Online poll in Sweden: "do you want a mosque?" Help us vote NO

Mudslimes in Sweden and globally are mobilizing to get a mosque built in Karlstad, Sweden.

The Swedes living there are against it and many want to leave the are if it gets built.

There's an online poll that is asking it's readers whether they want the mosque to get built or not.

Currently the "Yes" side is leading, most likely mudslimes voting yes.

Could you guys help ethnic Swedes by voting no on the online poll? I think it would help send a message to mudslimes that they are unwanted in Sweden.


Push the "Nej" button (Nej means No).

Thanks in advance

t. The people of Sweden

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Click "Nej"
2. Then click "Rösta"

done and done

gluck swede, i hate most of your people, but at least you are trying.

Got your back, you arctic fairy.

Wtf Sweden???

I really did want to visit Sweden one day..

But fuck that, filled with rape, Islam, shitskin 3rd world scum.

Fuck you and fuck off Sweden.

I made a simple clickbot to help.

Use it in a virtual machine if you`re scared of malware

Honest answer please, how is it going in sweden right now? I loved travelling there in the past with my family, going skiing etc. Nice people and a beautiful country, but the last time i was there is 6 years ago. Is there no turning back anymore for sweden? And i voted for no for you

Fuck yeah you were on Sup Forums
Ive been refreshing and watching nej creep up for the last half hour mah nigger ;)

Shameless bump against mudslimes

I voted YES because your country needs to accommodate the beliefs of migrants.

How are the yes votes winning


I think (((they))) are voting too

Not a bad assumption

Done. My 0.00000000000000001% contribution to the uncuckening of your country

both sides are using proxies

Except some malware can detect if its being run in a VM enviroment and "break out of it" so to speak.

I voted yes, because I hate you sweden

Voted yes kek

Voted nej, godspeed sweedbros

I dropped a nej there for you swedebro.

Did my part but only because In Flames and Opeth were good once


Oy vey!

Can we rosta nej twice or more?

Stemte nei fordi dere har en fransk konge.

The city has 100k residents, the paper 50k readers.

The poll had 20k votes before we stepped in, orders of magnitude higher than plausible. It was rigged from the start, we're just better at it. Pic related: one beer in.

Just voted "Ja" again
Fuck sweden

BUMP. Come on Sup Forums! You can vote like 50 times before you get a popup telling you that you've been blocked. KEEP GOING

>wanting to deny people their religious freedoms by banning a mosque
Really, what makes you fags any different than the left?

Seriously? That`s bad news....
However, i updated the clickbot. It runs more stable now. the first version crashed after a while.

We're right.

Why the fuck isn't the pol loading for me?

voted no twice, good luck uncucking yourself

same on mozilla, vote with chrome and IE

I voted yes
It's fucking hilarious watching the old world crash and burn


Did my part. Sverigedemokraten when?

voted yes kek

sweden you need to be more tolerant

Doesnt work on firefox, worked on safari

You're good. The arab abhors sports and nature.


I voted yes because the needs of the few outweigh the many :^)

This is the good thing about the parasites. They almost always stay in the cities.

DONE, shame it's behind though.


Reminder that countries with non static ip like Brazil can just reset their modem, clean their cookies and keep voting

did my part, voted NO, good luck Sweden

We got it from 30 to almost 48 percent, that's a hell of a big difference

Sweden is not really worse off than Germany, especially if you avoid the ghettos.

Wtf I voted for nej like 20 times by just refreshing does it work?

Religious freedom assumed no death cults like Islam. Sorry if you're too much of a lolbertarian autist to know that.

I got you user i picked out some music for you as well. lyrics

PRO TIP: click "Tillbaka till omröstningen" after voting and you can vote again instantly

I have to wonder what Gustavus Adolphus would think of Sweden's current situation.

Hell yeah.

It works? nej has been slowly growing every time I refresh it

bumping for sweden

>religious freedoms
That's why libertarians will always get cucked to death by the hivemind of i*lam. Keep your faggot religion to yourself, shitter.

I have done my part.


top kek it works


I'd rather be ruled by muslims than atheists desu.

How the fuck did so many people vote yes? Dafuq is wrong with them?

>probably 55-45 before Sup Forums kicked in


Terrorist attacks will happen regardless of if there is a mosque or not. But at least give the peaceful Muslims a place to worship, or let the people decide without you rigging the poll. Pretty pathetic when you have to resort to rigging an online poll because you can't handle something outside of your safespace happening desu senpai

Thanks for proving that religious freedom is about nothing other than allowing false religions to spread. A country needs an official religion

won't they just see that the majority of the no votes came from outside sweden and throw them out?

>I'd rather be ruled by Muslims then a secular government

Holy fucking shit

you can vote a lot of time by just refreshing, we just started soon so they had an advance

Better than expected, I would have guessed at least 70-30.

I chose Ja cus you guys are tinfoil hat wearing cucks who love to jerk each other off.

Muslims are far less degenerate than atheists. They're basically identical to christians of the Middle Ages, the last time Christianity was uncucked

Go back to your country, Mohammed.

Voted on my 3 proxies yes!

Islam > Cuckstendom

Its bad enough he'd ally with the Catholics and Orthodox to remove kebab.

If you want to help further you can fill in your opinion here! today is the last day! just follow the instructions in the image

make sure to show them they are not welcome!


You can re vote how many times you want. Just spam no.

at start it was 70 - 30 for yes. praise kek

Is this legit? Who made the poll?

There's a faster way, just click "Tillbaka till omröstningen" (back to poll) after voting

>Muslims are far less degenerate then atheists
>what is goatfucking?
>what is Mohammed fucking kids?
>what is the genocides they committed?
>what is the rape they commit?

You also seem to run off this idea that there are central tenets to atheism, I would like to say that their aren't, atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god, it does not mean a lack of morals or culture. I'm atheist but I consider myself culturally Christian and I'm just as normal as you (minus the wanting to be ruled the Muslims part)

>le epic trolling

I don't speak Swedish though

Voted ja

it's too late for playing games

polls won't save you

escape Europe while you still can

the gap is closing! push onward

Don't worry Sweden we got your back

I voted yes because I hate Swedes

i don't think the multiple votes are counting. try to vote for the last option a couple times, youll see the number doesnt go up

doing my part, voted Nej
I don't want to see sweden overrun by goatfuckers

what about the soveringty of a nation to make its own decisions???

>be a good goy and abandon your ancestral homelands instead of fighting
Don't be such a faggot. Europe needs white men to fight for her more than ever.

voted no but why the fuck is there a majority for?


just google translate something small and easy and fill in a random name like sven svensson or ahmed mohammed

i'll help you


Jag anser att en moskë inte är passande för området då det INTE kommer att vara bra för vårat familjesamhälle. Vi värnar för våra barn och äldre och jag är övertygad om att byggnaden kommer att vara högljudd och attrahera fel folk.

Jag hoppas att ni tänker om det här beslutet.


Voted no... wtf sweden? Why are the odds so close?