daily reminder this is fake news to distract from the real story
Thanks to the video uploader for trimming the fat
More like Fawks News.
epic bread coming
this is real.
praise kek
How come no one is talking about it on reddit?
reddit is totally censored these days. anyone who isn't brainwashed has given up.
>tfw CNN was right again
Fake news, saged.
Reddit is false flag this fake news.
I hope someone gets a really good 44 dub in here...
good, let the butthurt flow through you
My anus was hacked by Russians now only penises go in and poo comes out of my penis.
And no one can do shit because most of the American public supports him
You know what this means, right? In future you won't even have to pretend to be American to run for president
I like Mr Mustache cop.
You could tell he was extremely happy with being able to give all the haters and doubters a massive fuck you.
Judgement day is coming.
>conservatards are STILL on the "Obama is not a U.S. citizen" thing
Unbelievable. And they're telling liberals to "get over it" when they complain about Trump winning. How about you get over this meme?
I look like I've seen a ghost. My gf seems to vaguely understand that this is a big deal.
Because it's treason you low-test fucking traitor
Obama was an enemy agent subtly undermining your nation all along
The shilling in this thread is surreal.
Obammer for the slammer
This is nonsense. This will NEVER get reported by serious, maintain outlets that pride themselves on integrity, reason, evidence, and logic.
that deserved the 44.
only two off, shitty luck man.
Shills are sliding this.
Oh shit, it's all over, Obama didn't stand a chance
Obama's birth certificate is fake because he's a CIA agent who worked in Afghanistan
Stop bumping this trash we already have a thread up.
So I'm guessing CNN isn't covering this yet, correct?
Watched it in the last thread, holy shit im convinced. This document is 1000% fake.
Meme magic, thats whats happening.
you're right, it will be plastered everywhere tomorrow morning
It's gonna get nuts, user. Buckle up
>Because it's treason you low-test fucking traitor
That's definitely gonna make me change my mind.
>Obama was an enemy agent subtly undermining your nation all along
A traitor that pulled the nation of the recession Bush left us with..
Fuck off you brit fuck.
Link it you fucking sperg
Oh no! Someone doesn't agree with the collective Sup Forums opinion! S-shill!
Please anybody with the 44 screencast from last thread!
that press conference was a classic media bait probably one of the best, I only wish I knew how long he was planning that
Obama just announced a press conference right after this video went live, this is going to be huge.
Put your leaf back on faggot
Can't stop the meme magic
Even after the birth certificate came out, he publicly announced many people think it's a fraud (and he was right).
I swear this fucking time line
>King nigger is not american
>Hillery lost
>Trump is president
>Alex Jones is right on everything
>proves Obama's birth certificate is fake
>after the next president has already been elected
a little late there buddy
Kek wills it
Oh it's fucking happening. Better buckle up.
How do know Russians didn't hack the birth certificate.
Checkm8 Atheists.
I love how the clinton shills are flooding new topic trying to bury this.
Can he pardon himself?
Whats the point of running with it now?
I still don't get it.
If a fucking PRESIDENT with billions behind him and parties inside the government, why would they fucking shoop one?
Why not just make a real one?
It's retarded.
How is this not trending anywhere? No one is talking about it. Is it credible?
its disputed among constitutional lawyers whether the president can pardon himself
I really hope they are going with this, claiming the Russian hacked the sheriff and the white house.
>Is perfectly ok with Treason
Neck yourself
Ted Cruz was born in Canada, he's a leaf. Didn't seem to bother anyone for some reason though...
I don't think he could in this case, it in fact it proves to be forged.
It is without a doubt 100% credible.
> why is it not trending?
Why did it take weeks for the media to pick up on pizzagate? Why did "fake news" not become a thing until pizzagate?
Kek stop please. Its toying with us.
i never understood why. don't you have to be born on american soil? wtf
I'm not a retarded tin foil hat wearer but at around 40 minutes in they start explaining how it was forged. WTF!!
To bad this thread will get ignored.
ITT conspiracy theorists circle jerking
If you are just coming into this thread, move on
I've always known the birth certificate was fraudulent. But, does anyone think the libshit media will actually report on this?
I'm surprised that not even serious conservative channels are covering this, it's not even on Fox yet.
Anyone watching that video where they showed the evidence can't say that birth certificate isn't fake, it's not even a good fake. Did the stupid asshole make it himself?
Isn't that beautiful? I don't know if I want this to be real or not...
the republicans will control both the house and the senate. the media is going to have to cover this once they start holding congressional hearings.
Yup, pretty much a bunch of Sup Forumstards rallying behind fake information
The 44th president will be the last
Trump is true 44
The white race will reign supreme forever more
The liberals will be eternally BTFO, unable to ever again win an election
Praise the Holy alliance of Kek and Jesus
Watch the video, it proves it's fake without a shadow of a doubt.
The problem is, the news media is scared to touch it because it's fucking huge.
Fuck you faggot, watch the fucking video
Ignore this mans get, it's very solid evidence of forgery
>Why are the mass media, who are currently pushing a non-sourced stories about russian hackers and fake news in an attempt to discredit Trump and give the election to Hillary by any means necessary after losing, not covering a story that would destroy the narrative they've been pushing for nearly a decade?
You and I both know the answer user
Alex Jones orgasm when?
Oh, this is bait. 2/10 because you got me to give you two (you)s
How is this fair to other american born presidents. He shouldnt have won!
Not a true american which is bad for a president.
Inb4 i dindu nuthing
You know we have ID's on this board right?
It seems like it took a long time to actually figure out if this is true or not.
BUT I give it a not pizzagate level of truth, because its seems like semi legit sources. If national Fox and WSJ pick it up its truly an alternate time line.
nah they didn't cover the congressional hearings for comey and such
I just checked. This guys samefagging alright.
wait. what congressional hearings for comey?
isn't that normal for leafs?
The force of the memes pushed me back in my chair, like the blinding light of the Sun beating down upon a new sprout at dawn.
Fox while not the most trustworthy source, especially a local affliate and the fact that its maricopa sheriffs department not Alex Jones makes it plausible not probable as being real.
If its true I doubt the shills will pick it up, Morning Joe and the WSJ are who I wait to see to verify big stuff like this.
Kikes deliberately subverting the law, user. Common law is an old tradition, and it's the lingo that our Constitution was written in. But kikes are "people of the book". They use the letter of the law, instead of the spirit of the law. It's just an excuse to allow for corruption.
We need to keep these threads going all night long to let the whole world know of this stuff.
Also why can't I save pics anymore from here on iPhone? It's been like this for a few weeks I've noticed.
i think if your parents are american citizens and you're born abroad youre still a US citizen
not sure tho