What the fuck is wrong with Indians?
What the fuck is wrong with Indians?
Other urls found in this thread:
>woman with her bottom exposed
>smell of fresh poo in the air
how could pajheet resist?
poo in benis
Low iq
Centuries of islamic rule have given them a fucked up life view
Caste system exemplifies that anyone above someone else can get away with anything
Hindu/vegetarian culture limits their brain capacity since low dairy and low meat diets reflect on shorter stature and less brain mass
Utter hatred of whites caused by colonialism means that hinpoos will resist any attempts to modernize if it means whites actually want to help
Backwards ass culture relies on mysticism and ayurvedic practices instead of technical and practical efforts to improve life quality
India is basically brazil, except india used to be breddy gud until muslims invaded and cucked the population, while brazil was only improved by outsiders invading it.
>What the fuck is wrong with Indians?
Seriously? Besides everything? They are just curry rank balls of autism/sexual frustration. The smart ones go to US school and cheat their way through then fail in the workforce. The dumb ones (99% of that third world shithole) act like liberians.
that they exist
are you speaking from experience, leaf?
>see a woman taking a big, fat, smelly dump
>get a desire to shove your dick through the same orifice the revoltingly smelly turd came out of
Only in India.
>Be 13 year old Indian girl
>Grow up in abject poverty, no running water or toilet in hut
>Take a break from 13 hour work day of toiling in the fields to excrete my breakfast of rice and more rice
>Passerby violates my ass with his tiny brown peepee
>Father yells at me for taking too long to get back to work
Holy fuck man, this is too much. Can't stop laughing.
Huh. Really makes my dick almonds.
At least we're not pale cumskinned faggot ass cucks. White women love nigger dick you fucking cumskinned cucks. At least Indian women are loyal to Indian men so go kill yourselves Stormfag cucks.
You sure told me poojeet.
Atleast we don't look like a walking turd.
>At least Indian women are loyal to Indian men
That's because they're ugly and nobody else wants them.
guys we need the "indian dicks too small for condoms" image right about now
>nigger dick
>almost as tiny and sad as korean dicks
Screencapped so I can trigger anons with British flags.
kek. not even stormfags this is how the rest of the world views poos.
Top kek. Any white man could take the most "attractive" Indian woman. No one bothers with Indian women because they are all ugly as fuck and smell like shit.
And here is a perfect example of a low IQ pajeet. Indian women are loyal to Indian men because they can't do better. 99% of Indian women are ugly as fuck. And Indian men are one of the least desired races next to niggers.
Pajeet, even though I mock you on the internet please know that I would rather have you as a neighbor over muslims any day.
Stop larping, Nigel.
> A N G E R Y
Where the fuck is old Caledonia?
I guess Darshit has moved to London.
(it's an actual Indian name, how appropriate - babycenter.in
Why is it always burgertards asking this question?
Caledonia was the name of Scotland.
>Why is it always burgertards asking this question?
The only history they teach us here is American history.
>Why is it always burgertards asking this question?
If it didn't involve America, it doesn't concern us.
You should be thankful I even took an interest in you,
>American education
It's not legit rape if its from an Indian dude, its more like a finger bang
Are you aware that last Sup Forums science reschearch paid by ONZ and EU shows that over 90% of post made by indians are offending?
Why are you like that?
In the area I live, the only history classes are US history and World (non-white) History. Euro history is a separate elective, which nobody takes.
wew lad
hope your loan-financed college nazi-frog studies will help you to MAGA with glorious Emperor
As a white man let tell you, indian women give up the pussy suuuuuuuuuuper easy
Found the street shitter. This one was holding it in before he released his poo onto Sup Forums
wh.. where are his balls
A rare Caledonianigger appears
murica pls
Why do you think Muslims require women to be accompanied by their brothers/fathers/male relatives when they leave the home? It lessens the possibility of rape if a man is there to defend them and even then it doesn't eliminate it if your uncle has a sexual emergency and needs a cunt to relieve himself in.
Indian women go out to poo in field, get penised instead. Should have been accompanied by a man.
You cannot touch me :)
>Indian women are loyal to Indian men
Truth is no one want to touch them.
Poo for Poo gods, shit for shit throne.