Alright losers. I came here in all my glory to have a real intellectual conversation

Alright losers. I came here in all my glory to have a real intellectual conversation.

You cuck's worship the leader of the KKK and the 21st centuries Hitler.

We need to have a little chat.

After seeing how Trump has filled his cabinet with some of the richest, what makes you think he will "drain the swamp" and actually help you neckbeard redneck nazis out?

They will pillage the proletariate most effectively.



Sorry no maymay's only intellectual discourse.

Since politicians are all most likely compromised, who would you pick if they were out? I mean these are people with good international experience.

>wants a real intellectual conversation
>can't form a plural in his own language

Doesn't matter user, I'll be the one draining the swamp soon! Teeeeehehehehehehe

Bernard Sanders the only respectable gentleman who could have saved this country.

Hilldawg would be better than DRUMPF any day

You don't understand shit.
Trump is only a trigger.
The real gun and ammo are yet to come.


Jesus I hope that's not a pic of you. You look like a giant faggot. Honestly you're an ugly incel virgin and no one cares about you here, just like real life. Stick around, you might learn something.


K retard

Found your FB. Retard.


You're just triggered because I get laid on the daily and you're fapping to your dakimakura

What do you mean? What do you fascists have up your sleeve?

Who even is the leader of the KKK? And eugenics is science, though its not race based.

You fail to understand that all of the people that are from large business backgrounds have just been made politicians, been forced to quit their jobs and sell off corporate assets, and can't work as a lobbyist or in a large business for 5 years after they get out of office.

A leftist actually replying in his own thread. Kudos to you.

Donald Trump is the new leader. Are you trying to imply the grand wizards don't look up to their "god emperor"?

How exactly does that stop them from draining us dry?

You are being played like a fiddle


Go to Sup Forums and be a trap OP

this is the worst meme

>respectable gentlemen

2/10 bait

lurk moar




Trumps a kike loving faggot but better than hillary and most other world leaders which is pretty depressing


>what makes you think he will "drain the swamp" and actually help you neckbeard redneck nazis out?
What makes you think that "we" (if there is such a unified entity here on Sup Forums) ever thought that? The banter?

Lurk more.

>Bernard Sanders
>don't put rich people in your cabinet
>made millions off retarded "artist" and cucks.
Jeez oh man



Jesus christ I dont know whats worse these alt right faggots who think there is going to be some 4th Reich or commie faggots like you.

You are not the proletariate you are the Bourgeoisie. Little suburban shitlords who have never gone hungry a day in their lives fantasizing about a communist revolutions or the rise of fascism.

>by dudes

All of you neckbeard losers triggered because you know you are worthless scum.

Enjoy watching your "god emperor" ruin this beautiful country.

We could have had it all with Bernie and at least survived with Hillary. Buuut nooooo you brainwashed retards had to go fuck it up with your conspiracies.

KYS faggot

Probably only started shaving two weeks ago, I sort of wish Trump was hitler now so suburban commie faggots like you would get your skulls kicked in.

Like how we keep saying russia hacked the elections? Or that they are the one orchestrating migrant rapes?

What extreme left libtards like you don't get and can't comprehend is this:


We don't want hand outs, welfare, or government taking our side. We want government to STAY the fuck out of our lives. Additionally, we don't want Government taking our money and giving it to lazy human shit bags!

Simple enough for you?