Someone debate me on something political until I get bored.
Others can join in of course
Someone debate me on something political until I get bored.
Others can join in of course
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Do you think it's gay to let your friend suck your dick?
This board is 18+
Okay, what do you think of
That's not really political but yeah
typical corrupt politician, out of touch with reality.
putin hacked 9/11
That Velma is promoting unrealistic body standards
Death penalty or nah?
minimum wage is not supposed to supply all your basic needs
Liking Traps isn't gay
No, it's only gay if you get dick in you. Putting your dick in a hole isn't gay.
Am I the only one who notices that only people with autism use the word debate?
I swear these simpletons do it to sound smart
debate me irl leaf
People who boast about their heritage have nothing to show for themselves.
Nah, here are my reasons
>it's cruel punishment
>often times it's hypocritical
and here's the real kicker, look this up if you don't believe me
>cheaper to keep them alive in prison
Personally I wouldn't mind shipping severe criminals off to Africa or something, but that could be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Well then what word should be used?
Oh user, A bullet is extremely cheap.
>It's a cruel punishment
For a cruel crime. Cunt goes in and stabs a bunch of children, do you want that man alive? I don't!
Hang him by a long fucking noose
>Well then what word should be used?
I didn't know they let 12 yr olds in here
If you want to debate someone go ask Destiny over twitter
I'm a master debater
>China and USA tension rise higher
>europe supplies both sides
>europe back to its former glory
how plausible?
Fuck you
I'm a master baiter
>do you want that man alive?
No, I want this man away form society forever. I'm not joking when I say it's cheaper to keep someone in prison their whole life than to put them on death row (In the USA at least).
not plausible
>countries in europe with resources/manufacturing/lots of money and people willing to sell guns
>China and USA tension rise higher
not plausible
>europe supplies both sides
really not plausible
>europe back to its former glory
only if you remove kebab
It's not, and there's never going to be another major war again. Fighting for the sake of nationalism is out of style and politically suicidal. Any regime / govt. to dare try that would be ousted in within the week.
The media coverage for war would be too personal with social media. Normies couldn't handle the violence. It would be plastered on every screen if EMPs don't whack us back to the stone age first. People in both China and US just want to sit back and watch society sink into degeneracy.
It certainly is not possible in todays political climate, but what if they use strong propaganda?
Look at ISIS, everybody hates ISIS and thinks they should be stopped. Many people think it's good that they get bombed.
>Islam in itself isn't inherently more violent than any other religion
>There is no secret jewish cabal that controls the US or EU governments
>Putin is a shitty autocratic leader
>Communism can work, but it must be structured a certain way
>Rand Paul would have been the optimal POTUS nominee
You may pick ONE and only ONE to debate me about.
Choose wisely.
White people and the way that we organized society is literally the foundation for all modern civilization. Mudslimes and shitskins could never have created modern technological civilization because they are too buisy measuring dicks and competing for mates.
Unfortunately modern civilization is quickly unraveling due to feminism:
The sexual revolution is literally the death knell for every transcendent culture throughout history.
Literally every culture that has ever risen to political hegemony has had highly restrictive monogamy so women's sexuality had no effect on partnering and men could be free to re-direct their mate attracting energies into productive societal goals.
Put simply: If all your men have a slice of trim at home and aren't thinking about trying to get their dick sucked 24/7 it's amazing what they can get done.
Dissolution of strict monogamy universally leads a culture to downfall as they either break up from internal anarchy or are overtaken by outside invaders who have more strict sexual morality.
Hopefully we can opt-out of this problem with robowaifu or something so that non-sex-addict, delayed-gratificiation white 'beta' men can once again raise a family in a stable nurturing environment instead of spending enormous time and energy to compete for sex only to then have to constantly worry about cuckoldry and divorce rape.
lol wat a fag
i like to use the word debate because i hate the connotation of "arguing" because people just write off "arguing" because they assume i do it maliciously or just to be a bother when in reality they're usually to stupid to understand people can have a heated exchange of ideas without actually being upset at the other person.
i dont do it to sound smart, but i may be an autismo
>Islam in itself isn't inherently more violent than any other religion
Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."
Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."
Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"
Quran (8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..."
Quran (25:52) - "Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness..." "Strive against" is Jihad - obviously not in the personal context. It's also significant to point out that this is a Meccan verse.
Read all about it here fag
Tbqh senpai personally i wouldn't want that Pyschopath to be even still alive. Doesn't matter. Cunt's fucked - He thought it was OK to slaughter people, And now he will pay the price. Simple as it sounds.
those are the most vague statements I've ever heard
>Islam in itself isn't inherently more violent than any other religion
Inherent violence is irrelevant, outcome is what actually matters you fucking idiot. Look at the crime statistics and the demographics; Islam is shitting up Europe and replacing it's population. What does inherent violence have to do with anything? Humans are inherently violent you fucking moron.
you fell for his shit-tier bait m8
I agree with this
>Islam in itself isn't inherently more violent than any other religion
Fucking kek I'll pass on the rest ( Joos run shit even if they don't have a secret cabal but you can't prove they do one way or the other without being a part of the cabal, Putin is Putin don't care one way or the other what he is I have no problem with Russia doing what Russia needs to do for their Country, Communism is a fail experiment until proven otherwise, and fuck Rand Paul but that's a opinion and subjective to the individual.)
There's no way anyone can claim that Islam is less violent then other religions as they stand today.
Our universe is decaying at an exponential rate due solely to the summoning of chaos gods by a few thousand uninhibited cultists with massives stores of untapped sexual energy. The results of which are a combination of absurd humor, sadistic perversion, and near-impossible outcomes at an international level such as:
>South Korea was ruled by a brainwashing psychic feminist cult for the last decade
>Donald Trump won the US presidential election yet for the first time in US history it has become an actual issue whether or not the results will be respected on December 19th
>A number of world leaders and Hillary Clinton herself have been linked to a Ping-Pong/Pizza joint in DC under accusations of a pedarast den
>Clinton herself has alleged that Vladimir Putin hacked DNC emails and revealed her own plan to rig the election
>Clinton does this after smashing thousands of phones and laptops with hammers and failing to cover up thousands more incriminating emails, which she has yet to stand trial for
>An internet anime forum has declared war on the Island Nation of Tuvalu and are planning an armed invasion to establish a white nationalist state which will make its decisions based on worshiping an ancient Chaos Frog God and gambling
>8 years after his election we find that the US president faked his birth certificate
>all of this has occurred and yet the site's main interest: proving the holocaust was a lie, still has not occurred
did I miss anything?
Did any more crazy shit go down in the last 10 minutes?
Would anyone like to present an alternative theory as to why history books 100 years from now will have an entire page reserved for this year, which will read more like Howard the Duck than a historical account? I'm out of ideas. Clearly there's a standard universe still progressing out there and we're just waiting for some schmuck to get hit by a plane so this will all be a hilarious dream.
Ah a debate thread good good. I have a few things.
>The Earth is Flat
>Liking/Fucking traps/trans people isn't gay if they actually look and sound like a woman
>The Jews/Freemasons/Elites put messages in video games, movies, TV shows, and music
>We probably live in a simulation
>Dinosaurs do not exist
>Giants going all the way up to 30 feet tall existed
>A small government constitutional republic is the best form of government without an AI/Godlike being running it
>Nuclear bombs don't exist
Pick 1 and only 1 please because I know a lot of these are controversial but it's hard to argue for multiple subjects at once.
but we /dictatorship/ now
This is where 1984 fuc bois throw a hissy fit.
Propaganda is not sustainable for long periods - at least not with the internet and modern telecommunications. Even a chucked countries like China, with its Great Firewall, cannot stave off counter propaganda. North Korea is the only country that can properly institute widespread govt. propaganda due to: small population, technological isolation, and publicly owned; authoritarian distribution of news.
China can't do it. There are too many tunnels under their wall and hints of any bullfuckery would seep out/in too quickly for covert political schemes. Thousands of people fly from China to US and vice versa everyday. The world is too interconnected nowadays. Nuke New York and you're killing at least someone from every non-shit hole country on Earth... plus destroying the world economy. With the US, major media is too polarized. CNN announces the sky is green; Fox turns around and says it's actually brown. Misinformation is a shit show, and George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, etc. never could have imagined the power the internet has. Everything might be propaganda nowadays, but when every color of propaganda is present nothing can take root.
If anything, the platform you're using right now is the greatest globalist conspiracy.
>and here's the real kicker, look this up if you don't believe me
Yea look up this common fact that every other pretender on reddit knows.
Is that screenshot from the show?
Yeah, it's too expensive.
Interesting points, do you believe all of these or are you playing some sort of devils advocate?
Anyone I'll go with this one
>Giants going all the way up to 30 feet tall existed
Since I feel like it also relates to this
>Dinosaurs do not exist
I guess my question is, how can you state both of those with confidence?
Climate change is real and human activity has had a significant impact in accelerating it
>what are female friends
Death penalty cases cost too much to prosecute, and they only make white collar jew lawyers rich.
Velma is best girl
Yeah, that's partly true. Of course, I'm not worried becasue I don't live in a flood plain, storm area, or near the ocean.
Psalms 14:1 - (To the chief Musician, [A Psalm] of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good.
Revelations 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death
2 Thessalonians 1:9
9 They (nonbelievers) will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might
2 Timothy 2:3
3Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4
1 Timothy 1:18
Timothy, my child, I entrust you with this command in keeping with the previous prophecies about you, so that by them you may fight the good fight
My argument stands.
Not very vague if you're not so incompetent.
The religion Islam, compare it to any other religion, christianity, judiasm, zoroastrianism, roman, norse or greek paganism, hinduism, athiesm, native indian and mesoamerican paganism,shinto, taoism the one exception maybe being buddhism, Islam, is not inherently more violent than any of them , at its basis, as the ideology, as the religion, than any of the others.
It's not islam, and Humans are not inherently violent anymore, and havent been for some time, religion has been a civilizing force in humanity and islam has probably civilized more people and prevented death on a wider scale than its caused in the past 16 years.
Humanity being "inherently" violent is your stupid subjective opinion, theres no data behind it. compare the scripture of almost any ancient holy text, and they all have their religious justification for violence, but even then it was more authoritative, as opposed to the senseless killing that prevailed for many centuries prior.
>you fell for his shit-tier bait m8
>asking for an argument
>getting one
>LOL B8!!!!!!!
I like that you're quoting texts mostly written by jews.
I actually do believe all the points.
Well dinosaurs I truly believe all the bones/fossils discovered of most of the reptilian esque so called bird ancestors are fake. Most skeletons that exist currently were all discovered by a few people and most skeletons were accused of being fake and they even admitted to them being fake.
So my thing against dinosaurs is that if the people who discovered a majority of dinosaurs if tons of their discoveries are fake why should any of their discoveries be considered real?
As for giants I suppose I can address that aswell almost every archaeologist who finds a giant skeleton and sends them to the Smithsonian or something of that nature the skeletons vanish and there seems to be an agenda of when you do research for giants the first things that always pop up are ridiculous photoshops despite their being legitimate discoveries of massive humanoid giant skeletons.
In Peru for instance in plenty of museums they have giant skeletons on display. I'm on mobile rn and I have to go to dinner but whether you believe this is just conspiracy nonsense or not I'd recommend looking into these things aswell as my other points to understand why people believe them.
>literal barbarian logic
*upper lip curls*
It's from "Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare". The DVD movies are all pretty good.
Griffith (human form) did nothing wrong, debate me faggots.
That's not velma
>joos geographically have one of the smallest nations
>joos statistically have one of the smallest populations worldwide
>the fact they are jewish does not correlate with the fact they are terrible people
>i can agree with you about being apathetic to russia
>If you make a communist society, and define a crystal clear set of standards for the society to operate on
>every citizen is to get a car house, education up to college, a years worth of food, internet, electricity, clothes, cell phone, laptop
>mandatory 1 year conscription
>we have the means of production
and heres the catch
we leave a free market system in for people to get better stuff, the communism acts more like a safety net of sorts.
>rand paul and his stances are more ideologically aligned than donald trumps to the republican party, not even subjective
Islam has only had a streak of violence in the past 30 years, after it had been destabilized through many wars by the US. Im a proud patriot saying this btw, our government even admits to it at this point.
Alright, lets take a step back then.
If Islam isn't inherently violent, why is the Middle East one of the most violent regions in the world? Why have crime rates increased significantly after a large number Muslims refugees were brought into Europe? If it's not inherent in Islam, where is it coming from?
Finally, my statement
Humanity being "inherently" violent is your stupid subjective opinion,
is supported by your statement
>the scripture of almost any ancient holy text, and they all have their religious justification for violence
Maybe we have different definitions of inheritance but history shows us that for 99% of our history, we have been violent beasts compared to contemporary times.
>Humans are not inherently violent anymore, and havent been for some time
What, 50 years? Are you kidding me?
it will affect you other ways
species of fish which are valuable in China will go extinct due to changes in water, causing ripples in the economy downstream
ecosystems that soften the impact of weather will dissapear, and disasters will get ever more catastrophic
et cetera
>rand paul and his stances are more ideologically aligned than donald trumps to the republican party
Actually Rand has more in common with Donald Trump's policies then the Republicans and only recently soften them a little to appeal more to the Republican base.
And it's most diffidently subjective if he would have been a better nominee then any other candidate and that's not a opinion but fact.
Makes sense
>Islam has only had a streak of violence in the past 30 years
Almost missed this, bullshit they have been a violent religion most of their history like most the others use to be.
I couldn't give a single fuck what you claim to be I have no way of proving it anyways.
And so what if a lying government claims that the help the sand niggers get more violent then usually that isn't saying much considering honor killings and other fucked up violent shit Muslims do on a normal day without the wars even happening.
The Quran has Alot, Alot more such verses than any other religion texts do. And plus - When was the last time you heard of any Christian terrorist attacks eh? It's obvious Islamic culture is alot more enforcing of these verses huh.
Like i said you can view a fucking shit ton of it here
Pic related is you right now
Even the John Cena one?
Damn my dude.
You walked right into this one.
If Islam isn't inherently violent, why is the Middle East one of the most violent regions in the world? Why have crime rates increased significantly after a large number Muslims refugees were brought into Europe? If it's not inherent in Islam, where is it coming from?
How about this,
>gulf war invasion of 91' for oil
>overthrowing saddam in iraq even though there was no real proof of WMDs
>as a result creating a power vacuum which violent jihad
>rinse in repeat in afghanistan, libya, syria, all while cucking ourselves with RoE's
One way to instantly radicalize a bunch of people them being atheist or islamist, is destroy their homes, kill their families and plunder their country.
HMMMM wonder why its just the muslims from the middle east and not in jakarta. or chinese muslims, or turks for the most part, or azerbaijan, or most of the post SSR stans
>50 year are you kidding me?
How do you define the transition of mankind ffrom savages into a civilized society? laws. what did laws typically abolish, unjustified murder, theft, rape
What were the first modern laws we have? Religion.
I mean sure, humans will always have conflict like anything in the world, but we do not just loot and rape and murder each other at all times.
>but we do not just loot and rape and murder each other at all times.
In Muslim Countries they do and get away with it most the time because the law allows it.
>cheaper to keep someone in prison their whole life than to put them on death row
I know you're on Sup Forums but please, provide sources.
>One way to instantly radicalize a bunch of people them being atheist or islamist, is destroy their homes, kill their families and plunder their country.
>HMMMM wonder why its just the muslims from the middle east and not in jakarta. or chinese muslims, or turks for the most part, or azerbaijan, or most of the post SSR stans
How do you explain the Muslim Terrorism in Burkina Faso, Burma and Nigeria then?
They aren't western governments my dude. Maybe it's the fact that Muhammad outlines terrorism as a commandment for adherents of islam.
The only future in which propaganda might be reasonable, is if splinter nets become a big meme. Unfortunately for that theory, splinter-nets are not profitable in a globalizing market. If you cut your country off complexly your competitors will best you. China missed out on a lot of the internet boom becasue of that, and is now just catching up with more specific state filtering that doesn't totally restrict access.
>HMMMM wonder why its just the muslims from the middle east
it's not, you just handed me the examples on a silver platter
>Chinese Muslims
>Central Asia
All these regions has serious Muslims problems, are you shitposting right now?
>what did laws typically abolish, unjustified murder, theft, rape
And why do we have those laws? Because it's human nature to be violent, bravo.
And just like that, the liberal is shown his ignorance. I wonder how he will proceed and what gymnastics he will use to blame it all on de ebul white man.
no surprise there