still
Fuck no, nothing but contempt for that senile retard.
I would literally die before I saw an old Jew commie elected to the white house. So take that for what it's worth.
>implying Bernie will live until 2020
I would have considered him for president and I voted for him in the primaries. I probably wouldn't have voted for him in the end but I would have given him a shot.
With Clinton it wasn't even an option.
I imagine there are quite a few of us.
For me, it was Bernie > Paul > Trump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everyone else
Voted Trump since he was the best option we really had. Watching Clinton lose last month was nothing less than euphoric.
Yeah Reddit has infiltrated this place pretty hard. If you ever considered voting for this cuck you need to go back.
fuck socialism... it promotes mediocrity. sanders is the equivalent of everyone getting a participation trophy.
Anyone who switched their vote from Sanders to Trump is a fucking idiot who doesn't understand basic ideology. Trump is quite possibly the antithesis of everything Sanders is politically. The only positions they even closely relate to one another is trade. Sanders is a fan of a Nordic model, supports left-leaning social policies and movements, and is strongly libertarian with regards to civil liberties. Trump supports conventional capitalism, is a hardline cultural conservative, and a strong proponent of an authoritarian state which emphasizes social order. The two almost couldn't be more different.
>m-muh anti-establishment
That means absolutely nothing with regards to the actual policies either of them wants to implement.
> cuck
> reddit
Nice insults r/the_donald
If Sanders won he wouldn't have been able to do as much as he wanted and his tax reform would mean more companies would leave probably at a higher rate then what it is now.
Sanders tax reform is completely ridiculous and I never seen an upside to it other than the fact that it would be better for the decificit.
But honestly what is it with Liberals and wanting more taxes and less choices, they want everything to be government controlled. I just don't understand why liberals love the idea of more and more taxes and more government control.
literally preferred that idiotic whore hillary over the limp-wristed senile commie
trump won though so everyone can suck my fucking dick. fuck yeah
>and a strong proponent of an authoritarian state
Of the two candidates, only one wanted to expand federal authority. That was Sanders.
Try harder
There is literally nothing worse than Jewish communist sjw who hasn't worked a real job one day of his long life. Not even Hillary.
Trump >>>> power gap >>>> Bernie > Establishment Republican > Establishment Democrat >>>> power gap >>>> Hillary
>But honestly what is it with Liberals and wanting more taxes and less choices, they want everything to be government controlled. I just don't understand why liberals love the idea of more and more taxes and more government control.
they think of the government as this well-functioning, benevolent entity, as opposed to what it is
a bunch of retards following a bureaucratic bunch of arbitrary rules, while the only decent rules come from the Constitution which liberals love to ignore
Can you imagine what Bernie would look like in 4 years? I shudder.
In terms of financial authority? Yes. But with regards to civil liberties, terrorism, and national security, Sanders is decisively more libertarian. Trump is very much in favor of keeping the Patriot Act and the NSA as-is.
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor, to love in a ghetto."
Bernie Sanders can go fuck himself. I voted for him in the primary but wish i could take it back and vote for Jim Webb even though he dropped out.
I was a Bernie supporter but switched to Trump when Hillary stole the primary
>how many trump supporters would have supported a pandering to everyone commie kike?
>Sanders is decisively more libertarian.
Get the fuck out of here retard.
This is correct.
DNC can consider themselves fucked for not realizing it.
Instead, they just pushed Hillary like drugs in the ghetto.
>wish i could take it back and vote for Jim Webb even though he dropped out.
So did Sanders, but at least Webb stuck to his principles and didn't endorse Clinton. I would have honestly preferred him too.
This is so stupid that it's triggering. Sanders and Trump are two of only 3 candidates that genuinely gave a fuck about America. They both were one of the only ones that had the guts to talk about the problems of the Federal Reserve. They both want to protect American jobs from trade deals like NAFTA/TPP. Both wouldn't have taken us to war with Russia. There's plenty more, but to say they're polar opposites is absolutely ridiculous. It's very important that a candidate not be a globalist dick sucker, because 99% of politicians are.
Only in term of keeping the Elites (i.e. the wealthy and the powerful) in check. Bernie represent the interest of the working class, while Trump represent the Interest of the corporations.
Would any American here vote for Bernie "If you're White you don't know what's like to be poor" Sanders? I understand some like him for the neetbux but still. He is a huge cuck.
Go back to Breitbart, fascist.
Nope. I was a Berniefag but he turned me off him before he even lost.
>sjw supported candidate
>"muh white people don't know what it's like to be poor"
>spineless (let BLM cunts upstage him cause muh white guilt, can't wait to see what isis does)
>many of his shit didn't seem to add up ("free" college, minimum wage increase, ect)
Only reason I was okay with him a bit was because he was neutral on guns and antiestablishment. Next I checked out lolbertarian, saw open borders, and said lolno. Actually checked out trump and figured he was a pretty moderate dude.
We got a newfag over here
Bernie never would have been nominated. Never. Ignoring the fact Bernie is a retarded proto Communist who has only ever had 3 bills passed during his entire tenure as a senator he was never a real candidate to begin with.
How anyone at all can even entertain the notion that Bernie wasn't a con man is truly mind boggling. He was in the race for the sole purpose of riling up the youth vote for Hillary the same way Obama did, by pandering to identity politics and spouting feelgood bullshit that only complete morons would buy into while at the same time stoking and directing their angst at the Republican boogyman.
There is a reason Bernie never went for Hillary's throat, a reason why he started swinging for her after he "lost" the primaries. He was working with her from day one. The fact that such an obvious scam actually worked is both hilarious and deeply disturbing
>Bernie represent the interest of the working class
No, he represented the interest of the baristas and NEETs.
>Empire is the best one
Makes sense.
>"muh white people don't know what it's like to be poor"
He was speaking in the context of what some black girl thought when he was talking to her. That's not what Sanders himself thinks.
Said the guy who believes that Poverty should be a death sentence.
>Bernie represent the interest of the working class
By raising their taxes, removing their options, and giving their money to NEETS and faggots with degrees in feminist basketweaving? Yeah, no.
Never even been there retard. Go back to HuffPo.
I liked Bernies policies, a lot.
But as a person, he's about as bad as it gets. He's a literal cuckold with no spine. He'd get absolutely raped in diplomatic relations.
Trump might have some shitty policies (at least I think), but he's a steady leader who will have the upper hand in most diplomatic relations. He is what the US needs now.
>Wants to expand powers of police force
>Fully supports patriot act and argued in favor of violating constitution
You'll notice I never said Trump was wrong for wanting to do any of those things, but he is very much on the authoritarian right.
You'll notice their methodologies for dealing with those problems are completely different and will have vastly different consequences, right? Not to mention Sanders supporting BLM and the trannies. Both of them are opposed to globalism (well at least Trump is, Sanders is pretty pro-UN and EU) but that's as far as it goes
This x100.
I would have been willing to take arms to prevent a Sanders presidency. Tbqhfampai, I respect the DNC for sandbagging Sanders. Once you learn about his past, you realize that if anyone is a Russian mole, it's Sanders. He should be hung for treason without a trial. I hate the man. I hate everything the man stands for.
Clinton and the DNC served their purpose. I am incredibly thankful for the DNC stabbing Sanders in the back and surrendering the presidency to the Republicans. In all honestly, it is one of the most respectable moves the DNC could have done to preserve the integrity of this nation. Sanders would have been the end of America.
>By raising their taxes.
>implying that only workers get tax raise while the elites get tax cuts; when the opposite is true.
Nice try elitist.
This is the image that will forever define Bernie Sanders in my mind.
i dont live in a swing state i voted 3rd party
You have to go back
Bernie Sanders didn't have a huge "scandal" like Trump but socialism is fucking retarded.
Socialism is fucking retarded.
>but he is very much on the authoritarian right.
Yes, authoritarians are renowned for wanting other governments(states) to take over things from the feds.
Gas yourselves if you're here bernouts.
I have no interest in saddling unborn children with your debts for university while you fucks take up meaningless shit degrees and end up working as Baristas.
I would've voted for Trump regardless.
Those same elites have the means to protect their income. The people that actually work don't. If Sanders had won and gotten his way, the tax burden would have disproportionately fallen on the middle-class. All so retards like you can get their degree in Cum-Guzzling and La-ah can have 4 mote kids.
Jeb is the real hero we need
Bernie is the most low-energy Jew ever. I'm not even sure he's actually Jewish.
>Bernie running in 2020
He'll be pushing fucking 80
You do realize we already have socialist policies, right? It's just practiced in the wrong places (bailouts for the elite) rather than for the working class. Sanders isn't even a total socialist, he advocated for a hybrid economy of free markets and socialism, just like we have right now. The main difference is that the socialist elements of the economy that Sanders wanted would've helped those who needed it most.
More gibs for the spics, you mean.
No thanks.
They're known for pushing for more governmental authority in maintaining social order, regardless of level of government. Trump is very anti-degeneracy.
>The main difference is that the socialist elements of the economy that Sanders wanted would've helped those who needed it most.
Only if Le Guacamole Man were to be the GOP nominee
Let boynie run in 2020. So we get no refunds round 2 electric boogaloo.
I voted for Gary. However, if I was a Dem I would have voted for Bernie over Hillary any day. I couldn't take Trump or Hillary seriously though.
Oh wait. Round 3. Forgot about stein
>a new hope
>nothing fucking changes, if anything they get worse
>voting for commies
Trust me, even globalist shills are better than commies.
Scapegoating the issue.
Gas yourselves before you make us do it for you, fucking kike rats
It would depend on how the debates went...
Bernie would just cuck the US into EU status.
Yeah, I know I'm right.
Not an argument.
>itt pollacks who agree theyre just big gov bootlickers and only voted trump for memes and because muh outsider
And you're okay with the privatization of everything so that no-one pays taxes, but at the mercy of Fascist Elites that enslaved everyone else for the sake of maintaining their own power?
Way to be a fucking tool.
>Hernie Clanders runs in 2020
>Trump get 400+ EC votes
Let's start memeing it already, boys.
How about no!
Instead of trump debating, let Ivanka do it. She'd destroy that dude.
>Sup Forums
>old comunist kike pick
You have to go back to wherever from you came
You're a fucking dumbass. Sanders sucked at the shill teet of the most corrupt candidate of all time.
I'm not making an argument, this isn't a discourse. I have some shekels in the back of my oven for you...
fuck off with your meme buzzwords you dirty jew rat
Yes I should have specified he was the "sjw approved candidate". The dude was the platform for BLM, sjw, feminists, and all that cancer. He may not have said he believed it personally but the dude parroted their rhetoric or stood aside to let them scream it which made me no go on him.
When it comes to these dumb angry cunts I think his mentality is to step aside, let them vent their frustrations, and grovel to try to appease them. He's the type of guy who would probably think the play dough and kitten puzzle safe spaces on college campuses as a result of Trump's win is a good thing (and should be taxpayer funded to boot).
Enjoy the coal mine you Elite humper.