I'm spooked about the press conference tomorrow
What if Obongo denies Trump the presidency because "muh Russian hax"
I'm spooked about the press conference tomorrow
What if Obongo denies Trump the presidency because "muh Russian hax"
civil war
i don't think he has the balls tbqh
What if French Nobles don't accept their new English king in 1337?
Even if he did he cannot link it to Trump, only to Putin
>civil war meme
You spineless cowards won't do anything.
Thanks for the reassuring trips
My dude I am ready to fight and die for my liberty
You spineless cowards can't even fight fucking emus.
It's probably fucking nothing.
No we fought them we just didn't win. You guys will sit on Sup Forums and reeeeeee all day.
Speak for yourself.
I like my freedom, and I'd be willing to die if it was taken from under me.
That won't happen. There would quite literally be civil war, or at the very least failed guerilla-style assaults on Washington and federal buildings across the country.
A year ago he had another "surprise speech" and everyone said he was going to ban guns. We consistently underestimate just how amazingly arrogant this idiot truly is. He honestly thinks that when all else fails, he can just order us around, and we'll obey him.
Nice digits fellow burger.
>implying I don't have guns and I'm living in MASSACHUSETTS
>losing to fucking birds
At least we didn't lose the president we voted for :^)
I am glad to see that at least one Australian is safe from the emu death squads.
Oy m8, if ya doin some shitpostan, ya are the resistance.
This what we've all been waiting for
Confirmed, Obongo too pussy to steal election from Trump.
>fellow burger
Obama's going on vacation following the press conference so I doubt it will be something that big. Likely it'll be him telling people to calm down then he'll get some backlash for it but then he'll be on vacation for the shit to blow over
Probably correct that Sup Forums won't, but every stereotypical gun toting redneck voted Trump, and they would not stand for this.
There will be right wing death squad meet up threads tommarow
This is true. When obongo gets mad, he can't help but swing his big black dick around and knock shit off the table. He has nigger blood, so chimpouts are unavoidable.
Probably, yeah, but you never can tell nowadays.
If he's really going to do it, I see it going a few ways
>Overturn the result completely, the Clinton/Kaine ticket wins
>Clinton achieves her life-goal of being president
>Is instantly the most hated and controversial president ever
>Legal experts, liberals who are actually paying attention, and every butthurt Trump voter loses their shit
>Her dream becomes her nightmare
>She kills herself within a year of taking office, tops
>Pence takes Trump's place
>Trump is VP, Pence is PotUS
>Whining ensues, but very little changes
>Obama agrees to step down at the end of his term, but gives the office to Joe Biden
>Whining ensues, legal experts lose their shit
>Obama ends up cutting ties with his BFF Joe so he gets less shit from republicans about "Four more years of Obama"
>Or at least he would if he has any sense
>Biden still gets plenty of shit from republicans
>Obama steps down as scheduled
>Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is declared the de facto president per the rules of succession
>Average voter asks "Who the fuck is Paul Ryan?" because they don't remember him from Mitt's presidential run
>Most republican voters eventually come to terms with this and completely forget about draining the swamp
>Obongo denies
can't deny anything hes not even real american
you had a muslim nigger as fake president for 8 years.
obama is ballse, I don't think he is that ballze. If he is, he hasn't thought this trough fully. lol
Obongo is going to flip the fucking boat before it gets into the water
all misspelled intentionally.
Which speech was this?
It's like a slow-motion tantrum, though. I've never seen him actually lose his cool.
I'm looking forward to Trump's legit "kid at a supermarket checkout" tantrum if he's denied the presidency.
youre at the other end of the contintent , stfu strayas , is your barren wasteland that boring you´ve to project on Sup Forums and make the worst posts of them all to get your daily dose of (yous) ? fucking hate australians now , hope a kangaroo guts you wide open.
What if they find out Obama wasn't born in the U.S and his whole presidency was illegitimate ?
And at the same time Obama denies Trump the presidency ?
Will the deep state appoint a facist dictator, declare martial law, make the public give up their weapons, go to war with Russia and invade all those countries with U.S military bases for the benifit of the military industrial complex and U.S world dominance that they are already trying to implement trough globalism ?
Hey fuck you Ahmed go rape another white woman
>I'm spooked about the press conference tomorrow
don't be, Obama is going to force the DEA to reschedule marijuana and let people out of jail
this will be the keystone of his legacy as president
screencap this
Well turns out Obama wasn't even born in the US, so what can he really do?
Good trips, quality trips, trips made in America.
You do realize you don't need to be born in the U.S. to be a Natural Born Citizen.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada.
>>Is instantly the most hated and controversial president ever
Why would anyone want to take that title away from Trump?
I think we'd see the military step in and make sure the law was followed
>muh red line
Obama will do nothing
This would cause civil war
We already did... Twice. Third time's a charm.
Witnessed - Obongo doesn't have the balls to do it.
idk what would happen, but it would be a major fucking problem.
easy pease lemon squeeze!
Oh, i read
>No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President
I thought you need to be born and lived in U.S for over 14 years .
>Appoint a fascist dictator
>New York businessman
>Plutocratic cabinet appointees
>"I'll respect the result...If I win." Translates to "I'll accept the will of the people, but only when it agrees with me. Otherwise it can go fuck itself."
They've already got that part. The rest seems way too quick and violent for a majority of people to not resist. Why do something in 5 years that MIGHT work when you can do something in 25 years that's guaranteed to work?
I live in southern Arkansas and me and my ex-marine and navy seal buds are part of an emergency militia that includes Texas and Missouri. We're armed to the teeth with fully automatic assault rifles, grenades, and one whackjob even has an RPG. We're ready to march on Washington peacefully until they shoot first, then we'll
Unleash hell as the world watches the american government fight anf kill its own people who once served in the forces. I'll willingly die a martyr in the face of totalatarianism but I'll put up a fight the whole time
something could happen tomorrow but really what are the chances he'd hold this huge press conference to deny trump the office and then fly to hawaii for vacation? and we all know nothing gets in the way of obamas vacations
God damn im jelly, i wish i had one of those guns over here..
What I don't get is how they are linking this shit to Trump, if its true that Russia was behind some of this shit then they would have done it all regardless of who the republican nominee was, putin just hates the clintons. I mean nobody has said that the russians swayed the republican primary...What makes it even funnier is in the emails Hillary WANTED to run against someone like Trump or Cruz.
Though Michael might
It wont work. Military hates Obama. Military can easily kill cia or any other agency which defends jewish pedo rings.
Obama's a pussy. He'll probably just announce some joint congressional investigation about Russia and whine about fake news, basically just stuff to make Trump and his "pro Russian" cabinet appointments look bad but nothing beyond that.
hope these liberals know that man has a plan to kill them all lol
I actually saw the guy during his 2010 vacation to Martha's Vineyard. I rode past him in the opposite direction on a bike path and he was gone by the time we'd said "good morning" to each other.
This was during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. I know he probably delegated that shit in advance, but it still made me uncomfortable to see him there.
he will and the civil war will begin.
he will say its becuase they need to figure out what happened and that he is suspending the election indefinitely.
If Obama tried this he would have the military turn against him.
They might even slaughter his entire cabinet just so Trump could take over.
blessings of kek
>A plan to kill everyone he meets
You're everyone too, user. Be afraid. He'd punch trump in the throat and steal the nuclear launch codes if he becomes convinced the president's been subverted.
He's probably just going to say cut out the Russian hackers and electoral college shit and now is the time for unity etc because things are starting to get out of control
If Obama can present legit intel that shows Russia fucked with the election and Trump was in on it, Trump deserves to be jailed forever.
If not, Obama can fuck off and take the loss like a man.
can't understand what kind of person types out all this stupid bullshit
Trump is Julius Caesar.
Try us motherfuckers.
LOL @ Ragnar Lothbrok dying in a pit of snakes.
The military wouldn't kill their own in the name of Obama. Not a good enough reason.
fuck yourself anglo
>I'm looking forward to Trump's legit "kid at a supermarket checkout" tantrum if he's denied the presidency.
Yeah me too, I remember the last time someone threw one of those.
Majority of states in the union currently are Republican governed. It would not end well for Democrats. Why you ask. Because they still have the power to shut the fed down and rewrite law if they all banded together.
Let's hope Obama is not stupid enough to to interfere with Trump taking office....
How did the secret service let you get that close to him?
Not everyone threatening civil war is on Sup Forums. Most of them have been stockpiling weapons and ammo in record numbers over the last 8 years. You're in denial. People are going to die.
Lock n' load boys
that's why there are over 500k foreign troops inside the united states, the dhs has russian spetznas on payroll, there are massive amounts of chinese troops in mexico along the border aswell and ever 3rd world central american hell hole wants a piece of the pie too. Dont be so arrogant. This will be a scorched earth continent.
Brown-nose harder, you fucking one-man cringe factory.
concern shilling wow, wtf is this
Kek is this pasta?
Springfield MO here. My brothers and I are ready to roll.
He wont do shit. Obembo just wants to retire and spend the rest of his life playing golf and sucking 'michelles' dick. Trying to essentially overturn democratic elections he'd simply end up losing and going to spend the rest of his life in gitmo.
that fucking kenian nigger can't deny Trump anything, he better get ready to get the rope once his presidency is proven to have been illegitimate.
>russians are going to fight for Obama
lol, nice source btw