Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
It really comes down to me on wether I hate mussies or kikes more and I just can't make up me mind
Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
It really comes down to me on wether I hate mussies or kikes more and I just can't make up me mind
Other urls found in this thread:
Two state solution.
Stop settlements.
Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
Build a wall between the two nations.
Nords are one of the lost tribes afterall so offcourse i will stand with one of my brothers
>first world oasis flourishing in a third world shithole
>roflstomps every nation that tries to attack it
>contributes greatly to research and arms tech
>neat little colony to further American interests
>removes kebab daily
>Iranian satellite state that aims to undo all of the progress Israel has made in the area
>uses their own citizens as shields
>contributes greatly to the field of suicide bombing and hostage taking
Gee tough choice.
the Palestinians never sold you drugs (meds) , porn, lies, worthless paper (stocks)
the Palestinians never stole your secrets and sold it to your enemies (China)
The Palestinians (Hamas) are fighting Isis not secretly supporting them like israel
First of all, there is no such country as Israel and pol doesn't recognize it as a state, therefore should say "so-called Israel"
muh flourishing (on our money and technology)
cut off all aid, everyone step back, and just let them get it over with already
Israel never existed except for that brief moment ages ago.
Jews atleast look somewhat white. Even though Jerusalem belongs to the Christians. We should let the Jews win and then wipe those pathetic little scum out of "Israel" DEUS VULT!
this (ADL SPLC shills are being paid to counter our arguments because we're effective)
pic related
>Two state solution.
>Stop settlements.
This will never happen. I'd love to see peace in the nation but Israel are too powerful and will continue doing what they're doing until Palestine is gone.
Muslims or not, I wish there was more compassion and humanity for the innocent Palestinian people
kek speaks
>Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
Nuke them both.
I'd like to see both gone.
>over the next decade
>3.8 bn per year
Wow it's fucking nothing. Their annual GDP is 290.6 billion.
Do you know our motto?
We're pretty much your 51st state
You should annex us, we're much better than shitholes like Delaware or Montana
The Hook-nosed vermin literally gave away the sinai peninsula, a landmass 2 time larger then Israel itself with a shit ton of natural resources like a bunch of cucks, the sandniggers will never take peace everytime Israel gave them land they took it to hell like the animals they are look at gaza, jesus..
I say in the net world war to let the jews a free pass to finish all mudslimes in the middle east for us. Let the jews remove the kabab.
I'm going on birthright in a week, any Israelis got any tips on places to go?
Tel Aviv is nice for a foreigner, or/and if you're a faggot.
Good thing I'm both
Nuke them both.
And while you're at it nuke the rest of the muzzies.
>Two state solution.
But there's only one territory. The palestinians lost their land to the jews.
Only a (real this time) genocide could settle this.
Come on, Wladimir be honest: You are drunk aren't you?
have fun achi. you're extending?
The ONLY reason Israel exists is because of America. The only reason it flourishes is because we give them $30 billion a year. What has Israel ever done for us? Give the land to the Palestinians. They are not all Muslim. There are a lot of Christians too. Fuck Israel.
Not a shit hole. Solid state full of freedom loving ranchers.
>what do you guys think
>oh my god you guys i am so stupid and racist
>open-ended contextless question
Our children in future should be asking:
> pol, what's happening in this radioactive place?
Nah, I'm in college, gotta get back to classes desu
This is what Israelis think of Westerns, btw
you won't have much time off then. but doesn't matter, the program's amazing. again, have fun in our homeland bro
I am against both, but if forced to take a stand with one, I would stand with Israel.
It's because of US retard. The only reason Israel is doing good is because we protect them. The only reason we protect them is because we have kikes in our government.
>Sensible people are pro Israel while being against westernized cucked liberal jew
>Crazy people and autists are usually against anti Israel then bitch out once you actually try to pin them down on Palestine being a worse alternative.
I guess you didn't notice the flag of the (((poster)))
of course he listed the 2 whitest states he doesn't like (so surprising)
Thanks :3
I didn't know there were many members of the tribe in Holland, were you born there?
>Jews arrive in Israel
>Kill most of the people there and take the land
>Jews rule for a bit
>Centuries go by
>bitch slapped by Rome
>Get kicked out of Israel
>Rome falls
>Palestine takes over
>Centuries pass
>Britain conquers Palestine
>Britain gives territory to Jews after WWII
So who owns the land now? If you say Palestine, does that mean American Natives still have a right to Manhattan?
And Torah and Koran have no say in the matter, they both say different things. Just by history, who owns the land?
>Palestine being a worse alternative
You do realize that Israel is the aggressor right? You do realize that Palestinians are angry because of Israel right?
Nobody cares about a strip of desert. Let the Palestinians have it. Jews are parasites. Let's save money by telling Israel to go fuck itself.
Jews came from somewhere, no? They didn't appear out of thin air, or did they?
I hate jews but whenever they fuck muzzies in the ass, I fucking love them
Sorry to burst your zionist controlled israel safe space but it's been proven by science that 8 out of 10 Palestinians are actually Israelite and the "jews" in Israel are 90% european so yeah I'm going to say fuck you zionists giver Palestine it's land back.
listen to this ungrateful motherfucker
that's the "official" amount
the amount they cost us through theft and fighting their wars is immeasurable
Yep, and yeah, we're not with too many.
>Islam starts off in single city
>Spreads from western china to west africa
>One group comes back to stolen homeland after almost being wiped out
>People who have genocided them their entire history get's less than 1% of their stolen land taken back
>Israel is the agressor
Honestly, in any other period of history if the Paleishitians acted this niggery and violently they would have been shoah'd out of exist by any sensible ethnic group. Muslims should be thankful to all westerns that we haven't gotten the common sense to just kill them all already.
these guys get it at least some oldfags are still here
maek u thnk
Sorry to disappoint, my dude, because this is not going to happen.
3.8billion per year isn't much in Israel's economy, and the IDF has plenty of men. US support helps but it's not necessary.
>Where does Sup Forums stand on the Israel/Palestine conflict?
Glass the whole fucking peninsula.
Problem solved.
actually almost all of that money is spent in the U.S. arms industry so it's basically corporate welfare. nothing wrong with that as long as it creates U.S. jobs, but let's not act as if this is just one big-hearted gift. it's basically a program that creates U.S. jobs. otherwise those people would have been on food stamps. costs money too.
Nice retort, retard. Stay mad that Israel is thriving.
wow love this pepe - and this post
American of Palestinian descent here.
Burn it all along with all the Jews and Islamist Muslims. The moral answer would be saying all the land goes back to Palestinians and the Jews must be kicked out (because it belongs to the people who today consider themselves Palestinian), but that will never happen. Also all white nationalists who say that Israel has a right to exist, or those who just choose Israel over Palestine in the matter deserve to be invaded by Islamists. Europeans killed themselves by siding with the kikes, when they should have just let the Arab nationalists destroy the Jewish nation.
Nuke both. Nuke the entire middle east
It's just how land acquisition used to work. I conquer your people and drive you out, the land is mine. If I want to give it to the Jews for whatever reason, it's their land now.
I don't think the Palestinians deserve to get fucked over any more than the Native Americans, but Chief Runs-with-premise isn't getting his land back either.
>1 post by the Jew
>shitskin thinks his people have a claim to land they themselves invaded and took over
Color me shocked. I hope the next time your brother tries to shoot a rocket off a hospital he falls and impales himself on a shwarma stand skewer.
Palestine, gotta support the one that can't take over the world.
how peaceful of your (((people)))
a little low on memes schlomo?!
I bet you like sports, because you're stupid.
You don't have to be on a side. It's good that kikes and muzzies are killing each other.
Because there's not ample photos of white people being idiots on the internet, right?
Muslim loving faggot.
Israel are stealing land that they have no claim to and murdering countless thousands to do so. They are imperialist conquerors. Nothing more.
The only reason they exist is due to "great" britain.
You better be an abo.... otherwise you can't exactly cry about imperialism now can you?
Israel is being artificially propped up by the United States; when the money stops flowing (and it will), Israel is doomed
>Mfw these people don't realize this is the kind of attitude that's gotten Jews killed en masse or thousands of years
Gotta love the kike diaspora.
I can trace my lineage from before the conquest of Islam and the Jewish expulsion by the Romans. I actually have Hebrew blood in me (disgusting but idc), along with all the other DNA of whatever invading force raped my family over the centuries. My claim is better than anyone else on this entire website, and I say burn it... Burn it to the fucking ground.
Lol, I'll call a mighty fine bullshit on that. I'm the crown prince of Swaziland. I say so and therefore my opinion is super duper valid! Silly son of a shamuta.
כל עוד בלבב פנימה
נפש יהודי הומיה
ולפאתי מזרח קדימה
עין לציון צופיה
עוד לא אבדה תקותנו
התקוה בת שנות אלפים
להיות עם חופשי בארצנו
ארץ ציון וירושלים
I saw a free palestine bumper sticker today, I thought to myself "faggot". I also don't like zionism though but Israel belonging to Israel is fine with me. Cultural marxism is shit though. Jews are ok, but ((jews))) suck. I guess.
I stand with neither, but I would love to see kikes wiped off the map meanwhile muslims can stay in their own lands
I fucking hate Palestine, those niggers attacked Israel and got fucked up, now they are crying because they got schooled. btw if you like Palestine you love muslimes, if Israel gets attacked I'll go kill some Gaza faggots
this, Israel is full of cucks and yet the arabs can meme themselves into muh oppression status through pallywood
Israel needs to stop the settlements. That is what stirs up the Palestinians.
You forgot the R in sharmuta, I'm not arguing with you anymore "cousin". Your arguments are just as childlike as any other kike or sand nigger.
mah nugger :D
Forgive me for not knowing your sand-nigger garble of a language...
Keep pretending you know your ancestry and that I'm related to your primitive ass.
What conflict? It's Israel's land and they can do what they want with it. They chose to give palestinians autonomy and the palestinians responded with suicide bombings and rockets. So Israel built a wall and told them to fuck off.
1000 Muslims in London Streets Call for Caliphate
Anything else is a Muslim or a Jew shilling
May they all burn
t. Goodest Goy.
Don't nuke. We need that oil.
Also muh holy land.
Also muh middle eastern Christians.
Feel free to nuke the rest of it though.
Nuke them both . Everyone is happy