Why are Burgers so obsessed with race-mixing?

Everyone knows that race-mixing is the wave of the future. Nothing can stop it so you might as well enjoy it. If it makes you feel better, racemixing made the trademark Brazilian ass. That will be a consolation for your offspring.

While I personally would not like seeing my daughter "blacked" as you say, you should realize that you're not living in the 1950s anymore.

>Everyone knows that race-mixing is the wave of the future.
What rabbis desire is not what society desire

> you should realize that you're not living in the 1950s anymore
Your people made we very progressive. We are aware it's 2016!

You are proud of your racemixed heritage, no?

And everyone loves Brazil's ass, no?

1) Not racemixed
2) Everybody loves degeneracy be it brazilian or venezuelan or fucking jewish degeneracy.

Let's not get racist.


>Nothing can stop it so you might as well enjoy
Well said George Soros

Thanks. We are proud to be Brazil's friend. I have a cousin that does business in Brazil and he says that you people are very accommodating.

We are. We allow Jews do business here since 1619.

Because around here, most racemixing is white+black which is a significant downgrade to the white gene pool. If it was white + asian, our gene pool would be improving and that'd be great. But mixing it with black genese is a huge knock against us. There is a reason they are the most hated race on the planet.

Did it also lead to the trademark low Brazilian IQ?

The real Holocaust will one day happen, Jew. Your kind will be eliminated.

By all means, lead the way, O light unto the nations.


No matter how redpilled you are Schlomo, I really fucking your hate people. Only good merchant is a dead merchant. Y'know you could just go back to farming.

#OpenBordersForIsrael is picking up steam, soon you will be enriched.

wtf i love racemixing now

Holy fuck I wish Sup Forums were like this more often. Much appreciation.

>that body
>then yous ee the face

god damnit

No let's.

Why don't y9ou let syrians into Israel and neuter African jews like pets?
Answer me true Jew

wtf Israel is greatest ally now

Absolutely fucking hideous.
Will age into an ogre that eats children

I don't think we've been filming Brazilian porn for that long. lol

>Because around here, most racemixing is white+black
It's actually mestizo+white, if we're only looking at white+other couplings.

Unsurprisingly the second degenerate racemixers were given options that weren't niggers, they went for it.
>If it was white + asian, our gene pool would be improving



> We are proud to be Brazil's friend.
Kill yourself.

still racemixed children turn out worse than "pure breed" children in most social indicators IIRC, but yes east-asian genes is leaps ahead of anything you get with the typical mixing that is going on in burg land right now.

Because of the FUCKING JEW!

It's a simple matter of space. Land is at a premium in Israel. But a country like Australia has enough space to accept ME refugees for centuries to come. Thanks for doing your part.

you indeed film a lot of "porn" in brazil..


let's see who has good taste, which ass is best?

protip if you didn't say jaqueline you might be gay


Vai lamber um canavial de pika, Ezequiel

>agitating for race-mixing
Getting tired of this.

We will do this for you, we will also over the years convert and teach shitskins to be Jewish and then let them choose between a wonderful life on Nauru or returning to the Jewish homeland.

We know deep down the Jewish people being selfish and greedy is a meme and now just how giving and helpful to other you are, like this.
Just so big hearted it hurts. We couldnt possibly even consider keeping all this boatpeople to ourselves, in fact you can have them all.

I'm gonna fuck a Mexican anchor baby within the next week or so. Gonna tell her "you have to go back" when I bust

canada has chinks and now also niggers ??, christ its going downhill


You should covert people. Let people decide their own religion.

should NOT

The only reason it's "the wave of the future" is because dirty jews like you are pushing your agenda.
"Yes goyim, don't look at the marxist Brazilian politics or anything else of significance, look at the asses on their women! Race mixing is good!"

but the white + asian doesn't create the supreme gentleman?

You need Jesus
I will pray for you

>marxist Brazilian politics

Clearly you have no idea neither about what is marxism nor brazilian politics

Sage for flag

You're right OP.

That's why we're bringing open borders to Israel! It's your turn to be multi-cultural now.

bad goy, that'd be anotha shoah oy vey!!

Damn. Tell me how you can be so sure?

Imagine your face when 50,000 freshly converted SriLankan Jews who are quoting the Torah and smell like rotten fish appear at your airports with flights paid for by the Australian government.


>implying Israel has room.
>implying Canada has more room than even Australia.

Room has nothing to do with it. Look how many people live in Hong Kong. There's plenty of room in every nation.

Didn't you hear? It's about diversity, and all the magic that comes with it.

Get ready for your multi-cultural "one state" solution!

Damn goy, you're seriously hilarious.

>tfw black girl has smallest ass


actually ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ. If anything the elimination of the white man is simply the destruction of a social and economic bridge between blacks, south americans, pacific islanders etc. and asians and jews so that in fact there is an easily controllable mob. Just look at slavery, perpetuated by the ashkenazi jew but ended by whites out of morality. The upper IQ races know their supremacy and are alright with their unitary control but its the europeans who want to help everyone.