Does anyone else kind of admire this guy? He's a classic nu-male, but the dude has fucking confidence. I want to know his secret.
Does anyone else kind of admire this guy? He's a classic nu-male, but the dude has fucking confidence...
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I always wanted a link to his social media.
Want to see who he actually his.
I don't hate him, he looks like a cross between a leprechaun and Jimmy nutron
No. Why wouldn't he have confidence? Who's going to hurt him?
He has something I have never had. He is comfortable in his own skin. He seems more self assured and confidence than anyone I have ever known. The beard is an extension of this. He lives without doubt. He does not care who judges.
He looks like he would be a fun guy to have around, if we could ever get past the political and lifestyle diferences
I just wish I had never taken the redpill so I could truly enjoy life like this guy seems to be enjoying
>I want to know his secret.
Yeah he's actually rad as hell. I don't think a real NuMale would take things in stride the way he does.
Yep, he seems like a great dude to chill with. I guarantee this guy is the life of the party.
>I want to know his secret.
toga parties, tons of weed, and a distorted sense of fashion.
If liberals cared about the outcome of their actions they wouldn't let so many shitskins into their countries.
Can someone make a PUNISHED edit?
is this the nu-shuffle?
That Heretic thought he could escape the fire of the Inquisition.
No one escapes the Inquisitor.
I can't wait to watch this faggots timeline unfold
The most punchable man on earth.
I think i'd be good friends with him if I knew him
and if you guys aren't free and uninhibited, if you aren't comfortable in your skin then you aren't truly redpilled yet, you're just being duped by ideology
moments later...
I must have missed something because I see this guy's face all over Sup Forums but I can't think of a single thing he's done. Is he famous for something like Carl the Cuck or is he just by appearance a typical nu-male?
he looks like a fucking faggot kek
What is his endgame?
Excellent trigger discipline too.
He's not a Nu-Male, he just looks like one.
i unironically like the guy. would love to toke with him some time 2bh.
how is this the best thing I've seen all day
Second after John Oliver, no one can beat him on that.
Who is this guy?
dude weed lmao
a fucking leaf
There is a fine line between confidence, and being too dumb to realize what a fool you are. Like mentally retarded people. Most nu males fall into this category.
>The Canadian Shuffle
how about
>be true to yourself
>its the inner values that really matter
its that simple!
he seems like a cool person
He's based as fuck
He looks retarded but he's amusing to watch
Every time a leaf makes a shitpost I always picture it being this guy.
I'll admit the Canadian shuffle looks fun.
Not politics
Fuck off
if you're 100% relaxed and comfortable you can wear almost anything
He's a CHAD, while racist Sup Forumsacks are ugly neets with no gf's.
>yfw nu males are more alpha than Sup Forumsacks
hes one of us, just give him time. the redpill is a slow process
Danny Proton is the nu-male we all wish we could be
So I take it that's a no on this guy being significant for anything aside from his looks
Dude's my favourite liberal. He looks goofy but I'd still hang out with him.
I admit I'll smoke some cones with him n bro it up.
>As someone you once loathed it is quite interesting to see him make you feel love and compassion from a threat.
I feel another Time-Shift approaching.
>Implying confidence can't be grossly misplaced
I don't envy the weak because stupid masses coddle them.
I found his video on Sup Forums amusing.
only on Sup Forums would people be trying to meme this guy into /ourguy/
all me btw
>not significant
Twiddle doe ly, and a twiddly dee hee,
The Inquisitor states that a faggot is thee
>As someone you once loathed it is quite interesting to see him make you feel love and compassion from a threat.
Well put
He's on to us guys.
Repeting digits say he becomes red pilled from exposure, just like Ben Garrison
there is more beyond the redpill.
>and Sup Forums can be so much Sup Forums
>Go look up the phonecian Alphabet about Sup Forums and the panopticon house.
>used to seeing Bipedal Frogs yet?
so much more*
Sup Forums btfo yet again.
this fucking guy should be banned on pol like my little pony! fuck off worthless canadian piece of leaf
I'm beginning to think this guy is self-publicizing on Sup Forums, like he wants to be a meme
he looks like the kind of guy who'd LOVE being a meme
Being nu-male is not having confidence, so this guy isn't a nu-male.
He's a different beast.
Lets force canada to legalize weed and supply him in bulk
If we are gunna meme we should do it right.
Turn up the Dankness.
this is what i think is happening
i listen to this when i work out for motivation
if that is the case he has already done it so lets take it to the next level and see how much he can handle he likes to smoke so lets make sure trudeau gives him shipments of dank weed
>aslong as he makes videos smoking and doing random shit.
I agree, lets all mutually benefit from this kek. He seems more than willing, maybe he can redeem the leaf!
If its legal to grow your own is it really a herbal jew ?
Where's the guy that messaged this nerd and told him to teach him the ways of being a real man? This squishy faced retard are that shit right up
Listen, NuTron
If you want us to meme you you have to name the jew in a youtube video or an instagram or something
this is the compact
Having confidence and lacking self-awareness are not the same thing.
How come he's so skinny if he smokes so much pot? I thought weed made people eat more n sheit
All the fat goes to his hair
Why non jews get alot of flakk is because we don't recognize there are a variety of sects as well as two diametrically opposed groups Those that oppose Zionism and those that do not.
Listen to this Testimony.
Who the fuck is this guy?
I know beard + glasses + yuge schnoz make him look like a nu-male, but WHO the fuck is he? What is so bad about him to warrant seeing him posted here multiple times a day?
makes sense
he has a big dick
someone posted a pic of him standing with it semi erect halfway down his pant leg
>above 4.5"
>you have to go back
The inquisitor sees you all!
Top kek
post it
Bunch of dudes are jealous because he's happy and has a gf even though he has a crazy neckbeard and weird hair.
It'd almost be okay if he didn't shave the mustache. It's the amish beard that fucking freaks me out.
Grow a mustache and you'll look like a hipster. This looks like a prepubescent boy with a huge amish beard.
Also, maybe get a huge scar,
It is pretty hilarious
Give you an appetite, but it also speeds up your metabolism.