Why did he mean by this choice of title, this face and fire in the background ?
Why did he mean by this choice of title, this face and fire in the background ?
he got fired up about the topic, as seen with his "you're seriously asking me about this again" face
HellothisisStefanMolyneux, from Free Domain Radio.
I hope your doing well...
I think he's trying to make an argument...
A lot of his videos have that so I don't know what your problem is buddy!
Meanwhile I know what this dude's problem is. He either is too dumb to use "you're" correctly, or is so dumb that he still finds spelling "you're" incorrectly is a funny meme.
gee, i wonder if he consciously chose to have that as an opener to get his name and company name deeply embedded into people's consciousness
really made me think
>or is so dumb that he still finds spelling "you're" incorrectly is a funny meme.
Does anyone else wishes stefan was their sugar daddy?
Who would win?
Yeah man
Molyneux. Even if he wasn't rhetorically and intellectually superior, he'd just turn his voice down and sperg out over him, if he got seriously challenged.
I am more annoyed that Sargon is about to come close to overtaking Molyneux's subscribers.
Molyneux said he was never in a fight in his entire life.
I wish Stefan was my actual dad desu
Listened to an old episode of JRE where he was a guest and it sounded like he has a great relation with his daughter.
thats pretty sad
feels sad man
I never liked the guy, but sometimes his videos popped up in my suggestion list. I remember when he had around 68k. Apparently he got a shitton of subscribes when he trolled alt-right accounts on twatter with cuck BM/WF porn.
And woes is still creeping around at 20k, even after NPI where he got 10k more subs.
Molyneux is the only sucessful guy who has adopted some red pilled ideas and facts.
He is a kike, and he is fueling white vs black race war to start..
Meanwhile he will talk how ashkenazi jews are superior to everyone else with their 150 iq, and they dinndu nuttin wrong...
Molyjew has some bad habits with his critiques that reduces their effectiveness
>uses way too many analogies
>suspends the principal of charity and strawmans the other persons argument when he gets angry or impatient
>does not possess some basic knowledge on obvious philosophical issues that have been discussed over hundreds of years ago
He is a great speaker, and does well in bickering with people, but he has not done a lot of reading in classical ethical arguments and counter arguments, as well as some of the arguments on race
Molyneux analogies are the worst. None of them even make sense.
Better example of a red pilled channel then, leaves.
The thing about philosophy is that it can't be easily consumed
To understand the context of modern stuff, you have to know what it is responding to, all the way back to Plato
The texts are a grind, you can't read it like a quick novel
You often have to reread paragraphs multiple times until you understand the argument
And the material takes years to get a basic grasp of what is going on in all the important fields
But there is no better source than philosophy for any major issue that a person will face in their lives
Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is the best starting point online
It is the least biased and most credible source I've found
Yeah...thanks. But I meant YouTubers. And Molymeme runs a call in show, I think you can do a good job at it without quoting all of Gorgias.
But while we are at it: give me 3 decent, truly non-meme philosophers of the current year that have contributed to the knowledge of humanity. Who are the Nietzsche, Socrates, Wittgenstein, Kant of our time?
>But while we are at it: give me 3 decent, truly non-meme philosophers of the current year that have contributed to the knowledge of humanity. Who are the Nietzsche, Socrates, Wittgenstein, Kant of our time?
Jordan Peterson is the most important intellectual of our time.
>prove me wrong
Good point.
He's a decently entertaining guy, but he runs a personality cult. A real mixed bag. But I still sort of like him, and just take everything with a grain of salt. Like you should with everyone you read and listen too.
I mean I think Peterson is intelligent. But he's still a leftist who's basically saying that SJWism is out of control when in fact classical liberalism's idea that all men are equal is what got us in this mess in the first place.
Saying all men are equal doesn't constitute equity, which is what these cunts want. Also Peterson isn't a leftist, he hates leftists. He hates everything with an ideology.
>all men are equal