You know what's ironic about Rogue One? We HAVE to make this movie do amazing at the box office

You know what's ironic about Rogue One? We HAVE to make this movie do amazing at the box office.


Because it will teach Disney that we prefer dark movies where characters die and where the studio has a lot of balls to do things that we would not expect come out of a kid's movie.

So PLEASE go and support this movie by purchasing a ticket to see it!

Disney said this was an experiment to see if a different syle of Star Wars movie could work and hence we NEED to go and pay to see it.

I am posting this on Sup Forums because I know this has been shitposted a lot on here (because of the diversity cast). But ironically Rogue One has turned out to be so much better than Force Awakens and it has made me realize that JJ Abrams is such a bad director when it comes to editing and the pace of his movies.

I hope this gets a good box office so Disney can continue to make dark movies like this where a lot of the main cast die instead of happy endings.

>we have to make this movie do amazing
You've come to know fear it seems. Now comes your suffering

>not wanting Hollywood to make movies with balls and instead do the same old "all main characters live happily ever after" movie

Can we at least get a tall woman to be a badass? These womanlets are a joke.

Despite the autistic calls to boycott the film, there is no way it won't be a massive box office success.

>dark edgy Star Wars maymay
Sorry cunt, I already saw the empire strikes back when I was 4. At least they're rehashing them in order I guess

Dunno man, it's getting shit on fucking hard


I agree

I don't give a single fuck about star wars, disney or hollywood beyond the fact that I'd rather they didn't exist.

The good reviews far outnumber the bad. Even if it is a complete piece of shit, people will still run to go see it because it's Star Wars.

>Paying for Jewood movies
>Current year

Fuck off and die Bruce.

Like they ran out in droves to see the masterpiece known as ghostbusters? Just give up, we're the Jews now bitch boi

Characters dying for nothing but drama and shock value is shit-tier Blair Witch / horror movie level of writing.

They tried that in Attack of the Clones and it didn't work.
Then they tried it in Revenge of the Sith and it REALLY didn't work.

Ghostbusters was complete shit though. Sup Forums called for a boycott of the last Star Wars movie, as well as Battlefield 1, and both of those made shitloads of cash.


Battlefield 1 was actually a good game

except the part where the german sniper is black

Yes it panders to SJWs but its still a good game.

And Ghostbusters was leaked online before it even hit theaters.

It is pretty fun. I think the beta really convinced a lot of people to pick it up.

I don't understand the Amercans obsession with star wars, seem very immature for me!

>florida turnpike


>and ghostbusters was leaked online beforehand
Yeah? And Russia hacked the new Star Wars, what's your point bitch boi?

>beating out every other weapon

I'm not doing anything.

And the movie will do just fine because its Disney with a big famous franchise. The prequels were major financial successes. Star Wars fans will eat any shit they are served.

>not wanting Hollywood to make movies


Have you followed the utter SJW cuckery that's gone into this movie? If it had any balls they've long since been chopped off

They don't

You realize NOW that JJ Abrams is a bad director.? He sucks Spielberg's and Lucas' cocks on a daily basis. Most unoriginal and blatantly imitating "director" ever.

Why would people plop down 15 shekels to go see a movie with so many poor expectations in the theater when they could watch it for free, in HD, in the comfort of their own homes?

Lots of people here grew up with Star Wars, so there's a huge nostalgia factor. Hell, it was the first movie I ever went and watched in a theater as a kid.

Already seen it. Not dark. Not edgy. Not controversial. Not inventive or special or original. Just your friendly neighborhood shekel-lovin jew doin what they do best: money-launder.

Why would people plop down 15 shekels when they could just plop in the empire strikes back into the blue ray player and see the same movie?

> we need people to die
You mean, like Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin's mom, Porkins, and redeemed Vader?

> dark and edgy

People are fucking stupid. The last movie was a beat for beat remake of the first one.

Dark and edgy would be a Paul Verhoeven movie or something by Roth or Tarantino. Darth Vader pulling limbs off rebel scum painfully by uisng the force or shit like this.

>getting a boner while weiting this.

>people are stupid
Do you hear that? There's a train a comin'. Your silly little movie will under perform, mark my words

This thread shows that JJ Abrams is a big hack:

porkins will be remembered

>shine on you fat bastard

I wish it was my movie. That would be like having the ability to print money.

Hmm, if mass media hates it, It may have potential.


>a couple of 9 year olds could come up with better adventures and dialogue

Literally The Force Awakens.

>laughable parody of itself

wait, if the writer implying empire is republican, and the heroes are liberals. Doesnt that mean empire wins? i havent watch it by the way